
It’s too late to buy more plants…said no Gardener ever!

I just can’t stop myself. Just recently purchased another large selection of plants. The good news? They were on a 25% off sale…so better sales equals more plants, right? In today’s video you’ll get to come along as I plant up about 20 things in 5 areas of my property. I’ll share my tips and tricks for caring for herbs, hostas, annuals and perennials. You’ll learn how to easily take a hanging basket (that often has 2 or more plants) and separate it out and make MORE plants. Finally you’ll see how I ended up bringing home what I will call some oops plants! Perennials that I thought were ornamental grasses and turned out to be something entirely different. By the end of this hot and humid planting expedition, I was covered in dirt and sweat…all evidence that it was a productive day in the garden.

hey everybody Welcome to Garden time with Belle have you ever gone to your local plant nursery and become so excited about the plants that you just grab the plants that you like and then you bring them home and figure it out later yeah that’s what today’s video is all about just recently I was at one of my local nurseries who was having an end of the season sale everything was 25% off and I was there the very last week so I thought why not go and see what I can score on such a great sale I didn’t have a whole lot of things on my list I thought just go show up if it speaks to you and you love it get it and then figure it out later which is precisely what ended up happening I did have some things in mind I wanted to grab some hostas uh I’ve got a little hosta bed here that I’m devoting to my late mother-in-law who was an amazing hosta grower in fact Maggie’s Garden Maggie uh I think she ended up with probably uh about a hundred cultivars of Hosta what I was looking for were hostas that were on sale and were really light in color I’ve got a lot of Darker hostas in this bed so I was lucky and found some hostas I was also after some blue plants just annuals I have a bed called my work in progress bed and I’ve showed you that before four I have uh some Limelight Prime hydrangeas that are brand new this year they’re in the back and then I have filled in with a variety of annuals some that I grew from seed that are in varying shades of pink and then I thought you know I need some blue so I thought why not get some Salvia something with a more upright habit and I found two different kinds of salvi in fact one kind I’d never even heard of and it is a stunner so that was a really good score let’s see what else was I after oh I know uh I’ll show you here in just a minute when we get out there and get to planting um I had a couple of pots outside of my Greenhouse at the entrance uh smaller pots and I had purchased what looked to be super beautiful Euphoria I think the variety I found was Diamond snow Euphoria and when you see it in a minute it’ll explain it one of my euphorbias looks perfectly fine the other one is dead I have no idea why they got exactly the same conditions same pot same soil same location same amount of watering you know sometimes that just happens in fact I was talking to my girlfriend who went with me on that particular shopping spree she got some Diamond Frost um or Diamond snow Euphoria same plant I did and I was at her house last week and we were doing a little Walkabout in her garden and same thing so there was something wrong with one a few of those plants because her plant completely died as well and she took really good care of it so I don’t know sometimes that just happens for those pots I’m actually going to pull out the good Euphoria and replant it somewhere else and I found a hanging basket with my favorite proven winter super tuna Vista patunas and the hanging basket has two plants in it so I’m I’m going to separate that hanging basket into two plants and pot up two pots with super tunia Vista Bordeaux that’ll go with my purple theme what else did I score on so I really didn’t have plans for anything else but I ended up coming home with some more stuff came home with some Tower basil they had loads and loads of Basil there and it was funny I was talking to the owner in that particular uh area of the nursery and I said wow look at all this B basil and he’s like yeah I think I overplanted he said last year we ran out of Basil so this year I might have gone The Other Extreme and so they had these gorgeous basil plants just packed full into this one space and supposedly I’ve never grown this kind but they have a towering habit they grow up and Bush out and I thought you know I can never have enough basil number one because I love to cook with basil but number two I grew some basil from seed and my little basil plants even today in theet vegetable garden are about this big so I thought H they’ll eventually grow but I’m going to get some instant basil by popping these in amongst my tomatoes so that’s what I’ll do today as well and let’s see oh lemongrass uh I forgot uh last year I grew lemongrass uh I didn’t grow it from seed but I grew it and I use it a lot in Asian cooking and Indian cooking and it did great for me in fact at the end of the season last year I uh harvested a bunch of lemongrass and uh froze it and I’ve been using it all winter long and soups and uh stir Fred dishes and so saw that lemongrass grabbed me one of those and then the last thing is kind of funny uh that I bought and I’ll show you the plants here in just a minute I thought I was buying some beautiful variegated like ornamental grass and it ended up when I got home home and read the tags closely it’s Yuka or yaka which loves dry conditions uh the good news is it is deer resistant um hot and dry conditions well a lot of my beds are on drip irrigation and I don’t really have a hot dry location so um yeah I’ve got four of them and I found a place for them and I’ll show you where they’re going to go later when I get them in the ground so that is today’s project is sharing with you uh the purchases that I made on that wonderful end of the season sale and how I’m