Grafting Plants

Trim new growth?

Grafted the mini loph to pere about 3 weeks ago. The pere is starting to send new growth out the sides. There were no leaves this low on the stock so maybe letting some grow would be beneficial for photosynthesis… Trim new growth to maximize the nutrients flowing to the graft, or let it ride?

by veritasphilia


  1. regolith1111

    Tweezers make it easy. You want to remove any growth like this, having leaves is great but a stick does just fine, especially for a loph

  2. Ashamed-Constant-534

    I don’t think any of my loph/pere grafts have leaves. Cut it

  3. veritasphilia

    A couple different perspectives shared here… I actually have three grafts just like the one pictured (all in the same pot), so I think I’ll experiment. Maybe will let one grow freely, trim all new growth on second, and trim all but one stem of new growth on the third.

  4. e99etrnl17

    Some won’t push the graft without leaves and others will. It’s strange but I had to let some grow out in order to get the graft growing. Can always take it off once they’re big enough to photosynthesize I guess.

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