Plant Propagation

Prop help

I’ve got two of my most perfect props ever and I was going to come here and ask about watering. But when I went to check on #1, the mother came off and there’s is a second prop that was hidden.
So, with mama now dried up, is that second one a loss?
And then, the initial reason for my post, do I water the same as I do normally with succulents? Right now I’m misting, but I feel like I should do so a little more frequently because it’s so little. Is that wrong? They’re so gorgeous I’d be really sad if I killed them.

by Chemical_Violinist43


  1. Chemical_Violinist43

    Oh, and cross posted… (don’t know if that matters, but jic)

  2. Automatic-Reason-300

    1. I can see the tiny rossete has roots, it’ll be fine.

    2. In general, you water a plant based in the size of the roots, the type of soil, the type of the pot and size, the hours of sun, the ventilation… but not for the size of the plant itself.

    I pretty sure those pots don’t have a drain hole, Am I right? If so you have to be more careful. You need to water those props like a normal succulents, only when the soil it’s dry because you can make them rot if the watering it’s too frecuent and the roots can “drink” the excess of water and the soil manteins wet too much time.

    Idk what kind of soil do you use, but you can add more inorganic material and you can water then more frequently. Also put them outside with a good couple of hours of direct sun eventually. Echeverias really need a lot if light.

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