Garden Plans

GORGEOUS Three Tiered Planter in The Shade Garden ๐ŸŒธ || Garden Tour Plans || Snapdragons

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Follow along as I work on a beatuiful three tiered planter in the shade garden, chat about my garden tour plans, and harvest a bunch of snapdragons.

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#shesamadgardener #zone8 #zone8a #texasgarden #texasgardening #cutflowergarden #cutflowerfarm

Music Credit: Epidemic Sounds

Where to find She’s A Mad Gardener:
Tik Tok: @shesamadgardener
Planting Zone 8a Wylie, Texas

She’s a Mad Gardener is a YouTube channel exploring projects in the home including but not limited to home gardening, DIY decorating, holiday decor, easy recipes, and so much more.

“As always, She’s A Mad Gardener and a decorator and anything she wants to be.”

hey y’all it’s Amanda and this is my Texas zone8 garden and today we’re in the shade garden and I have this old three tiered ventes planter that I got off of Facebook Marketplace and we’re going to be filling it with lots of shade loving plants that have tons of color so I bought this at least a year ago this is drooping I think it stretched a little bit over there at least a year ago um on Facebook Marketplace I got it for $50 and let me let me pull it out real quick so you can see it a little bit better it is a three tiered planter just like this um so it gets smaller at the top and larger at the bottom and I got it to kind of complement that other three- tiered planter that I have with all the Bonas in it um I want to kind of to have some height in the shade garden and so this kind of allows for that so what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to show you how I use towels um to hold in the soil and then um we’re going to go ahead and get this leveled out over here fill it with lots of beautiful shade loving plants and then I’m also going to run drip irrigation to it so let’s start by getting this leveled in its location and I’m going to go grab a level real quick so we can level it and most likely put some stones or something something underneath to raise up cuz it’s definitely leaning this Direction all right so I’ve got just some extra little stones and such that I usually keeps little pieces of wood and things like that and I use them to prop underneath see how much this has to go back not a ton okay that’s much better okay I like using towels um to put inside my containers like this that are more open um where the soil would obviously just fall right through now I’m using a purple towel and that would probably annoy a ton of people not have to use a colored towel this is just like what I have on hand so and I’m not really worried like I don’t really think you’re going to be able to see it all that much in my opinion and you can go you go to get towels at um like the uh what do you call it um thrift store or something like that be able to use something like that and then I think I’m going to shift this over a little bit and then you can choose whatever colors work best for your Garden um I’m just using what I have on hand okay and then once I’ve got that in there I’m going to go ahead and put compost at the base put straight compost at the base of the container so get that in break that up and then now I’m going to add regular soil and the reason to put the compost in the base is containers like this lose nutrients very quickly and so by doing this it’s going to that compost is going to add nutrients for months and months and months and months to come rather than just straight potting soil and the soil I’m adding is my favorite one Burger bam s and don’t worry we’ll be tucking in the towels once we get all done and you won’t be able to see any of them which work right this one’s not quite big enough so I’m going to switch to this guy [Music] [Applause] all right just like that and then finally the top tier and the top tier is definitely going to be the tier that loses the most amount of nutrients because it’s watered and then all of its nutrients will run out with the water water to the below tiers so it’s definitely important that we get enough nutrients in these and you can just pull the edges of the towel up if they slip down super simple and easy and I’m kind of working the soil into the different areas the corners and then of course we want to put some plant tone in each one of these tears okay take a little bit of a break okay so the PLS I got I got all of them from callaways I was touring callaways I was looking for some shade plants and I ended up find a few unusual things which I was really excited about one of the first ones I found was this CFA which is called sweet talk lavender Splash it’s known for brilliant flowers complement tiny leaves adds color and texture to Gardens plant in sun or part sun and where that um particular planter is placed it does get some sun during the day especially when the sun is straight up in the air and it’s about 8 to 12 Ines tall so it doesn’t get much bigger than what you see here or I’m sorry plant a to 12 in apart it grows 8 to 14 in tall and it is an annual in my area so I’m really excited to do that so I got a couple of those I also got several different impatients and um some are sun patients like this one right here this is an annual and it is a sun patient meaning it does it can handle some sun the variety is compact Orchid blush it blooms um late spring through summer to the beginning of fall it does prefer part sun um and and see what we got over here it is uh more sun tolerant than other