Garden Design

🌳 An Oasis Under the Oaks Garden Tour! 🌳 :: California Garden Designed By Michael Glassman!

Welcome Gardeners! We are visiting another garden designed by Michael Glassman today! Meet Ryann, owner of this gorgeous property under the oak trees. Her simple color palette in the garden of whites and purples makes this property simply stunning! 🌳 Enjoy!

Thank you to Ryann and family for letting us come see your beautiful home!

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β€”β€”β€”β€”M Y L I N K Sβ€”β€”β€”β€”

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I N S T A G R A M:
F A C E B O O K:
W E B S I T E:
M E R C H A N D I S E:

β€”β€”β€”β€”B R A N D S I W O R K W I T Hβ€”β€”β€”β€”

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β€”β€”β€”β€” A D D R E S S β€”β€”β€”β€”

Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618

β€”β€”β€”β€”F T C D I S C L A I M E R β€”β€”β€”β€”

This video is not sponsored but plants and or products have been provided for me to try out.

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#gardentour #michaelglassmandesigns #californiagarden

[Music] hi everyone Janie here welcome back I have another fantastic fantastic Garden Tour I want to introduce you all to Ryan Ryan thank you for letting us be here of course Ryan was also on the Pence Gallery Garden Tour and her garden is stunning you all are going to love this so much oh my gosh so thank you thank you yeah so Glassman helped design this is that right he did all the design he’s incredible incred happy with how it turned out it really is gorgeous but you picked out all the plants is that right I picked out with Michael with some yes with him um but picked everything out and was we’re happy to show you around yeah so you you and your family moved here to Davis you went to college hereon Davis is that right yes and went to back e for a long time and then just came back just came back a couple years years ago and so you’ve been in this house for about 2 years a little over 2 years and then you said the garden is about a year old about a year old so it’s still pretty fresh it’s still pretty young but you can see it’s starting to fill in it’s starting to look really gorgeous and I’m so excited what would I mean I know what my favorite part about your garden it’s your trees trees they’re stunning I can’t wait to show you all in the backyard what would you say your favorite part is about your garden um the trees the Tre I love the the location is is awesome I would like I’m going to title this video Oasis under the oak trees cuz they’re gorgeous okay all right let me grab my camera and then maybe you can show us around sounds good all right all right so what we are in front of your house right now correct yeah I just have to say your house is stunning on the inside it is stunning it is the type of house that I would just dream to live in was it hard to have renovation be in construction for so long it was it was hard but it was worth it we really like it now that we’re in now that we’re back in I love it and then did you you redid the outside of the house too we well we did we we painted and up spruced it up with with the garden yeah and the new lights and all that kind of stuff yeah yeah and then you were telling me that you thought you felt like the garden made the house the garden definitely makes the house look so much better so it’s like well it’s nice you have pretty flowers but right with but it just makes a house pop so absolutely I’ll have to show you guys from the street cuz it looks so much better than than it did can we first start off with these what are these right here this is um Jasmine yeah Jasmine and this is the white jasmine yeah and we did we did these trellises to match the front um the front banister oh it’s gorgeous so it kind of all goes together and the same the same iron work is out back also oh beautiful so these are going to start well did they already BL they already bloomed yeah they smelled really good oh my goodness and then up here you have this cute little collection yeah these are tree ferns um they’re just like been growing like crazy had to keep cutting off the branches cuz they’re just like taking over all right let me bring you all out to the front so that we can see now you and Michael designed these gorgeous steps right here yeah the steps are I love how the steps turned out before it was just a very narrow like little walkway and so this is better so pretty lights on them so it oh you do oh my goodness so this is the sign from where like our old how it used to look cute and we just tore it off the side and I’m like I’m like I can’t get rid of that this is this is how it used to look okay so first of all everybody look at the oak trees look at them were you just like in love as soon as you saw this property because you you all bought this house from another couple an elderly couple is that right from the original owners your original owners oh my gosh and they love the oak trees too they’re jealous St so when I came on the Pence Gallery Garden Tour that’s the I couldn’t I could I took pictures of them cuz they’re just so stunning well you know it’s really nice because in the summer it’s like 15Β° cooler in the shade so it’s just much much nicer oh my goodness so tell me about this ground cover this is supposed to be drought it is drought resistant um and originally it was just all grass in the front Okay and it was just it was just so much grass yeah um and so this I like how this turns out myoporum yeah how it turned out it just gives a lot more Dimension to it and I love how it kind of is growing in between the in between the steps all that kind of stuff and then the Three Trees right here these are crepe mytle yeah what color have they’re purple purple so tell me about why purple so so I wanted to do the Ice Iceberg roses that was the white and I wanted to choose one other color um just because I’m like otherwise it’s going to be so hard to pick the flowers it’s I’m going to limit myself by one color too many choices um and my daughter’s favorite color is purple so I was like well why not what a good mom oh so purple crepe myrtles be beautiful and then you said agapanthus yeah agapanthus those are purple too deep deep purple ones Pur gorgeous oh I love the Deep Purple ones they’re beautiful and then you all can see oh my goodness this is such an amazing example can I step on the ground oh yeah of course this is an amazing example of the iceberg roses they’re just so beautiful and they do so well for us here and it’s just oh my goodness it’s just beautiful and you even have them over on this side too gorgeous can you tell every about so when I came um for the garden tour your daughter was out here chasing oh we have a little Peter Rabbit bunny yes they have a bunny so cute the bunny is just the cutest thing the sweetest pooie so she was out here chasing poochie the bunny and my daughters were like best friend it was so sweet so then it looks like there’s a little Mound right here is that right they they added the mound just to give some interest and also our bunny loves to be on the mound because he can look out oh it’s so sweet has a little bit of yeah so it’s a bunny Mound so you just let them run out here when we are out here we supervised yeah that is so cute these roses smell so good Ryan they just oh my gosh they smell so good and