Plant Propagation

Are these wet sticks rotting? Light green colour is spreading but does not feel soft/mushy

First photo is from today, second is from about a week ago. You can see that the light green colour has spread down the nodes quite a bit. However, it doesn’t feel soft or like it’s rotten, sticks still feel firm.

Is this the beginning stage of rot? Can I save the nodes? Looking for help and also general advice. This is my first time trying this propagation method and I don’t really know what I’m doing.

The plant is a syngonium, is that matters. Thanks for reading!

by Dylonial

1 Comment

  1. ajellyfishbloom

    The lighter color is where the stick is removing nutrients and photosynthate, moving those to the darker areas to form roots and foliage. It’s like leaf senescence, but in the stem. Increase the light exposure, if you can. The dark ends may be normal decay or rot. Are they slimy and soft? If so, you can trim them off. If not, I’d just leave them.

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