
Zucchini Thief!


by precisecoffee


  1. fizzzylemonade

    The tail wagging 🥹 like they’re really getting away with something as you video! So cute

  2. Zestyclose_Ad_1579

    I want my own zucchini thief too pleeeeaaaaasse


    that is adorable, your dog deserves it for being such a good pup.

  4. Pomegranate_1328

    I had lattice around my garden years ago since the dogs kept bunnies out. We got a new dog. He would try to reach my squashes through the lattice holes. I would see him do it. I could see his scratching on the veggies he couldn’t reach. One day i came outside and saw a dog size hole chewed through the wood and he was munching on zucchini in the yard. He was such a stinker! He would dig holes everywhere too. Our older lab would look at him like he was nuts. We had a fence he would also sneak out of and make a mess and then sneak back in and I would catch him on camera. he was way too smart. Your dog is such a cutie!!!

  5. Opus_Zure

    Pupito! My boy saw me eating from the raspberry bush. I gave him some…and suddenly I could see his little bean realize he could pluck them himself. He put a branch in his mouth lol. I had to show him how to pluck just the berry. He now gently pulls them off. How could I not show him? I love him so much.

  6. Hudsonrybicki

    You mean you didn’t plant a salad bar for your dog? Shame on you!

  7. pdxisbest

    Blessed are they who help us eat excess zucchini 🙏

  8. 34Shaqtus32

    Better than my disgusting squash bug “friends”

  9. monkey_trumpets

    That’s so funny. Our lab mix will purposefully avoid eating a pea or other produce in her food, unless it’s mushed in to the other food.

  10. BigRefrigerator9783

    Pups snatching squash is a theme on this sub, and I am here for it! ♥️😂

  11. JHSD_0408

    Omg I love them. Wish id had a garden the labbys could steal from and enjoy as they grew. You’re very lucky to have this gem.

  12. GlitterIsInMyCoffee

    I plant snap peas and carrots for my lil pupper. Maybe I’ll see if she likes zucchini! Thanks for your awesome video. 🫶🏼

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