Japanese Garden

Scientists Terrifying New Discovery About Hitlers Body Changes Everything!

Scientists Terrifying New Discovery About Hitlers Body Changes Everything!

From hidden treasures to groundbreaking technologies, welcome to a journey through history where secrets are revealed and the world changes forever! Pulled from the darkness of the past, finds from World War II still offer deep insights into a pivotal era in human history. These discoveries, often surprising, share tales of bravery, trickery, sorrow, and exploration, giving us a clear view of the war’s widespread effects. In this video, we’ll explore the top 30 amazing finds from that time, showcasing the objects that silently witnessed history.

a 70-year-old mystery May finally be solved that involves tons of gold and jewels stolen by n Nazi thieves from Hidden Treasures to groundbreaking Technologies welcome to a journey through history where secrets are revealed US soldiers come into this room and they discover 8,198 of these gulper orbs and the world changes forever pulled from the darkness of the past finds from World War II still offer deep insights into a pivotal era in human history the second world war was a deadly war that killed millions and millions of people including innocent civilians these discoveries often surprising share Tales of Bravery trickery sorrow and exploration giving us a clear view of the wars with spreed effects in this video we’ll explore the top 30 amazing finds from that time showcasing the objects that silently witnessed history number 30 finding of u505 the u505 was a German submarine A type 2 iuo active during World War II the United States Navy captured Ed it on June 4th 1944 this was an extraordinary event because it was the first time since the 1800s that a US Navy ship caught an enemy at sea but the story of the u505 didn’t stop there it went on to become a key museum piece launched into service in 1941 the u505 took part in many patrols and battles under different captains it managed to snc eight ships belonging to the allies yet its time at Sea was full of technical troubles and accidents the capture of the u505 happened during operation teardrop which aimed to find and either capture or destroy German submarines in the Atlantic the US Navy armed with intelligence and Superior anti-submarine strategies saw the u505 near West Africa after an attack by planes and ships the u505 was badly damaged leading its crew to evacuate the USS guad Canal’s crew boarded the abandoned submarine grabbing very important code books papers and gear that helped Allied code Breakers the capture of the u505 was kept secret hidden from the public and most of the US military this was to keep the Germans from finding out their codes had been broken the submarine was taken to Bermuda for quiet examination after the war the u505 could be used for target practice and sunk but thanks to efforts led by Captain Daniel Gallery who captured it and his brother rear Admiral Philip D Gallery it was saved 1954 the u505 was given to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago moving this huge submarine to the museum required a detailed and varied plan involving different moving methods number 29 Enigma machine the Enigma machine is a standout symbol of Yi’s vast sacret world of codebreaking developed by German engineer Arthur sherbo early in the 20th century for commercial use the Gman military soon saw its value for secret messages turning it into a complex tool for making messages no one could read the Enigma had different versions but worked on a key idea rotating rotors that turned regular messages into complex code polish intellig could buy an enigma at a trade Expo and obtain a code book from a French spy when Poland was conquered in 1939 the poles knew they would be unable to decipher the code and turned over the knowledge and equipment to the Allies the Germans made breaking it much tougher by adding extra rotors and a plug board to scramble the letters further its alleged indestructible properties made it an important element of the German war effort allowing for secure communication transmission by the war’s conclusion the British were reading 10% of all German Enigma Communications at Bletchley Park in England using the world’s first electromagnetic computers found after the war these machines now sit in museums physical reminders of the Unseen battle of wits alongside the actual fighting showing the crucial mix of Technology intelligence and combat [Music] number 28 the Amber Room the Amber Room often called the world’s Eighth Wonder was a Barack Masterpiece made mostly of Amber Gold and Gems it was built in the 18th century and was a highlight of the Catherine Palace near St Petersburg Russia its whereabouts during World War II are still a big mystery today the room was a present from the Prussian King to Peter the Great in 1716 it became a sign of Russian luxury and Artistry but when Germany invaded the Soviet Union in World War II the Nazis took the room apart they put the panels in boxes and sent them to konigsburg Castle now in kaliningrad Russia after the war no one knew what happened to the Amber Room leading to many guesses some think it was lost in the Allied bombings others believe it’s hidden somewhere in 1997 an Italian stone mosaic feel and touch from a set of four stones that had ornamented the Amber Room was discovered in Germany in the ownership of the family of a soldier who claimed to have assisted in the packing of the Amber chamber the Mosaic was handed over to Russian officials and utilized in the rebuilding in 1998 two distinct teams German and Lithuanian declared that they had found the Amber Room the