
Every time my alocasia grows a new leaf one of the other ones dies, help?

Every time my alocasia grows a new leaf one of the other ones dies, help?

by Lovestays14


  1. specialvixen

    Question: Do you have any pets, a cat perhaps?

  2. I_eat_houseplants

    You need to fertilize with every watering

  3. Soil looks a bit compact. May need a bit better draining mix by adding perlite.

  4. Any-Bookkeeper-2110

    This is very common in alocasias. It is nothing to worry about. Once your plant becomes more established it should stop doing that (as much)

    ETA: it looks like it needs better light. It’s stretching for the nearest light source. And as others have said, someone may be chomping on your leaves 🙂

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