impatients bright flowers contrast against deep green foliage to add color to the Garden throughout the blooming season good for Mass plantings hanging baskets containers or doors blooms late spring through summer and its hardiness is to 32 Dees mature height is 16 to 30 in tall so some of these plants are taller and which is why I’m not real concerned about like the towels that I’m using because a lot of these are going to grow up and they’re going to grow in front of the towels so I’m just not stressed about the towels showing also I’d rather have the towels showing then go spend some money now you don’t have to use those towels you can use landscape fabric um you can go get burlap you can do a lot of different things you don’t have to use the towels I just did it as a cost-saving approach for myself now in addition we got some New Guinea impatients over here let me see what this variety is it’s missing its tag I believe oh here it is okay this one is Sonic light pink New Guinea impatience huge flowers bloom all summer over attractive foliage adds color to beds pots and hanging baskets blooms late spring to midall PL in full of sun space 14 inches apart grows 14 to 16 inches tall and I did get three of those particular variety and then lastly on impatience I got this variety which is called sonic lilac new guine and patience and these are huge flowers bloom all summer over attracted foliage add color to bed spots and hanging basket Bloons Midsummer you know all the same stuff I just read space uh part uh plant part sun Place space 8 to 10 in apart and grows 10 to 14 in tall so in addition I wanted to add some foliage to the blooms I also picked up a peria over here which is similar to a colus and there are three plants in this peria so we are going to divide it up so it is outdoor annual container garden over winter indoors and cold climates sun to light shade Outdoors heat loving plants grows for its striking foliage 24 to 36 Ines tall so it does get big and there’s three plants in here that will divide out which I think will work really nicely now a few other accent pieces that I got I got a little bit of white Edge Swedish ivy um and then is also an annual um and it’s going to grow over the side so bold plant has scalloped dark green leaves with Vivid White margins vigorous growth looks fresh and sparkling as it freely Cascades over the edges of combination baskets and plantings from Spring until Frost it also is a bold architectural contrast when mixed with Airy plants in um color bowls decorative containers hanging baskets and patio plants the velvety soft delicate textured Fage is a favorite in Children’s Garden excellent trouble-free plant thrives in both sun and shade moist and dry awesome and it can get up to 24 to 36 in wide and then another foliage you can see I have three varieties of foliage to mix with the blooms is this Shamrock purple also known as Oxalis purple and it’s part sun to shade um about 6 to 10 inches tall by 10 to 14 inches wide blooms in the spring and this one is actually a perennial um in zones 6 through 10 Shamrock shaped leaves are deeply colored keep this inside for seasonal color so I’ve got the flowers and then I’ve got the folage but the most important part is this fuchsia that I purchased right here and I don’t have the particular variety of fuchsia let me see if I happen to see a tag anywhere in here yeah I don’t see a tag um but fuchsia tends to be an annual in my particular area so it says Gorgeous pendulus Flowers and a rainbow of Hues Cesc gracefully from stiffly arching branches foliage colors from bright green to deep maroon Brown creates a beautiful display in hanging baskets or window boxes Blends early spring to early summer plant and posture stay to full shade water with soil is dried to a touch not Hardy grows as an angle and I got this to basically start at the very top of the planter and Cascade over so I really wanted this like wow factor plant to the top so let’s start by planting this fuchsia all right so I the idea is that this is going to go in here and it’s going to Cascade over the side I am going to have to work to get the blooms to kind of tuck in through these different areas so I’m going to start by just getting this out of the hanging basket real quick and to make it a little bit easier I’ve got the container that the plant was in and I am just going to take out some of this soil that I put on top but just put it right here in this container so that I can mix it back um add it back in very easily and this is going to take a little bit of wrangling carefully because we want to get it in through here so I think I’m going to start by kind of very carefully taking one bundle of flowers through okay so I’ve got it kind of situated partially in there I have some additional stems and branches so I’m going to lean the plant backwards a little bit try to very carefully take some of those over I do the same thing at the back might have to block y’all for a second trying to be gentle so as not to break too many stems but some of it’s going to happen it just kind of is what it is okay and then let’s start kind of setting this upright a little bit and then we can kind of gently come in here a stem or a stem or so at a time and kind of drawing them through I have broken some of them unfortunately but it’ll be okay all right and then I’m going to come back and I’m going to back fill with additional soil [Music] okay okay yeah that’s ridiculously gorgeous now this was a little dry so I do need to water it really well but it should continue