German team referred to a silver mine while the Lithuanian team thought the Amber wealth was buried in a lagoon neither site contained the Amber Room despite many searches in mines bunkers and castles no one has found the original Amber Room yet there was a Twist Russia decided to remake this lost treasure with help from private donors and Germany using old photos and descriptions it took over 20 years more than $1 million and skilled workers to rebuild the Amber Room it reopened 2003 in the Catherine Palace letting people admire its beauty again the mystery of the original Amber Room still intrigues historians treasure Seekers and art fans there are still rumors and supposed sightings keeping its story alive the new Amber Room shows the dedication to bringing back a piece of cultural history almost lost in the war number 27 the Nazi gold train the story of the Nazi gold train has intrigued many treasure Seekers and history Buffs this train reportedly filled with gold jewels and valuable items taken by Nazis during World War II is believed to be hidden in the hills of lower Alia now part of Poland according to an apocryphal account in the latter months of World War II a Nazi armored train filled with gold and other riches departed Breslau now Rosa arrived at the station fryborg in schian but did not reach the following station waldenburg in schian the train is believed to have entered an abandoned coal mine or tunnel system under sh Castle which is part of the unfinished top secret Nazi building project project Risa in the owl mountains the train was meant to carry over 300 tons 330 tons of wealth Jewels weaponry and artistic Marvels historians claim that the existence of the train has never been established the Polish Armed Forces searched extensively for the train throughout the Polish People’s Republic 1947 1989 but they could not locate anything according to the legend this treasure was concealed in a covert tunnel to prevent Discovery as Soviet forces approached despite many efforts searches and studies no one has found the gold train and proof of its existence comes mainly from stories in 2015 two people hunting for Treasure said they found the Train’s location with special radar this news caused a big stir and led to a fresh search with lots of resources and government involvement but still the train wasn’t found making people more doubtful the Nazi gold train story is still a mystery full of myths history and the longing for Discovery it shows the lasting impact of World War II and keep sparking people’s curiosity [Music] worldwide number 26 finding of the sunken aircraft carrier USS Yorktown the USS Yorktown an American aircraft carrier was key in World War III’s Pacific battles the ship was commissioned in 1937 and could accommodate 2,000 Sailors the studies also looked at the Imperial Japanese Navy’s aircraft carriers akagi and kaga which were hit by aerial bombs to prevent their capture the Japanese planned to sync both ships it suffered significant damage at the Battle of Midway in June 1942 and was later lost by Japanese Torpedoes the location of the USS York towns sinking remained unknown for over four decades the Japanese never fully recovered after their defeat this enabled the United States and its allies to begin seizing control of Japanese areas they accomplished this by successively invading islands and conducting large Naval battles in addition to the Yorktown the Us lost around 362 Sailors the Destroyer Haman and 144 aircraft the carriers Enterprise and Hornet survived the battle intact in 1998 Dr Robert Ballard known for finding the Titanic wreck led a team that discovered the York town deep in the ocean over 3 Mi down near Midway at to this find was a big deal for underwater exploration they got amazing pictures of the Shipwreck using high-tech gear and underwater drones this journey into the deep sea gave new information about the ship’s last moments and reminded us of the sacrifices made during the war finding the USS York town is more than just discovering a lost ship it’s about the mix of History technology and the human Spirit to keep pushing boundaries this discovery lets researchers learn more about a major World War II Naval fight and keeps the memory of the USS York town and its crew alive and honored number 25 graph Zeppelin Germany built just one aircraft carrier in World War II the graph Zeppelin launched in 1938 right before the war started Hitler had hoped it would be ready by 1942 but by 1943 it was still not finished being 95% complete to that purpose chief engineer vilhelm had was reassigned to oversee the graph Zeppelin’s completion hatler planned to start the two inner shafts and their separate propulsion systems first giving the ship an initial speed of 25 to 26 knots sufficient for sea testing and air training by the winter of 1943 1944 she was projected to be combat ready the sole Allied Air Attack on graph Zeppelin during the war occurred on the night of August 2728 1942 while she was still docked at gotenhafen three Royal Air Force AO Lancaster heavy bombers from 106 Squadron were sent against the German aircraft carrier each carrying a single capital ship bomb a 5,600 lb 254t ordinance with a shaped charge Warhead designed for armored targets One Pilot who was unable to see the carrier due to Haze dropped his bomb instead on the estimated position of the nyso the Soviets could not repair the ship within the time frame stipulated by the Allied tripartite commission hence she was declared a category C ship Hitler eventually lost interest in it and after the war the ship was sunk in Poland’s shallow Waters the Soviets chose to rescue the crippled ship which was refloated