What's this plant

What is this vine growing in my peppermint?

I bought a potted peppermint a few weeks ago, to have indoors. Since then there is a deep red vine that has been growing together with the mint. Today I noticed there are two more vines, having just come up through the soil.

I've never had a peppermint plant before, so I'm feeling unsure of whether this is part of the peppermint plants, or if it's a completely different plant? (And if so, what plant do you think it could be?) I don't get out much, so this is very exciting to me 😬

And I'm in south Sweden, if that helps.

by Mystica_love


  1. It’s part of the mint, it’s sending out a runner to look for new areas to grow.

  2. Blinkopopadop

    It’s more peppermint!

    A quick hint is that the mint family has square stems and so does your escapee– put another pot with just dirt underneath and it’ll shoot some roots down

  3. dfmcapecod

    Looks like a stolon – a “runner” that plants send out to propagate themselves. It’s looking to set down roots. Go ahead and cut it if that’s what you want.

  4. TidepoolStarlight

    The vine growing in your peppermint is your peppermint.

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