to fill in the space and Bloom for quite a while um once we probably get into June and July this will probably die back and I might need to replace it with something else but for now I think it’s worth every penny for the way that that looks so let’s go down to the next one I need to go ahead I’m actually going to plant it first and then I’m going to trim off this ex excess just because it’s helping hold it in place right now so we’re going to be packing in quite a few plants I’m going to start with this Orchid and patient the um I think it was like blushing Orchid a compact Orchid blush a little bit towards the back Edge because I’m not actually putting anything on that back Edge because it’s against the fence but you can see it kind of fills in that space really nicely next I’m going to come in with some of the peria which is similar to colus there let’s go in with the New Guinea impatient this is the Sonic like pink right there I think I’m going to rotate it a little bit towards that front corner next I’m going to tuck in the Oxalis and I’m leaning these out towards the edge so they can grow and spill over the side look at the roots on that impatient rip that up a little bit and this is the sonic lilac angled towards the corner as well just make sure you get that soil pushed in there real good all right next have the cfia which is also very root bound I think I’m going to tuck that in slightly to the side right there and I’m still I think I’m going to shift over this sonic lilac impatient right there tuck in the Lilac pink impatient right here all right and I’m going to go ahead and come across with my scissors and cut the towel all right and then I can just come back in carefully and tuck my towel around the edges so you don’t really see it just like that look how the fuchsia interacts super pretty okay and then for this one I’m going to start with that Orchid blush lilac just tucked into this corner over here just like that we go ahead and put in the sonic lilac and then next I’m going to lay in some of the peria and I’m angling everything outwards I’m going to go ahead and put the cafa oh my gosh that’s so because I would really like for it to like grow into this little section right here and kind of grow up between these two planters that all right let’s tuck in another Minea impatient in a piece of the peria right here in front do the Lilac but I think that I’m going to bring the peria forward now CU I have a little bit of a hole just like that all these plants are kind of worked towards the edge to fill in okay and then finally for the Swedish ivy I’m going to tuck it in right here because I would love for it to just flow down this side I think would be just super cool and that’ll be beautiful as it fills in just Cascades stay on the side okay okay I know you can see the towels didn’t really bother me I actually like that little bit of color like I said all these are going to grow over the edge but if you want to get really picky you could do something like the green towel that doesn’t show up very much obviously these light coloreds ship up a lot more but that’s what I had available so that’s what I went for now I didn’t put a bunch of plants in the middle underneath on this steer because you really can’t see it and these plants are within like a week of growing taller than that you won’t see that at all however on this one I did plant one back towards the back a little bit because that would have been a big negative space and I think choosing the lighter color under there in that shady area helps brighten it quite a bit and then we have some accent pieces with the white Edge sweetest iy that’ll grow over the edge a little bit of Oxalis tucked in there and then peria in a couple of different areas and I think that peria really is what brings everything together when I was choosing these colors you know I was really drawn to the fuchsia so I know I wanted to start with that and then I was able to come in and be like okay I need some matching colors so I’ll go with like the light the sonic lilac and then the CFA brings in that color but it also has a light pink which then ties in to the light pink uh the Sonic light pink n Guinea impatience as well then the um Orchid the compact Orchid um blush brings in a pinky purple and then we start tying it in with things like the peria which has almost all the colors in it and it’s just a way to bring several different colors together into a color scheme without having to do just one color the whole time so this really allowed me to add a wow factor Popa color to the space so now I’m going to go ahead and water it in and then we’re going to come through and I’m going to go ahead and add in the drip lines and I’ll show you what that’s going to look like and by watering it in really well with is a hose it’s going to help get rid of any air pockets and also settle the soil they down around the roots of everything and you see how the water Cascades from one planter to the next Once you have drip established in your garden you can build off of it over and over again I have closed pipe 1 in hose all the way around the outskirts of this shape Garden it’s one of the first things I put down before I put any plants or anything else in here and anytime I need to run a line somewhere I just have to go through and I have to punch into it like I literally just use a little adapter thing punches a hole and then I just start adding running tubes off of that main tube all the tubes I run off of the main tube are quarter inch tubes the black tubing right here