Container Gardening

Zone 7 My 2024 Container Garden Is INSANE Memorial Day Garden Tour

Welcome to my channel! Spring is Sprung and my Garden is showing it. My Cool Weather Veggies are flowering and seeding and my Summer Veggies are growing fast! Join on the Garden Tour to see how well Veggies grow in Containers. I am harvesting Strawberries, Peas, and Lettuce this time. Also, here is the link to a video showing how to make Spring Rolls. Many of these ingredients you can harvest from your garden.
Spring Rolls

hey guys NAA coming at you with another Garden update today’s May 28th the day after Memorial Day and we’re in the throws of spring the solstice is going to be coming soon I have all my planting done I have a lot of activity in my garden I live in zone 7 and I just want to give you a brief Garden update take a look at all the stuff that’s happening in my garden look at these strawberries guys they’re doing wonderful they look at how many strawberries I’m getting getting a lot of chots out of here too and I can make more strawberry plants I have another container in this pot this is designed for strawberries and I’m getting quite a few especially on this one but they’re starting to thrive and I’ve been taking the choots out of that this and putting in that container and look how big these leaves are they’re huge so I’m getting a lot of good strawberries I took some to my grandson yesterday and then I have this lettuce container and look at this lettuce these are going to make wonderful spring rolls I have a video on making spring rolls that was such a fun video to make I’ll leave that video that link in the description box below and look at all of this is buttercrunch lettuce and they have different kinds of lettuce in here these two strains of lettuce lasted through the year and they’re just thriving right now I also have some argula growing here and it’s starting to really grow so we’ll be making a lot of salads this year and right next to this I have sunflowers and these come up every year I get more and more seed and they get thicker and thicker this one volunteered in another part of the garden and I just um transplanted it right here in the middle of these sunflowers and it looks like a different strain or a different type of seed in for some colorful sunflowers some dark purples and oranges so guys look at my raspberries look at them they are doing wonderful in this pot I clipped this all the way back probably about two months ago and it is going wild look at that it’s coming out the sides and we’re going to get a lot of raspberries I can tell I also have some collared greens growing in here and I did plant mustard greens and the collared greens actually choked them out but I’m just going to gather the seed I’m going to let this continue this way and gather the seed up and put the seed in another pot it’s even getting little flowers there then I have carrots guys look at all the carrots that I’m getting and we should be able to start harvesting these soon 65 days to harvest so I planted these in February so let’s just pull one and see what it looks like this one looks pretty thick they’re not big enough yet since they’re containers we’re going to let them grow a little more than 65 days we’ll have to taste test these and see how they taste and then I have salery look at my saler is getting huge look how thick those stocks are getting this saler plant is attracting ladybugs they’re getting nutrition off of this celery plant and it is seeding so we’ll have salary seeds here soon look at that look just full of ladybugs so this cery plant is thriving and so are the ladybugs on it look at that that shows that we have good dirt we have a good environment for growing so guys here here’s my peas I’m trying to train these to grow in this fence that way they spread out and I have two types of peas these ones are really good in stir fry and then I have these regular sweet peas and they’re so delicious I just keep grabbing them and eating them here’s some beans that I put in this container different kinds of beans and they’re getting really bushy they’re starting to flour and produce beans I’m hoping they’ll grow along this fence like the peas are growing along the fence lots of little flowers so this will be producing beans and I have about three different kinds of beans in here in this container I have mint this is its first season and look how thick those mint leaves are I’m growing this mint in plastic and I they are just shoots off of another mint plant that I have let me show you see I have this mint plant it’s growing in Wood it’s thick but the leaves aren’t as thick it seems like the mint does better in plastic so this mint is doing a lot better and then I have all of these tomato plants these are uh Cherokee purple and beef steak tomatoes these are early girls and I have these are pear Tomatoes these are sugar Suns they’re black cherry tomatoes and then I have um chocolate sprinkles so I have all of these different types of tomatoes growing I love tomatoes that’s like my favorite thing to eat in the summertime I could do so much just eating them making sandwiches even just tomato sandwiches with basil I