then here more purple more purple yeah um this is the pin cushion Y and those are those are doing really really well beautiful they’re probably so happy here um and then Mexican Sage gorgeous like more purple agath panas yeah and then I see you have um the topiaries dotted everywhere the topiaries that’s beautiful and you’re growing a boxwood hedge as well yeah I’m going to keep it more natural looking though versus I think so just so maybe not so formal but a little yeah beautiful oh so yeah it’s I mean it’s still a young Garden but you can see where it’s going and everything’s starting to fill in and it’s just so beautiful here and then you have three more um what’ you say those were red bud trees we have Red Buds those just finished blooming which is I was like oh shoot but they were very very pretty those were purple too and then the butterfly bushes they just getting going it’s just beautiful I love that you’ve kept to a color story of what I mean it’s it’s called the Paradox of choice there too many choices in the in the nursery you’re so smart just someone who cannot say no to color I love seeing this because it’s so interesting and it’s so beautiful and it just the whole garden just kind of comes together thank you oh it’s just so beautiful can we see the backyard yes please okay ooh this is beautiful Japanese maple right here yeah that is Gorge gorgeous and then again more of the oak trees did Michael put the Rocks around it like the Rocks were already here they were yeah yeah oh and you have lighting too I can see we added all the lighting the lighting is really really pretty oh my goodness I’m sure it’s absolutely gorgeous what is this I didn’t even notice this is this a little storage shed this yeah this is a shed so we put a we have kind of a cool door on it oh my goodness and it’s just so nice things you don’t want in your garage yes you like gardening stuff old bikes oh that’s fantastic oh that is beautiful all right so let me show you all more of The Hardscape more of the stepping stones are just stunning and then oh gosh how nice how [Music] wonderful oh my goodness I haven’t even noticed this I walked right by this little outdoor shower so my daughter loves to have plates where we just have the kids in the um the hot tub and they can just go straight to the shower how fun I want to be your daughter’s friend and then beautiful Japanese maples be behind and then you’re lucky your neighbors have some beautiful trees back there too they do yeah that’s that’s pretty nice and then I’ve noticed you have planted some vinka Miner yeah is that right so that should fill in and look really really beautiful eventually we wanted to yeah to just not have so much grass which is the water you know just drains us on the water so we had to look for ways that we could do something else yeah you’ve done great you’ve done a great job can you tell me what these things back here are these are Chamas oh man do you know what kind this I don’t know what kind this was one my one deviation from the purple was the pink when I when I was little we had pink Chamas so like put out put you had to do it I had to do it you had to do it oh I just love it so see what I mean by the oak trees I mean look at that can you imagine and so remember here in Davis we get up to like 110Β° regularly in the summer so 15Β° cooler that’s nice it’s a really big difference that’s really really nice what a beautiful beautiful place to come and hang out thanks um okay so okay you guys ready so you guys live on a golf course we live on a golf course yeah which is beautiful so you have this borrowed Green Landscape behind you I say it’s the best because someone else knows the grass else not not us so we can look at it someone else pays to water it we don’t have to water it we don’t have to mow it so that’s why back here we just we decided to do a lot of Hardscape y to you know we had we could enjoy grass from the golf course but isn’t that nice that you just don’t have to worry about it really is that extra yeah so can you sit back here and watch the golfers and everything we can actually there the balls always end up in our pool oh they do yeah yeah the VAC the pool vacuum does not like golf balls so we are constantly battling the splices people’s bad hit yeah I love that and then more beautiful Japanese maples over here gorgeous yeah and the hydranges are are bluish purple they are MH yeah oh more purple I love it so are you the one who did you want to have these top berries here yeah yeah we put so we have you can come up on the on this the patio so we had the iceberg roses and then down in front of like the I guess in the middle that we have a carpet Rose oh and then we we we broke and then Topia the the um the iceberg Roses again so we broke it up with topes when you go for the different types of roses interesting because inside we can look out and want to see a lot of the big roses that’s so smart that’s so smart okay so you can see there’s icebergs over there those get about 4 feet tall and then the topiary is that that’s just a boxwood topiary and then carpet roses right here yeah wow and so then when we built the deck we put the just so we didn’t we weren’t blocking it we built the the um the Planters into the deck versus having them on top of the deck yeah so it’s really really open I just have to point out yeah stray golf ball someone did not was did not stay on The Fairway on that one have you seen that video where the Dad they live on a golf course and every time someone hits it the dad goes and lays next to the golf ball like it’s like it hit him and he just lays flat down on the ground I love it that’s funny I love it oh this is beautiful do you know what kind of stone this is is Traver te oh it’s just beautiful and it has this grayish color which matches your inside out of the house perfectly really really beautiful and then your gorgeous gorgeous outdoor kitchen I’m sure this gets used a ton during the summer it does yeah it just put food out and stuff and that’s Granite so very easy to take care of and the lighter color doesn’t show dirt as much on the outside as this stuff darker color yeah oh my goodness I just have to say this Garden is just incredible you are so lck I mean look at this back here look at this and then more of these stres and they’re not quite blooming yet but they will be and they’ll be a stunner once they’re once they’re blooming all that kind of stuff so do you find yourself wanting to add more plants to your garden or are you happy with no no more plants you’re done we’re done I this is enough of as to take care of yes yeah I think that that’s great I think that’s great that you know that and you know you’ve limited your color palette so it all makes sense and you don’t have to worry about it and now you just you can wait and let it grow in yeah right just enjoy it oh it’s just so beautiful well I just want to say a huge thank you for letting us come I really really appreciate it and another huge thank you for being on the Pence Gallery Garden Tour because so much fun it is so much fun to come to see the Garden it is a lot of fun really beautiful and I just have to say you know how fun is it to see another one of Michael glassman’s designs so anyway Ryan thank you so much thank you for coming I hope you all enjoyed this and I hope you all have a chance to get in your garden today [Music]


