Plant Propagation

What plant is this from?

TL;DR I accidentally killed this mystery prop before it grew big enough to find out what it is, does anyone happen to know? I really loved it & was so excited for it, so I want to try again if I can find out what it is. It was roughly a half inch long, no more than an inch. These are all the pics I can find, I’m sorry!

More info:

I had this little prop for a few months, and it finally sprouted a baby recently. I went out of town for a couple days & came home to it being completely dead. This isn’t the first time I’ve left it alone for a couple days, but this time I sadly messed up and killed it.

It was a mystery prop that grew roots in the soil of a different plant before I bought it, so I have no idea what it was. I didn’t see any plants like it nearby at the store either. I was hoping to find out once it grew bigger, but now I’m asking here in hopes that someone will recognize it so I can try again.

For scale: I think it was roughly between a half inch to an inch long, and the prop right behind it is a broken variegated jade leaf. The other leaves near it are also no more than inch long/tall.

I wish I had more pics/info to share, but this is all I have. This may be a long shot, but I have to try, as I really loved that little thing. I hope this is ok to post, thank you for reading this.

(This soil is temporary, I now have a mixture that’s more appropriate for the others)

by losttforwords


  1. CandiedFedora

    From a very quick look I’d say that’s a jade, specifically hobbit jade (think it’s sometimes called shreks ear or something too)

  2. Most likely a gollum/ogre ears as stated already, but also could be a Jelly Bean. All versions of succulents/jades.

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