in March 1946 Western historians speculated about the the ship’s fate for decades after the war ended according to German historian Eric gruner the Soviets raised the scuttled ship and to it to Leningrad during a storm she allegedly colleted with a mine off the coast of Finland grer stated that she was broken up for scrap once graph Zeppelin arrived in Leningrad however the Russians discovered it and brought it to Leningrad in 1946 they used it for target practice hitting it with more than 24 bombs surprisingly it stayed afloat until it sank its exact location remained unclear for decades until 2006 when P Baltic discovered the debris it was 264 ft deep near [Music] Gdansk number 24 uncovering of ss gpa’s silver cargo the SS goopa was a British steamship carrying Cargo in 1941 while traveling from India to Britain a German submarine attacked and sank it the ship had a huge amount of silver about 7 million ounces meant to help Britain during the war on January 30th 1941 gyas sappa left Freetown with sl64 a convoy of 30 Merchant ships destined for Liverpool however Heavy Rain hindered the Convoy and depleted gpa’s bunkers on February 15th her master Captain Gerald Highland detached her from sl64 slowed her to 5 knots 9 k h to preserve coal and changed course for the nearest protected Anchorage gallway Bay in neutral Ireland for bunkering a German faka wolf fw200 aircraft circled gar soopa around 08 EU on February 16th 18800 hours U1 101 discovered her but its attack was delayed due to strong waves u11 fired two Torpedoes at 2328 HRS and a third at 2332 har s they all missed on February 17th at 1800 hours u1001 fired a fourth torpedo which struck the starboard side of gara’s number two hold the ship caught fire and landed near the bow at zeru 20 hours U 101 launched a fourth torpedo as a Cass but it missed gpa’s crew abandoned the ship in three lifeboats and she sank approximately 20 minutes after being hit until 2011 11 the SS gypa wreck remained submerged deep under the ocean almost 4,700 M below the surface that year an American company called Odyssey Marine exploration discovered the wreck in the North Atlantic the next year they started to bring up the silver From the Bottom of the Sea this job was hard and became one of the biggest and deepest recoveries of valuable medals ever Odyssey managed to bring up more than 61 tons of silver people see this as an amazing example of what can be done in underwater exploration and Engineering finding the SS gala’s silver cargo didn’t just bring up lost treasure it also highlighted a part of World War II that isn’t discussed much how important sea transport was for moving resources it reminds us of the huge efforts dangers and planning needed to manage the economy during war times number 23 me262 jet inside of a bomb crater inside a bomb crater something unexpected was discovered the Messer Schmidt 262 was the first jet fighter to be used in combat this discovery highlighted how air Warfare which became a major part of World War II brought destruction from the sky to Once safe places more advanced planes were made as the war went on causing more significant damage there have been many cases of bombs from the war being found unexploded but one incident in gangan Germany in June 2010 was incredibly shocking workers found a 500 kg bomb from the Allies buried 23 ft deep an attempt to disarm it went wrong killing three people and injuring six another remarkable find was in October 2014 in the Netherlands workers near the D Airbase in Aram found a jet plane on a farm it’s thought that the aircraft was shot down in 1944 and the pilot died in the crash to hide it the Germans put the wreckage in a bomb Crater where it stayed hidden for many years they chose to excavate in the area because bomb holes were frequently used as suitable dumping grounds during w what was trash 70 years ago can be treasure now but it was a big surprise when the characteristic of the slightly damaged and corroded nose of the me262 emerged from the ground complete with its forgun apertures with its strongly armored glass the readily identifiable windshield debuted as did two MK 108 30 mm nose mounted cannons finally the wing portions appeared the team excavated by hand but after a whole day of effort they still couldn’t get the wing portion with its undercarriage to move so they returned the next day with more substantial Earth moving equipment once they started rolling it was evident why the wing wouldn’t budge the primary Spar was embedded deep in the ground the other Wing was beneath it at the bottom of the pit the museum also recovered many loose Parts including sections of a junker jumo 004 jet engine because only two cannons were disc discovered in the wreck the museum initially suspected that the aircraft was a me262 a2a STM vogle stormbird fighter bomber variant as this type had just two cannons fitted and two empty gun ports fared [Music] over number 22 recovery of stolen artworks World War II saw an enormous and organized theft of Art and cultural Treasures mainly by the Nazis thousands of art pieces were taken and ended up in private hands museums and hidden places the effort to get these stolen artworks back started during the war and is still ongoing governments organizations and people work hard to find identify and return these cultural Treasures to their original owners or families a key part of this effort was setting up The Monuments Fine Arts and archives program also known know as The Monument’s Men this group from the Allied Forces worked to find and protect cultural properties in areas affected by the war their hard work helped recover millions of pieces of Art and cultural items after