
Neighbor wants it gone. Time to plant more.

I have this incredible tree in my front yard that seems to be made of of at least half a dozen trees fused together at the trunk. Base of the trunk is 20-23ft circumference. Neighbors wanted it seriously trimmed or cut down because they believe the family of 5 Cooper’s hawks that live in its canopy are going to attack their 100lb golden retriever. Obviously I told them to keep dreaming and that a 10lb bird doesn’t want to attack their human sized dog. I was wondering if anyone here can tell me what kind of three this is? I know it probably takes a lifetime for them to get this size but Im in love with the look of this tree and want to plant more here in the future. South eastern Pennsylvania.

by Low-Building8116


  1. athleticelk1487

    Tree needs to come down because the neighbor is scared of hawks, there’s a new level of stupidity I’ve not yet encountered.

    It’s a beech tree, and she’s an absolutely beaut.

  2. LordByrum

    Your neighbor is a moron, that tree is gorgeous

    Edit: I had a 50 lb lab that was taking a nap and got woken up by a red tailed hawk swooping down at it but the hawk jetted as soon as it realized the dog was alive and healthy. Predators are smarter than your neighbor.

  3. Former_Tomato9667

    The dog is in more danger from the rats the hawks are eating

  4. AndMyHelcaraxe

    Beautiful tree! And yeah, Cooper’s hawks eat like… songbirds and mice

  5. SomeDumbGamer

    This looks like American beech. If that’s the case absolutely do not cut it down under any circumstances unless it’s a danger to your home. These things are being killed en mass by a new disease that is targeting American beech trees. Yours looks fantastically healthy. A wonderful tree.

  6. BigNorseWolf

    People might be interested in the seeds. That is the least beech bark disease I’ve seen on a beech in a while.

    If he’s paranoid about hawks he shouldn’t live in the woods.

  7. Flub_the_Dub

    That is a gorgeous single American Beech. And you are indeed correct that it takes more than a lifetime for it to get to that size. But dear God get that mower off the roots!!! (also look into Beech Leaf Disease and inspect your tree for any sign of the disease. Am Beech are particularly susceptible).

  8. Silent_Medicine1798

    Keep an eye on the tree – folks have been known to poison trees they don’t like.

  9. Your neighbor’s golden is smarter than they are. That is one hell of a tree.

  10. parrotia78

    Fairly certain it’s Fagus grandifolia. 

    If they are Cooper’s hawks they prey on smaller animals like song birds and rodents(squirrels, chipmunks). I’ve about five or six Coopers  that independently prey  on this wildlife around bird feeders. 

  11. I_Only_Post_NEAT

    Hmm cooper hawks are protected under the migratory bird act, that might make it illegal to destroy their habitat…

  12. ShiddyShiddyBangBang

    Beautiful tree.  

    Near me the hawks do eat -small- dogs but ppl put those specially designed punk rocker spiky vests on them as a deterrent.  Maybe they make such a vest for golden sized dogs to give her peace of mind, even if it’s overkill.  

  13. Solid-Hedgehog9623

    They’re hawks…they’ll just move to a different tree. And they’re in the neighborhood for a reason. If 5 hawks suddenly leave the area, everyone’s gonna start having ground rodent problems.

  14. Beginning_Secret_460

    Do not cut it down. That’s a beautiful American beech. Your neighbors do not know anything about wildlife at all for thinking the cooper hawks will attack their dog, or that it’s the trees fault.

  15. CanadianFoosball

    600 grams is a pretty big female Cooper’s. Those five hawks together don’t weigh 10 pounds. I wish they lived in my yard!

  16. CarlatheDestructor

    Please don’t cut it down its gorgeous

  17. Also I could be wrong but isnt it illegal in some place to disturb known nests of birds like hawks and the likes without reasonable cause.

  18. Delicious-Sale6122

    Looks like it’s lived its life. Let some sun in, and plant something new

  19. Shit, what is your address? Can I be your neighbor? You might find me having picnics under your tree randomly however. My dog is 8lbs and I’m not even worried about that.

  20. AweFoieGras

    Round these parts a bird living in the tree means the tree cannot be removed. Well on the utility line side here in California.

  21. That tree is worth more than 100 golden retrievers and hate against them.

  22. AnnatoniaMac

    Sincerely, scared of birds, sounds like they have some kind of phobia. Hate to break it to your neighbors but getting rid of the tree won’t get rid of the birds permanently. I had a neighbor who witnessed her cat getting picked up by a hawk, she saw the cat fight like crazy and got away. She didn’t blame any neighbors.

  23. The absolute vitriol I’d spew at my neighbor for thinking that have any input on what’s in my yard would probably have the cops called on me. The tree is a danger to no one.

  24. lidder444

    What a magnificent tree, and how lucky to have hawks nesting in it!

    If the tree is solely on your property and you keep it well maintained then stop responding to your neighbor.

    Is there any way you can fence off your property line so no one can walk up to the tree: damage it etc.

    I would spend money on fencing or boundary lines to make sure it really keeps nosy neighbors out.

    Also agree with planting more if your city allows.

    If people don’t want to live around plants , trees and nature they should move into the city.

  25. Cooper’s Hawks eat other birds!!!! Not dogs or large mammals! They are accipters and specialize in eating other birds. For fucks sake.

  26. Cocacola_Desierto

    Neighbor can fucking suck it, that is a beautiful tree. I would murder someone to have a tree like this on my property. Gorgeous natural shade.

  27. Gildenhardt

    Is it on their property line? No? Screw ’em. Better watch that tree like a hawk with those loonies around.

  28. Few-Cookie9298

    Aren’t there nesting bird laws that would make it illegal to remove this tree because of a nest? Especially since it’s a bird of prey? Your neighbor is an idiot by the way, definitely ignore them.

  29. Briscowned

    That’s an amazing tree!

    Seriously though, I didn’t see other commenters saying this but if so my apologies. If you’re not already thinking about it, you might want a camera on it or a value assessment you can share with your neighbor so they get the message that if they harm it you’ll proceed to legal action. Sometimes just sending the message is enough.

    Sorry to be thinking the worst but I’ve seen too many posts here and on treelaw about meddling neighbors who just don’t like trees for some reason.

  30. I would stop mowing beneath that tree with a ride on mower. You are compacting the soil and damaging roots.

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