Gardening Australia

Frog friendly garden

Northern Victoria, East facing

This is my frog friendly garden.
Lots of shade, gets hit by frost and sits underneath a bottle brush.
I sit my potted bromeliads on bricks to create gaps for animals, bury small pots on their sides to create habitat and the bigger pots are on dishes.
When there's enough moisture frogs will move in underneath the pots. I have them year round.

The elephant ears and Cannas die off but will grow back.

After building the soil up with mushroom compost and dirt cheap potting mix on top of the clay (no digging, worms will do that for me).

The rest is mulch both organic and inorganic, plants and garden furniture. This in its current form is less than 2 years old. It could have been better but I once cracked the shits and poisoned it.
I started with the bottle brush, mature box hedge, agapanthus and hibiscus along with bloody couch.

by Covert_Admirer

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