
HELP! Rat Snake Problem

have a rat snake issue here in central Texas. I know 2 have died and I just saw a third the other day. I have collected 2 eggs in a month from my THIRTEEN HENS!!! I wanted to do this peacefully but now I’m angry.

How to handle this issue?? If it was one snake I could just remove it but clearly it’s a larger population than that since I confirmed one dead, my ceramic egg went missing, and I saw the third last week.

by BelleBottom94


  1. HappyLion4743

    Try this. White golf balls. Or clay eggs, you’ll still lose eggs. But not as many and not for long replace the ones that go missing. Snakes can’t throw up.. They eat a golf ball, and thats it. You can also make a dog catcher stick.

  2. Fuck the other two replies. Either relocate it, or accept the fair trade that is losing an occasional egg in exchange for excellent rodent control.

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