is closed has no emitters the brown tubing right here has an emitter every 6 inches and an emitter is where the water flows out it drips the water right then there’s a couple of other things that we need we need um straight line barbs uh couplings which are really um useful I also like to have an adjustable emitter to adjust the amount of water um specifically for the top which is where we’re going to be using that I also have some tea couplers so I can Branch off of different lines and um in addition I’ve got a pair of um pruners to be cutting so first thing I need is I need the piece of black tubing that’s going to punch punch into the initial line down low and I need that tubing to be about as tall as the planter so I’m going just go ahead and cut that and that tubing I need a straight line coupler in to go in there and this is what will punch into the bottom right so that’ll be that’ll be connected to the bottom so we need to come up part way and we need to split this two because right here I need a portion to come off to go to the bottom planter so I’m going to go ahead and cut it and I’m going to put in the tea coupler and this will connect the cut back together on both sides but also is leaving me an additional place to go off of right so that’s for the bottom tier and then I need to go to the top tier or middle tier excuse me so I’m going to add another te right there as well and that gives me a place to run a line to the second tier and then the top tier I’m just going to put a adjustable emitter at the top of that one and then that’ll get plugged into place because the top tier is so small that I’ll just open the emitter and it will just rain out the water as needed okay so for the third tier and the second tier that’s where I’m going to run emitters and and I’m going to run probably five to six emitters on the bottom one two 3 four five six I’m going to run I’m going to run seven so I’m going to cut that off all right and remember I know this looks insane this is right plugs into the bottom so the next separation up that right there is where I need my brown tubing to connect now so now I’ve connected six seven emitters to that right but I’ve got it open at the bottom which all the water would just spray out right so I use this thing called a goof plug to plug up the end so none of the water can run out the end of the hose and then for the second tier I think I’m going to do five emitters one two three four five remember I’m going to connect it at this second set of outlets right here and then I’m going to put a goof plug at the end to close it off now all I have to do at this point because I’ve got my whole Contraption built right this adjustable minute goes to the Top This goes to the second tier this goes at the third tier and then this area right here is what plugs directly in so all I have to do is punch a hole and plug this directly in Secure everything in place and then we are good to go with drip line to that basket so let’s do that okay I’m sure I’m probably going to get in the way this down here is a black tubing I’m going to punch a hole real quick all right it’s reley and then I’m going to take my short uh straight line coupler and go right to that hole so now I’ve got that to the bottom right so I’m going to stretch this out knowing that this emitter is going to go to the very top I’m going go ahead and just secure that and to come from behind and aim for the center and then use a staple to hold it in place all right and then you can see that this guy has lined up with the second tier like I’m in yall’s way let me come from this angle I try to come from the back of the planter so it’s not as obvious I don’t hide like my lines completely but I do like to hide them Sun so they’re not just like screaming and then lastly I’ll put this last one in okay so the black drip line runs all the way up the top and every where we put a t Barb it allow me to run emitters off so I’ve just turned it on so we can actually see in there you can see the water dripping from the emitter and then up here we have the adjustable emitter let’s see what he looks like let me see where he is so he’s right there putting off water turn him down a little bit there we go just like that okay I am super pleased with how this turned out I love all the detail blooms in here I definitely could have just done all impatience and this would have just been ridiculously stunning but putting in things like this cafa and the um fuchsia draping down I mean it’s absolutely gorgeous now do I think that this will last all year probably not um I’ll probably have some stuff die off during the summer but I have a lot of caladiums and some other things that I’ve been growing from Bold or bulb or ryome that I can trade out so I think that’ll work really good as things die back I can add things like that um to just kind of keep the planter fresh and going throughout the entire growing season okay that was a fun project um I am right now I think I’m going to go out and cut some Snap Dragons and talk to you all about what some of my upcoming projects are and what kind of my upcoming plans are because I am plan preparing for that Garden Tour that’s going to be at my house in a couple of weeks on May 11th so let’s go do that okay so on May 11th I am participating in my local Garden Tour which benefits the um public library in my area and the public library has a garden um a native pollinator Garden in the back and so basically all the funds raised from this Garden Tour will help pay for um the needs of that particular Garden