the war the Allies found many hidden places full of stolen art like over 6,500 paintings in a salt mine in Austria and art collections in nanin Castle in Germany confiscated artworks were frequently kept for private Nazi and German collections in contrast others were sold to buyers in neutral Nations such as Switzerland to acquire funds for further art pieces and materials for the Nazi war machine furthermore Switzerland provided a significant market for selling off degenerate art the Paris Art Market was the most active during the War years French auction houses and dealers offered artworks at exorbitant prices to German buyers the Netherlands art Treasures were the second most popular for art pillage and the Italian market was also Rife with Merchants who took advantage of Germans and Nazis by raising prices and extracting profits at the expense of their German allies giving these artworks back to their rightful owners has been a complex process with many legal ethical and historical challenges some art pieces have been returned but others must be included or caught in legal fights the return of Gustav kimps portrait of Adele block bower for sise to Maria Altman became a famous case even being made into a movie called woman in Gold lately digital tools databases and international teamwork have made tracking and verifying stolen art easier organizations like the art loss register and various National groups keep helping with research claims and returning stolen items [Applause] number 21 the bad errolson archives in the quiet German Town of bad arolsen there’s a set of plain buildings that hold the world’s biggest collection of Records on the people who suffered or survived under the Nazis this place known as the bad errolson archives of the International tracing service has over 30 million documents about the terrible events of the Holocaust forced labor and how people were moved around during and after World War II the Red Cross was first set up to help find missing people after the war over time it grew to keep records from places like concentration and extermination camps ghettos and prisons run by the Gestapo these records have been really important for studies and for giving back to people what was taken helping to prove what happened to victims and bringing back together their families that were separated by the war the archives weren’t open for everyone to see until 2007 because people were worried about privacy since opening up they’ve been an important tool for people studying history researchers and family members of those who were harmed showing how widespread and planned the Nazi crimes were a project started in 2016 to put all these records online has helped share this information with people worldwide through efforts like every name counts the bad rolsen archives are getting people involved in Remembering those affected more than 70 years after the conclusion of World War II the ites receives over 1,000 queries per month from all around the globe most of them now come from younger Generations looking for information on the whereabouts of their family members in 2015 the its received around 15500 inquiries about the whereabouts of 21,99 people from survivers family members and researchers today the bad arolsen archives remind us of the terrible things that happened during the Holocaust and how important it is to remember the truth of History to fight against those who deny or change what happened as the number of people who lived through the Holocaust gets smaller the archive Mak sure the stories and experiences of millions of victims are not forgotten standing as a witness to one of the darkest times in [Music] history number 20 the ghost during World War II amidst all the fighting and destruction a unique group known as the ghost Army played a big but not so famous part in helping the Allies win this group comprised artists actors Architects and Engineers all part of the 23rd headquarters Special Troops of the United States Army their job was to trick the enemy into thinking the Allied Forces were bigger than they were they used a mix of tricks like fake tanks the sounds of armies and fake radio messages to make the Germans think there were Allied soldiers when there weren’t any they were good at making it seem like there were large military bases in places with nothing but air using inflatable tanks and fake planes they also played sounds of soldiers and Machinery to make it sound like a big army was moving around their fake radio chats sent the Germans on Wild Goose chases to supplement previous methods the unit frequently used theatrical effects to augment the other deceptions collectively called atmosphere these included simulating actual units deployed elsewhere by the application of their divisional Insignia painting appropriate unit logos on vehicles and having the individual companies deployed as if they were regimental headquarters units the same few covered cars or lores with only two Personnel in the visible seats in the back to make them appear to be full of motorized infantry would be driven in a loop to simulate long convoys MPS military police would be stationed at Crossroads wearing suitable divisional logos and some Personnel would dress as divisional generals and staff officials when visiting towns where enemy spies or Scouts were likely to observe them even though their work was kept secret until the 1990s it was very important they managed to save many lives by confusing the German forces especially near the war’s end nowadays the clever tactics of the ghost Army are remembered in documentaries and museums and there’s even talk in the US Congress about giving them a special medal