Container Gardening

How to make a Hummingbird Container Garden

I walk you through my much loved project of making a Hummingbird friendly container garden. This is my new happy place in the garden and I love it!

For my accessories:
Some links are Amazon Associate links. It costs you nothing to click but our farm might earn a few pennies.

Pretty Hummingbird Feeder –

Flaming Solar Lights – So I got mine from Walmart. They are $10 each. There are much cheaper options on Amazon

Small Hummingbird Feeder – (Note: I have not yet seen a bird go to this feeder. Not sure if they have not discovered it or if they don’t like it. It’s cute but not sure it is functional yet).

Hummingbird Swing – (Note: Not the exact one, we found ours at a garage sale).

Tire Bird Feeder – (Note: this is glass not rubber like it looks)

Agrothrive Organic Fertilizer –

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I don’t know if you guys can hear that but it’s like bird season and I love bird season in the South so today I’m going to sit down and I’m actually going to make a very small hummingbird garden and I thought I would show you which plants I’m going to put in it and show you the little space that I’m putting it in I thought it’d be a fun way to maybe encourage you guys to just think about little birds that you enjoy having in your yard find the plants that they might enjoy and put them together and see if you can even attract them to your garden but let’s get started so this is my little sitting space I like the space that’s right near the house I do a lot of my planting of my seeds just right there so I I really enjoy this space I recently got this really beautiful hummingbird feeder and I’ve always had hummingbird feeders but this one’s particularly pretty I just got this one from backyard expressions and I thought you know what I also want to add some flowers to help encourage the hummingbirds to get there so what I’ve done is I’ve started with these two containers and I kind of hemmed and hot about this I actually sat on this for a long time because I thought do I want to put these guys in the ground or do I want to do containers so I’ve gone with containers as opposed to putting them in the ground and in know like a box like say over there I’ve gone with containers because I really wanted this in this space and I didn’t want a permanent structure in the space so these are cattle containers and this is where I sit and I love to just sit here and watch the hummingbird go up to the hummingbird theater and I thought well it’d be even nicer if I can get flowers in here that they stop at and visit the flowers and then go up to the hummingbird feeder so that was my goal and I didn’t want a permanent uh container here I wanted to go with something that I could potentially like the smaller container I can move into the greenhouse in the winter the larger container probably not but I can take the plants out and Transplant them into a container that goes into storage in the greenhouse here are the plants that I’m working with we recently had a quick trip to Buds and blooms and we picked up this Sky which is a saucy red salvia um then we went over to in blooms Gardens and Gifts in Crystal Springs and I got a black and blue salvia this is a chocolate chip um bug bugle weed lulia uh gar Bantam Iris pink and some Coline I have this plant already this also came from the lady that owns the um in blooms garden and and it’s been in a pot it needs to be transplanted it looks like a mess and needs to be cleaned up so we’re going to give it new life in this planter and I’m also going to dig up a lipstick Salvia that I’ve got growing in another spot in the yard we actually have some bad weather coming in so we’re running out of time here but let’s see if we can get this done just in time this is a lipstick Salvia and it has a really cute little flower little pink and white flower and the hummingbirds love it they make the trip around the buildings to come to this plant throughout the day so I think we’re going to take a little piece of this and it just kind of pops up new little babies so we’re going to pop out a little baby plant and add it to our mix as well so we already have one around the side of the house these guys need a good pruning but they are super super pollinator friendly so this is how I think we’re going to mix it up here we’re going to put the pink ones in this container our first one and we’re going to put our Reds and our Blues in the back container being supervised while I work he’s very bossy we got them all planted I actually had seated some sea lavender and some cat mint so I’ve added them to the mix as well we’re going to give them a really oh my goodness did you see that I don’t know if I caught it on camera but that was a hummingbird like literally 2 seconds like I couldn’t have PL this any better there was a hummingbird right there to what I was saying I have seated some sea lavender and some cat mint to add into the mix I’m not overly fussed about color matching in my garden setup I just want a lot of color a lot of flowers a lot of native flowers if possible so for me it really isn’t necessarily about design like if you’re here because you want to see the prettiest garden I’d argue that it can be very pretty but it may not be the most um mtic ulous or matchy matchy I don’t know how to describe it but where people will put exactly the right amount of Blues in a row and they will be lined up perfectly with 2 Ines apart or whatever you won’t find that here everything is messy and colorful and a little crazy and I love that so this is not necessarily something that matches beautifully um but hopefully it’s and actually I now have some proof although I didn’t capture it um but I do have some uh ideas that this is going to work so I’m excited we’re going to give these guys a drink uh give them a little bit of organic fertilizer and then sit back and see if we can’t maybe actually prove to you that we can get a hummingbird attracted to our little patio area so the fertilizer I’m going to use is the organic fruit and flour fertilizer from Agro Thrive I’ve been generally really happy with their product I also like the um long lasting or slow release um organic fertilizers that are just you kind of drop them on top of the soils from Walmart those work really well too but agrave is probably my when in my top two [Music] fertilizers all right guys the oven is on in the South it is 91° here and it is hot but I still wanted to take you through this hummingbird garden and show you how it kind of filled in just a bit of a warning I may have got a little carried away with some of the additions to it as well I’ve had a lot of fun with this all right so here it is here it is all filled in I really love how this has filled in it has just been an absolute flutter of activity from birds to butterflies and to hummingbirds the hummingbirds have visited mostly the red flowers um but they did I added a penamon so this one I didn’t tell you guys about but this is a native flower I don’t believe it’s a cultivar but it is an actual native it is penamon barbatus and and it’s great the hummingbird liked it the flowers are done for now I’m not sure if I’m going to get more but I’m excited about that one the Coline is showing off which is great the gar is amazing the bees love the gar this one here is the gar and I’ve got a gar in a lot of spaces gar is probably one of my top favorite native wild flowers to grow in the garden I would say but it’s the red ones in the back that they seem to be enjoying the most well I’m not the only one enjoying it somebody else is having fun in the hummingbird garden now in my carried aess I added a Ragan Cajun and I blame my friend for this one she has a nursery in Crystal Springs and she gave me this guy and it’s not a native it’s native to uh I think Chile to Brazil but it is a pollinator favorite well hummingbird favorite I don’t know about bees I haven’t seen any on there yet one of the bonuses of this Garden has been the bees they’ve also enjoyed look at this guy he’s right in there they’ve really enjoyed the hummingbird Garden so how I got a little bit carried away is I started to accessorize my hummingbird Garden but it was started with I add a little tiny bird feeder in here and I’ll have links to these guys down below if you’re interested in any of these items this guy came from Walmart it just helps bring the hummingbirds into the flow area this um this is another Walmart one this has the Flaming candle look to it it’s really quite pretty we added a hummingbird perch so there’s a place to sit although they actually sit on the moranga tree and for those of you that seen my moranga video here’s the tree in case you’re wondering and then of course there’s the main hummingbird feeder which is pretty much where they go to most but often they just stop in visit a flower and then head up to the hummingbird feeder so what I typically do is I’ll sit over here have my morning coffee and sit here and watch my hummingbird it is really honestly my happy space I’ve really enjoyed this little space and how it’s developed over time really really enjoyed it so it will probably continue to evolve as I go along won’t look the same in a couple years but I’m going to enjoy it right now I’m really having fun with it every time I go into a garden center do you have any hummingbird plants and we’re looking for different hummingbird plants that’s it you guys if you have any suggestions for great hummingbird plants that I should be adding to that mix put them down below my husband will not be happy you’re sending me to another Greenhouse but hey it’s all for the birds awesome you guys be friendly be kind

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