  1. Thank you Ryann and Janey for this stunning visit ! I wish I could transport that entire property, plants and all to where I live ! πŸ₯°πŸŒΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

  2. Maybe address what to not plant around oak trees. Noticed the large rocks around the circumference of the oak trees.

  3. Absolutely love this garden! Love the purple and white color palette and the modern design. The oak trees are stunning ❀

  4. This garden is absolutely beautiful and Rayan is so sweet. I can see why you enjoy these garden tours the people are just lovely and the gardens are amazing. 🌸🌺

  5. I enjoyed the peacefulness of this garden.The oaks are spectacular and the entry steps are a moment! The homeowner reminds me of Jennifer Garner.

  6. What a very interesting tour! From the front you get the impression of a modest bungalow and then you enter the side yard, which captures your attention, because it's unexpected hot tub and shower space, and then shockingly, a huge, gorgeous back yard that also shows the incredible expansion of the house and access to the golf course. In typical Michael Glassman style, everything is so cohesive, gorgeous and tasteful, with the small details that make living easy and enjoyable. What a lovely homeowner….thank you sharing your beautiful home and gardens with us!

  7. Gorgeous setting and I love the large steps and iron trellis's at the entry way! Those iceberg roses make a huge statement! I wonder how big your temperature range is on a daily basis because you talk about getting up into the 100s, but I see y'all in sweaters and long sleeves?! I would have loved to see Poochi! Thank you for this amazing tour, Ryann and Janey!

  8. What a beautiful garden! Thank you so much for sharing! STUNNING has become one of my favorite words to describe a garden! Each is so individual but so much a reflection of the gardener! All are STUNNING!β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯οΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸ’πŸŒ³

  9. Oh, such a lovely garden. There IS beauty in simplicity and I'm really leaning into gardens that are different from what I always thought a garden should look like. The row of white iceberg roses in the front are stunning, the majestic oak trees, and not to mention the side and back garden/entertaining space. Thank you Janey and thank you Rayann for inviting us into your garden.

  10. I used to have old oak trees and hydrangeas before a 2019 hurricane with tornadoes came onshore in my coastal southeastern NC neighborhood. Those tornadoes ripped up my trees. The backyard is full HOT sun now. I still miss those trees. I also live on a golf course and get golf balls in my yard all the time. I'm going to have to try the lay on the ground by the golf ball trick.

  11. A STUNNING garden! Michael Glassman is truly a master in his work! So many wonderful ideas can be copied from his designs. The concrete steppingstones, the rocks around the trees, the vertical plant supports, the berm in the front yard, the hedge of hydrangeas, the planting bed built into the patio, and more! These are all items that anyone can do at home on a smaller scale, over time. They can be adapted to non-custom materials so as to stretch the budget as well. Thanks, Janey, for taking us along on the tour.

  12. I noticed you didn’t ask how she battles with all the leaves in the fall/winter! I have two huge oaks and summer photos are the only thing that gets me through the 150 bags of raked leaves! And bc, as I was told by an arborist, one is a male and the other is a female, they don’t have the good manners to drop leaves at the same time! I may have said a little prayer during our last few hurricanes (Florida) to just tip one over! Safety, in the street! Of course!

  13. You have completely changed how you interview. You use to talk alot more and get excited and interrupted alot because you were so excited. You seem more professional but i do love your happy excited personality

  14. Lovely property. So serene and it appears ,low maintenance, except perhaps fishing out golf balls from that gorgeous pool. Fabulous having those mature oak trees.

  15. Janeys garden tours is how I got addicted to start taking care of my garden. The poppies one initiated me and ever since I can't get enough of Janeys content ❀❀

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