to thank them for what they did their story keeps being told showing how thinking outside the box and being creative can make a difference in tough situations like War number 19 carrier pigeon in chimney during World War II carrier pigeons were Messengers for the Allied powers decades after World War II researchers discovered the remains of a carrier pigeon carrying a secret coded message in a chimney in Su England this find happened in 2012 this message could illuminate World War II details but only if decoded England is the most secret site of World War II Britain it is where the Nazi military codes were violated it’s now at the center of a new story about wartime courage SA rice and Intrigue and these birds in this example pigeons are not the adversaries of Park monuments but the best friends of soldiers who employ them to transmit critical messages on D-Day paratroopers brought homing pigeons to ensure radio quiet bomber Crews used them to communicate where they were if they were shot down pigeons faced snipers and Hawks trained to kill them many people got it through many didn’t including one discovered in David Martin’s chimney during the war the UK used over 250,000 pigeons to carry messages and 32 of these birds were honored with the dickan medal the highest award for bravery given to animals some famous medal winners were an Irish pigeon named Patty and an American Army pigeon named GI Joe however the code found with this pigeon might never be understood as it has yet yet to be [Music] cracked number 18 the SS Richard Montgomery the SS Richard Montgomery am munition ship from the US rests just under the water in the temps Estuary near sheerness England serving as a chilling reminder of world war II’s lasting dangers built in 1943 the ship was part of America’s push to make ships for the war it was used to bring Supple to the alleys in August 1944 loaded with about 7,000 tons of munin from Hog Island Philadelphia aim it for cherborg France its cargo had high explosives detonators bombs of different sizes and bullets the ship reached the temp’s Estuary later that month anchoring in a spot for ships waiting for better conditions or places to unload but due to low tide and overload it got stuck in the mud attempts to free it failed and it broke in two and sank with all the dangerous explosives still on board one of the reasons why the explosives were not removed was the terrible conclusion of a similar effort in July 1967 to neutralize the contents of the Polish cargo ship K which sank in 1946 off folkstone in the English Channel during during Preparatory work kils burst with the force of a 4.5 RoR scale earthquake creating a 20ft deep sex MIM crater in the seabed and causing panic and Chaos in folkstone though no one was injured critics of the government’s assurances that the possibility of a significant explosion is low say that one of the 2,600 fused fragmentation devices fuses could become partially flooded causing the reaction to produce copper aide a knock such as a ship breaking apart more or a collision on the busy shipping Lane could cause the copper aide to explode setting off an explosive chain reaction that detonates most weapons the Rec site has been frequently inspected since 1965 to determine the structures stability with a diver survey performed in 2003 highresolution multi-beam sonar investigations conducted in 2005 and September 2006 revealed no recent major movement of the wreck today the SS Richard Montgomery is a potent reminder of world war II’s long-term consequences reminding us of the conflict’s devastating possibilities concerns over the Rex explosive cargo and its potential catastrophy underline the challenges War relics pose and the efforts needed to manage them this ship tells a gripping story of the ongoing risks and historical leftovers from a war that ended over 70 years ago number 17 millions of silver coins recovered from a German steamship this might be the most fantastic find from the war a British team managed to recover a stash of silver coins valued at $44 million from a steamship the Germans sank from an incredible depth of 177,000 Ft the ship SS City of Cairo was part of ellerman lines and led by Captain William Rogerson it functioned as both a cargo and passenger ship in 1942 while transporting 296 persons and 100 tons of silver coinage for the British treasury it was cited by a German ubo in the South Atlantic and sank after being hit twice in quick succession by Torpedoes in total 192 of those on board survived in lifeboats until they were picked up by passing ships and dropped off at either St Helena or Cape Town South Africa in November 2011 a salvage team undertook the daunting task of finding the wreck the deep water over 177,000 ft made the search very challenging they also had to deal with strong currents and big waves and the location was a th000 miles from any land near the Mid-Atlantic ridges Foothills luckily their efforts paid off under a contract with the British Department of Transport the company collected several tens of tons of silver coins from the wreck which were still in Hessian Sachs it also successfully lifted the propeller from one of the Torpedoes the operation was conducted in 2013 but was kept secret until this year after deep ocean took its portion under International Marine Salvage procedures the remaining treasure was returned to its rightful owner number 16 discovery of a German a soldier’s body recently in the Netherlands a treasure hunter using a metal detector stumbled upon the body of a German soldier buried underground he had set out that morning not expecting to find anything more more than perhaps some old coins or relics initially