Rare Houseplants

What are the biggest factors for monstera fenestration?

So my little tai constellation’s newest leaf has started to show the tiniest amount of fenestration (it’s really just a single hole in the leaf. And it made me wonder. I’ve seen bigger monsteras with no fenestration at all. What are these bigger monstera missing that is causing them to not fenestrate?

by Reef_Parent


  1. Other_Smoke_3568

    light. i noticed the more light they get the more fenestrations they put out. just be patient it’ll take a few leaves before you start to notice 💜

  2. Humidity 🙂 I run at least 15 min a day humidifier with mine

  3. NonstopTomates

    I believe that wind is what you’re looking for. They create the fenestrations to survive the whipping winds of tropical storms.

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