going to use them they’re going to go in lots of different parts of my garden so I thought I’d just bring you along I got to get them in the Garden today and so let me turn the camera around and let’s get started the only uh plant that I purchased that is going in a pot would be the Super tun Vista Bordeaux so I think I’ll pop that up here in the greenhouse in those two pots let you see that and then everything else I purchased is going to go in the landscape either in my raised bed garden or uh around the south side of the house that gets plenty of Sun I thought I’d show you uh the super tunia Bordeaux where it’s going to go so remember I was talking about this euphorbia two identical plants identical pots identical conditions and look at this beauty and look this one like what in the world I cannot figure out what happened and then look at this one oh my goodness so anyhow uh yeah so the super tunior Bordeaux I’m going to split and I’ll show you that I’ll take these pots in the greenhouse and take care of that I’ll pull this one out this Euphoria and I’ll put it in a new pot and place that somewhere else but I thought the Bordeaux that purple light purple would go great and it would really complement what I have going on in my two aquapot lights you all have seen these before but I’ll get in here with a closeup you got to see me pop this one up so I’ve got super tunia Indigo super tunia I don’t remember it’s a mini these are all mini super Tunas and super tunia mini white in the back and look at the centerpiece hi am finally growing gar isn’t it just delightful it’s wispy and tall and blows in the breeze it’s just so pretty and I think it makes a nice contrast against my Greenhouse so let me get these pots inside the greenhouse and I’ll make that transfer and get some super tunia Bordeaux going time to get my diamond snow Euphoria out of this pot and in this pot isn’t that cute I thought that was pretty cute so I think it’ll be fine in there so I will add some soil and then I’ll try to transfer most of the soil that’s in here into here as well but I think it needs some fresh potting mix there on the bottom fairly decent size container so I think I’ll go ahead and do that [Music] I’ve got my super tunia Vista Bordeaux hanging basket here so I need to take the hanger off get in here and see how many plants really are in here I know the nursery store owner said they put at least two in all their hanging baskets so we’ll see when I get this uncovered the other thing I wanted to share with you all is you remember the plant I showed you the the reason why I’m doing this the plant the euphoria that bit the Dust for some unknown reason I went ahead and took that plant and the soil and dumped it in a part of the property that I don’t care about uh because I just just in case that plant had some kind of weird disease I didn’t want to take this plant and put it in that soil in case there was something in the soil uh you know from that plant so better safe than sorry so that’s what I’m going to do uh right now so you can follow along you will see me put in as I always do with all of my annual pots I will be putting in biotone root starter and I’ll put some slow release continuous plant food any kind you like I just happen to have the proven Winters brand that will continue to help feed this beautiful flowering plant All Summer Long for all that’s left to do on the super tunia Bordeaux pots is to give them a drink water them in but don’t they look pretty next to my other purple and white super tunia Vista series they are a little scraggly right now but if you know anything about the super tuna as you know they are vigorous hardworking plants that within a couple of weeks they will really be taking off and filling in this space nicely so need to give them a drink and then I got more plants to plant not a bad day in the garden next stop on planting day is here in my race bed garden I’ve got four plants that need to go in the ground super simple job because as you know raised bed gardens the soil is nice and light and fluffy so it’s not hard digging at all but let me show you what I’m going to place here the lemongrass that I love to cook with so that’s going to go in I’m not sure where yet and this Tower basil that that I told you all about uh let me take a look at the tag everleaf Emerald Towers basil PL in full sun grows 24 to 36 in tall oh my goodness between 2 and 3et Tall uh I’m not sure where it’s going to go I think it’s going to go near some of my tomato plants which I have currently 12 plants tomatoes growing in my garden that I grew from seed very proud of that this year uh so I’m going to put them near the tomatoes because there’s lots of evidence that when you grow basil near your Tomatoes it will repel the dreaded tomato hornworm those of you out there that garden and grow tomatoes you know what those are they are these Very Hungry Caterpillar stage that can defoliate your tomato plants in no time and eat on the tomatoes so I’m going to give that a try this year I’ve already got some of my little baby basil that I grew from seed planted which I’ll show you a close-up in a minute but I’m going to go ahead you can never have enough Bas I’m going to go ahead and pop these babies in somewhere so yeah so I better uh get to it uh last thing very easy need two things for the job biotone starter fertilizer which I always use as you know you’re probably tired of me telling you about it but I’m telling you it is a game changer your plants will love you for it and my Hy Hy uh Garden knife uh Spade so yeah that’s what I’m going to do next [Music] here I am in Maggie’s garden and this is where I’ve decided to put some of those hostas that I bought on sale I going to be planting the what they call the Fire and Ice hosta let’s see what the specs are on this beauty of course love shade well draining soil um height 20 in spacing 24 so it doesn’t get massive I bought three and let me see if I can bring it in closer for the camera to see how gorgeous I wanted something that was lighter and so it’s got this creamy