which is really exciting and I did do this last year although I didn’t like tell you guys about it because I was nervous about having people in my garden I told a few of all but I didn’t make a big deal out of it but now I’m really excited I really enjoyed it last year last year I had to go do stuff for my daughter um that day this year I don’t have to I’ve already gotten that taken care of so I will be here the entire time so it’s on May 11th from 9 to noon and I will put um a link to that information below if you are in the area and you would like to come see all it is is just a small donation to our local um to my local um library and then they will pass out the um the addresses I do plan on having a few um treats here just like some lemonade and cookies and I look forward to um chatting with you all my mom is going to come help out with the kind of um refreshment table which I think will be really nice you get to chat with her I’m not going to be like cleaning up my garden big time but there are some projects I want to get done one of the projects is mulching a big portion of the yard behind me um I would like to get that done before y’all get here just so it’s easier for people to maneuver throughout my space because I do deal a lot with mud and y’all know it’s going to rain like right before I like to do that I have some containers that need to get filled um what else do I have I just wrote it all down like I had this whole list written down there is some planting on the side Garden I want to do where I’m going to be planting a several of the new roses that I got it’s going to be coming to the side Garden um which I think will be beautiful so I want to get those I think there’s four that I want to get planted up there um there’s some work at the back of the backyard garden that needs to be done I have some new Shrubbery that needs to be planted there’s a lot I might get the um I might get the what do you call it the French drain done before then I I don’t know it really depends I mean my contractor he’s a busy guy so he might not have time um but there’s several different things I’m going to be doing this next week that’s going to be a lot more Project based um I’ve shifted a little bit from focusing on seeds however I am starting to buy the seeds order the seeds that I need to grow my fall annuals um so those are the annuals that I will use probably plant in September and that I’ll plant throughout my garden space to enjoy for the fall and I do really want to try to grow a lot that because um it’ll be less expensive If I Grow things as opposed to uh buying everything so I’m going to be doing that and so I will be showing you that seed order I’m going to be ordering from I think swallow till um Gardens because that I think is I think that’s my new favorite um place to order seeds I’m just really pleased with the quality and the price and just really really happy with it so I’m going to be doing that coming up soon and I’ll be showing you how I start all of those as well so that you if you choose you want to go ahead and grow some annuals for the fall you can grow along with me if you would like okay few more got a bunch of extra soil over here I’ve been building up this area because it tends to be a mess um and a lot of water it’s a low spot so a lot of the water comes here so I put a whole bunch of extra soil here that I had left over from Planters and containers I got to smooth it all out of course but these right here are bronze butterfly are Madam butterfly bronze beautiful remember snapdragons if you want them to keep blooming you have to keep cutting if you allow them to just stay on the plant it will signal the plant that it needs to make seeds out of the flowers and it will stop sending flowers up and it will focus on making seeds instead we don’t want to do that not yet anyway okay pretty snapdragons I’ll go tuck in a vase I’m cutting pretty short because I’m wanting them all together in one and some of the sus are shorter than others but really pretty I mean I’ve probably had at least 100 to 120 snapdragons so far that I’ve harvested I should get at least another round there’s at least probably 30 40 stems on the here right now that I’ll probably be able to harvest in the next week or so looking really good all of the um sweet peas back there are looking really pretty yeah it’s looking good all right you all I hope you enjoyed today’s video seeing me um go ahead and plant up that shade planter in in the shape Garden really excited with the color combination really excited to see it grow in because this is what it looks like now imagine what it’s going to look like in four to six weeks it’s going to be stunning and then I hope you guys enjoyed watching me do a little bit of harvesting but hearing me talk about that up um Coming local Garden Tour if you’re interested I’ve had some people drive in last year if you want to drive in visit with me I’m here from 9:00 to 12 happy to sit down in chat I missed some my last year because I had a run out to thing for my kiddos but I got that taken care of so I’ll be here the whole time this year all right you all as always make sure you like comment and subscribe to the channel every time you like and comment helps grow my channel so much and I just really enjoy hearing from each of y’all so let me know if you’re able to come to the garden tour and make sure you check me out on my social media Outlets including Instagram Facebook and Tik Tok as always she’s a mad Gardener or decorator or anything else that she wants to be thanks yall


