Grafting Plants

How would you go about degrafting when the time comes?

Grafted this back in November of 23 and it's still growing pretty good on the peri. Just wondering what the hell I should do with it when it's time to degraft. Its already swallowed about an inch of the peri so I would figure there is no digging it out. The third pic is when it was grafted and it has grown down past that red spine in the picture and alot of the other leaves have fallen off. Thanks for any advice!!

by MuscleGraceful910


  1. Ok_Support9876

    I wouldnt.. Just bury the pere. It’s short enough

  2. swaffeline

    Personally I like to leave a bit of meat left on the pere and hope for a few more pups. Then root the top portion as you normally would. I have one that looks just like yours. It’s grafted on pc

  3. trashtrucktoot

    I’d degraft and split it in half. Get brutal, slice it in half, let it callus out up for a few days, then plant in a loose weel drain mix.

    Good luck.

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