interior and it’s edged with that beautiful green I think that that’s going to add some pops of light in this Shady spot the other thing I thought I would share with you all about this particular spot is that we don’t have a lot of shade on our property we don’t have a lot of trees up close to the house we have trees far off in the distance and you know so I don’t have a lot of places to plant uh shade loving things like hostas and so I think maybe it was a year ago I decided under this little cluster of trees by the pond I would try to create a little hosta garden it’s a big risk planting this far away from the house because we live on 10 acres and we have all kinds of Wildlife and so for a while all the way around these trees my husband put up uh fencing uh just to kind of keep deer out or whatever uh and we didn’t have too many problems and so I took the fencing down about I would say probably two or three weeks ago and of course I’m in my garden every day so I check it it doesn’t look like anything has been eating on our hostas so fingers crossed it’ll stay that way however I wanted to share the method I use to create this little bed you all have heard probably and maybe not about the no till method no till method is basically you find a spot where you want to start a garden in your yard you lay down a couple of layers of nice heavy duty cardboard without tape without a bunch of ink and then you pile on wonderful Rich compost 6 in or so ought to do it you leave it you let it cure the cardboard breaks down it suppresses the weeds and you have a garden and that is the method I took for this spot and so far it has worked beautifully that [Applause] got those three Fire and Ice hostas planted into Maggie’s Garden they just bring such a brightness to a dark Shady space and add some variety with all the other hostas that I’ve got going in this space so hoping that they’re going to do well here I think they will you noticed I use my power augur today sometimes I like to use that in spaces because it is just so much easier than me being on my hands and knees with the TR even though this is nice soft soil and it stays soft and cool because it’s under the trees it’s just for me faster to use the augur for some jobs I’ve got about 10 more plants to get in the ground and this spot my work in progress bed I’ve shared with you all before is going to get some amazing Blue Salvia and two different varieties that I scored recently on that shopping trip but let me tell you what’s already in this bed so in the back you can see I’ve got three Limelight Prime hydranges they’re brand new this year I just uh planted them I think in early April they’re going to be the stunners they’re going to be the big backdrop shrub they’ll get about 5 to six feet tall and about four to five feet wide and they’re just going to be lovely but you know they take a while to get going like most beautiful perennials do but I’m really proud with how they’re looking so far anybody that knows about hydranges knows that typically they put on their big panicle blooms and really they start to take off later in the summer into fall I will get a picture of the limel Prime hydrangea and I will put it up on screen for you all to see what these three shrubs are really going to look like when they get to maturity so I thought this summer you know I’m growing so many things from seed for the very first time my idea was just to plant in some annuals things that I grew from seed well I’ve done that already so I want to tell you what’s in here that I’ve grown from seed that I planted up on another video you might want to check out uh so let’s see in between the Limelight Prime hydranges I have some sosia Asian Garden I believe they’ll send up pretty pink spiky flowers that are sort of variegated they have varying Shades from Bright deep dark pink to light pink on them never grown them before but wow they did great growing from seed so there you can see them dotted by the hydranges and then you what you probably can’t see are some of my other little baby seedlings some Gina that’s also pink that’s in there and I tried my hand at growing some I believe it’s Victoria Blue Salvia the seedlings are still like this tall so I’m going to inject this pink shades of pink garden with some beautiful Blues so let me show you what I am going to put in first I have this is salvia and this is an annual Salvia isn’t that I mean gorgeous let me share with you a little bit more so this is the Mystic spires Blue Salvia very common I’ve not grown it but it’s pretty popular let’s see six uh hours of Sun each day water medium spacing 12 to 18 inches and the height gets between 18 and 24 in uh so uh that’s going in so isn’t that just glorious I mean look at that Wowzer super pretty so that’s going in and then I came across a Salvia I had never seen before and I don’t know where I’ve been all these years uh so let me show you that Salvia I hope you can see how gorgeous this plant is this is also considered an annual for those of you that live in very warm climates it might act as a perennial but probably for my zone 6 Mid Missouri Garden it’ll be an annual and it is called Black and Blue Salvia look at the electric blue flowers and why it’s called black and blue is the kix’s that hold the flowers are a very very dark blue almost black color which is spectacular I just think it is gorgeous so let’s look at how it’s gonna grow again it’s sun-loving six hours of Sun a day so I think you know I’m going to be pushing it it’ll get six hours here uh it might it might appreciate some shade in the afternoon I don’t know but we’re going to try it anyhow uh let’s see spacing 36 in height 36 to 48 in that’s 3 to 4 foot tall you all I’m doing Garden math again aren’t you impressed yeah so these babies get big and that’s going to be great because look at the gorgeous color anyhow so I’m kind of pushing the envelope here you know I’ve never grown this particular variety of salvia before but I think they’re going to be okay out here even though it’s east facing like I said I think it’s