  1. I like the towel idea. I know some uses for them already. Thank you for all your vedios. I always learn from you.

  2. I love the info on the drip line. And the planter is just gorgeous! Also, I shared your YouTube page on my Facebook page. Hope you get some new followers!๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. The planter tourney out beautifully ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ and thanks for the explanation on the irrigation drip line that was so helpful! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. The planter is stunning. Didn't even notice e towels once you were finished. I love fuschias, and usually buy a couple of hanging baskets every spring. I was just at my local garden center and they were $35, which seemed pricey, but they were gorgeous. Yours looks sensational spilling down the container.

  5. Very pretty. You always find the best planters too. It's not like that around here lol. Also, if you have a local HEB, check their garden center too. I found quart impatiens for $3.97 yesterday and they were very full, healthy plants.

  6. I like that compact orchid blush sunpatien and want to try it in my garden. Those New Guinea inpatiens and perilla make for a great combination. Bonny

  7. Absolutely love fuschias – I'm growing some giant ones can't wait to get them potted up into a planter – I started watching your video and switched it off to go out and do some other potting on – you inspired me to get cracking as we're finally getting some warmer weather (well it wasn't raining ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜†) I've made a list of jobs to do tomorrow with my 4 year old grandson Noah – I'll be tidying up and ticking jobs off he'll probably do his own thing his latest is to dig piles of gravel and make ๐ŸŒ‹ volcanos ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŒพ๐Ÿคท love from sunny Whitby โค๏ธ

  8. Oh, cool! I'm reasonably local to you, so I will mark my calendar for May 11. I would love to come out and meet you and support the garden tour!
    All the things you planted are so lovely! I wish Swedish Ivy got more love from gardeners–it's an old favorite of mine. It roots in water very easily, so if you like how it performs for you, you could clip a bunch in the fall and bring it indoors for water propagation over winter (great houseplant!) and then transplant it out again next spring. Gotta love plants that just keep on giving like that!

  9. So many plants tucked in! Iโ€™m always under tucking! So this is allowing me to try and stuff more in my containers ๐Ÿ˜Š

  10. Gorgeous and lush! Will grow even more beautiful. Loved the color combinatation with the splash foliage.๐Ÿ˜Šโค

  11. That shade planter what a stunner. Simply gorgeous. And talk about the snap dragon bouquet so many colours and they get along Enjoy what you did. Have a wonderful rest of your day.

  12. You really have a wonderful talent in turning your finds into beautiful gardens, Amanda! I could not figure. out what you were going to do with those towels. Never dreamed of doing that, but now I'm really thinking about it since I have a similar but smaller white iron garden thingy. Excited about your upcoming garden tour.

  13. At first I was like, what tha with those towels?! But then after you tucked those plants in and cut the edges, I was like, ya know – that looks really good and actually a bit genius. No birds to pull at a towel like they would coco coir, it'll last longer and you can get it in the exact color you choose instead of the regular brown. Totally gonna try it!

  14. Wish I could come visit you during the garden tour but western Montana is a little too far. I never would have thought of putting the fuschia at the top layer — stunning idea. Thanks for you info on your color choices — I struggle with that part but you explained it so well, I think I can do it.

  15. You have an eye for color and texture ๐Ÿ˜ฎ it's Beautiful I always enjoy what you do. I wish I lived there to come to the tour. Sending love from WV ๐Ÿ˜Š

  16. Okay using towels is simply brilliant!!! Iโ€™ve never seen anyone else do thatโ€”talk about resourcefulness! And your facebook marketplace is gold! I check ours daily and never find things as amazing as you do!

  17. I absolutely LOVE the stand and low bowl planter in front of your work table! Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ve talked about it in a previous video (I must have missed that one). Where did you find it??? Looks like a metal wash stand base that you put a pot on. Great idea!!! Iโ€™ve been on the hunt for a vintage baby bath (Iโ€™m a nicu nurse/ more recently Neonatal nurse practitioner, so anything vintage baby related is my jam.)

  18. That is so stinking cool!! I drool over antique planters like yours whenever I find one!! Thank you so much for explaining how you set up and manage it!!

  19. Amanda Amanda Amanda. Girl, you out did yourself today. What a clever ideal to use towels instead of coco liners. I will definitely try this technique this week. I have 2 hanging baskets and plenty of old towels. Thanks for the information. You are a creative teacher

  20. It turned out beautiful! I'm going to keep my eye out for something to plant tiered like that.
    Love your cut snapdraggons too!

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