have a basil plant that I’m growing and it’s starting to really flourish then I have this kale that I’ll be able to put in smoothies it’s just doing fantastic and then I have some parsley and this is just some lettuce that I was growing last year I just left the seed in the you know I dumped the container over and kind of doctored it up a little bit and left the seed in this container and it is getting huge this is my little herb patch that’s what I call it and and I I have to grow in containers because I don’t have a lot of space and there’s not a lot of water here it’s very Aid very dry I’m growing in containers I’ve tried to grow just using the regular dirt here and it’s a chore this is a lot easier I don’t get as many weeds either so this is working for me in zone 7 in the southwest I live in the High Altitude desert I have basil I have parsley I have this is Sage oh I can hardly wait to use this look at how pretty it is it’ll garnish very well and it’s doing really good I also have some Greek oregano I have chives two containers of chives and I have some deal right here I just planted this a couple weeks ago and I hope it’s not too hot for it but looks like it’s going to do okay then I also have some chamomile in this pot and it’s starting to really pick up I have ginger in this pot it’s starting to come up I just put my leftover Ginger whatever I have left in my kitchen sometimes you know it looks like it’s starting to root and I just throw it in here and it’s a good way to save Ginger you just don’t throw it away put it in a pot and it it’s starting to grow you can also make tea out of the leaves I have cilantro and it’s starting to flour and Seed we’ll gather this seed and prepare this pot probably after the solstice mid July early August I have cilantro through the winter it’s a cool weather plant I tried to put it in shade just to stop it from seeding up so fast I can pick a little bit in the bottom of this plant you can pick some of these leaves this is what’s very bitter you don’t want to use that for cooking just let it seed up and do its thing it usually starts to seed when the temperatures get around 80° and you can see that it’s starting to flower that’s what the first sign of it seeding and then it’ll just turn into seed so we’ll have to gather that here soon I’m starting to get spinach and it’s starting to come up into this container so we’re getting a lot of spinach I put quite a bit of seed in here right next to that we have broccoli I have two containers of broccoli doing wonderful look at that look at how thick those leaves are so we’ll be doing cooking videos with broccoli you can do so much with broccoli and then I have two types of peppers these are very hot one’s aajan pepper and one’s uh Asian pepper so we’ll be using those to cook and garnish and here I have turnips look at the turnips I’m getting in here those will go good with those collard greens and they look super healthy I can hardly wait but my radishes these are a cold weather plant they’re bolting also they’re making seed there’s a lot of these little bees in there I don’t know if you can see those little bees they’re pollinating there’s hardly any radishes in here it’s just too hot for them but we’ll be planting some more radishes there see there it’s just too hot but we’ll be planting radish probably mid July early August we’ll plant some more radish here’s some thine I had to move this so that it’ll get at least eight hours of Sun th loves Sun so you want to put it in an extremely Sunny place and it’s really starting to thrive in this spot and then I have some potatoes and they’re doing good I have to harvest these soon they’re ready and then I have a lot of cucumbers that are growing look at all the cucumbers different kinds and they are starting to thrive they do have little yellow spots on them I’m not sure why if you know why they have yellow spots leave it in the comment section below I would love to know what I’m doing wrong cuz I love cucumbers they are coming up though and they’re really thick really thick in there the stems are thick they must be missing something I’m going to have to look there that up and I have onions they’re doing good look there’s some of them are starting to seed and the ones that are starting to seed let’s pull these out I think I’m going to spread these out cuz these are seedlings and I’m going to replant them in here so that they’ll get bigger cuz they’re just clump together this was one I grew from the grocery store they were white onions so I’m going to replant these back in here and fix this container up a little bit kind of pull these I don’t know what those are but they’re stunting the growth of these onions I’m sure and I’m just going to put these back in that pot I also have zucchini that’s the type of this squash I put a lot of that in this container and they’re starting to sprout and they look healthy so I’m hoping I get a lot of zucchini I I cook a lot with zucchini and we can do a lot of cooking videos with those so guys look at this tree behind me these smell so good look at those flowers so guys that’s my garden update it’s

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