going to get enough sun to do just fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got my Salvia in the work in progress Garden but I had to come under I’m I’m standing under a tree right now in the shade because it’s so warm here today I mean hot and humid G not the best to work in but uh my camera got overheated so I had to go inside and let the camera cool off and me cool off a little bit but here I am I wanted to finish up with you and just tell you a little bit more about this garden bed as you saw when I was using my augur I got a to a lot of nasty wet clay soil uh so we’ll see what happens I added compost to the holes to try to help with the drainage a little bit and I’ve got this on drip irrigation and I have my drip system set on timers so I am going to be uh turning that timer off completely I’m not going to water this race bed for several days we’ve just had so much rain it needs to dry out because I don’t want the roots of my plants to rot that would be really sad sad sad sad so that is my workaround but I’m going to turn the camera around I’m going to walk up here get out of the shade and I want to show you a closeup of what I’ve got in this Garden I decided to put a nice uh spot of blue here on this end and blue over here so this is where I chose to plant the Mystic spires Blue Salvia isn’t that just pretty and look at it against the super tunia Vista bubble isn’t that going to be pretty and then I mentioned earlier this is the sosia Asian Garden that I grew from seed and you can just see yeah I get that in Focus I hope so you can just see the tippy top it’s got a little bit of pink coming on and look at that foliage I realize the foliage was going to be so pretty that beautiful green with pink edges very nice so there is my Mystic spires Blue Salvia and then on the opposite end this is where I chose to put the black and blue salvia and this as you recall gets three to four feet tall so it is really a big one so look at that I mean I’m just so in love with this gorgeous plant that Shocking Blue with the cxes that are the I guess what why they call it black or really dark blue I think if this will grow 3 to four feet tall and fill in the space that’ll make me so so happy well I better talk quick before my camera overheats again I’ve got to complete this job today and what I have left to do is to get these four plants in the ground I am on the south side of the house nice and hot the sun’s coming out and woo yeah so I better get after it uh let me tell you a funny story about these plants however so when I went to that amazing sale at the Garden Nursery the other day I uh was towards the end of my purchases and I was in one of their hoop houses and I saw this gorgeous foliage and what I had intended to purchase were some ornamental grasses something I have no experience with in the garden but I thought I want something with some very Iration dark and light in uh the leaf structure and so that’s what I thought I had purchased well I have purchased actually Yuka or yaka uh called colorgard Adams needle and let me bring it in so you can see I’ll get it close to the camera hopefully so you can see why I fell in love with this I mean just look at this foliage chartreuse in the center dark green on the edges and it puts up a big huge beautiful white flower but this isn’t really what I had intended to get and so yeah what to do what to do well I wasn’t going to take them back I mean they’re so pretty I have never grown yucka before but you know I try stuff all the time that I’ve never done this is going to be one of those times and I discovered as I did a little research uh that these need a sun to part shade they get 2 to three foot tall it says spacing 15 in but I don’t know I looked this up online and it acted like these things were going to get a lot bigger so uh the other thing it says is it does best in light well draining soil and on the dry side well that’s why I’m going to put them here because I don’t have any drip irrigation in this area faces South so I think that’s the way that I can make sure they’re relatively dry so the other thing I am thinking about that I’m not really looking forward to is this this bed uh was never intended for plants actually uh it was sort of here when we came and uh when my son put in some perennials and shrubs and trees for me a couple three four years ago I asked him just to run landscape fabric along here and pile Mt on top because I was never intending to plant anything here but I got these four yucka so they got to go somewhere and really this is the best place I think for them and so I’m going to probably get my uh razor knife out uh and I’ll have to move the mulch and cut opening in the landscape fabric that’s underneath to get them in the ground I mean it’s not that hard of a job but you know again landscape fabric to me provides a wonderful wonderful weed suppression especially for a place that you don’t intend to grow anything in but it’s not just bare Earth you’ve got you know a whole line of mulch just to make it look a little bit prettier so uh yeah that’s what I need to do better get after it before the camera overheats and eye over heat so last plants to go in [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it’s time to wrap things up for the day I am so happy that I got to take you along with me as I got so many plants in the ground everything from the herbs that I put out in my Way’s bed garden to hostas in Maggie’s Garden to some gorgeous blue salvia in my uh work in progress garden bed and of course the surprise oops plant that I purchased the yucka got those in as well thanks so much for coming along I really appreciate your support for my channel if you enjoyed today’s adventure please like And subscribe and as always you know I hope wherever you are it is a happy gardening day

1 Comment

  1. Guara is my favorite perrenial…It's fairy like and so beautiful and delicate. Mine are pink and if you cut it back by a 3rd after it goes over you wiill get another flush..

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