excited when his metal detector beeped at him he saw some ammunition and then to his greater excitement dog tags however his excitement diminished when he realized these tags were still on the remains of a soldier buried in an unmarked grave authorities in the Netherlands conducted an investigation and concluded that the soldier was a German who died during operation Market Garden in 1944 this operation was an ambitious Allied effort to liberate the Netherlands from German occupation thousands of paratroopers landed in the Netherlands to capture strategic Bridges and accessible vital areas the operation was largely successful and many German soldiers lost their lives in the ensuing battles this particular Soldier likely fell to Allied Forces and was hastily buried in his Foxhole along with his military gear hidden beneath the Earth for 75 [Music] years number 15 an Irish message for Pilots air hidden on hothead in Dublin a gors fire uncovered a sign and has since been restored Ireland chose to stay neutral during World War II but there was worry about accidental bombings so in the summer of 1944 they collected 150 tons of of stones and arranged them into the word a in big whitewashed letters visible from the air the Irish National Police Garda air support unit flew above Bray head in County Wicklow to evaluate the damage caused by the Wildfire when they discovered the word ear etched into the Earth in large letters ear is the Irish name for Ireland and the sign reminded Pilots that they were flying over a neutral country during World War II more than 80 of these IR signs were put along Ireland’s Coastline to warn bombers flying overhead that the country underneath them was neutral and should not be targeted according to the Irish aircore the sign discovered on August 4th was the eth in air in 2018 wildfires in wicko made this long hidden air sign visible again interestingly it was a police helicopter flying over the wildfire that first spotted the sign without understanding its significance initially Ireland had about 83 signs along its Coast monitored around the clock to prevent a German invasion fires on Bray head expose Amazing World War II landmarks the fires exposed the old air8 sign in reasonable condition number 14 abandoned toxic base in Greenland American Flowers there’s a deserted World War II site on the remote aitech island which is a sad memory of the war and is now leaking dangerous waste it was set up in 1941 through a deal between the United States and Denmark named Bluey East 2 this agreement freed the US from cleanup duties locals refer to the thousands of rusting orange barrels as American flowers from from a distance on a sunny day the 70-year-old ruins littering the island of katech in Greenland resemble fields of marag Golds rather than deadly relics of Wii however the Americans left the location in 1947 which has since been ignored in 1941 the United States Air Force created a facility on eatech known as Bluey East 2 as part of an agreement between the United States and Denmark which had claimed Greenland in the early 18th century the base was abandoned in 1947 following the war today the site is scattered with old barrels of leaded aviation fuel buildings full of asbestos deric trucks and hundreds of boxes of unexploded dynamite much of which is now leaking harmful substances National Geographic highlights a worrying fact Bluey East 2 is just one of over 30 US military bases built in Greenland during World War IOU and the Cold War all abandoned and leaking toxins for greenlanders this situation is particularly dire they rely on hunting and fishing and the pollution from these 30 bases poses a significant risk to their livelihood and environment Greenland had no say in these matters until 1979 when Denmark granted the island autonomy recently a push to address this environmental hazard saw the Danish Parliament committing about $25 million to clean up some of these US military remnants Greenland has also sought us assistance to decontaminate Camp Century another secretive base buried in ice threatening to release toxic waste the success of these cleanup efforts remains to be seen number 13 Roman Tower Fortress by use the Nazis War bunker a group of archaeologists in the United Kingdom recently discovered an old Roman Fortress that the Nazis had turned into a war bunker during World War II this was when Germany occupied the Channel Islands located between France and England locally known as the Alder nunnery this site has layers of History stretching back back to Medieval Times and was also used during the tutor period And by Napoleon it’s been a sight of human activity for over 2,000 years remarkably it was also where the only two concentration camps on British soil were built Dr Jason Monahan an archaeologist part of the team shared with the media that the site is incredibly complex the remains of a further building built on top of the courtyard have also been found in trenches excavated by the archaeologists The Fortress saw damage in the medieval period and had new sections added in the 18th century but in 1793 the British army knocked down much of its interior by 1906 it had been adapted for use by military families the Nazis were the last to use it reinforcing the ancient structure with their bunkers and adding concrete to its walls to withstand artillery fire they left the Fortress when the war ended giving up the only piece of British land they had captured during the conflict during World War II the German military continued their efforts Dr Monahan noted the Germans neatly inserted their type 501 bunker into the tower ruins effectively shuttering the North and South internal walls to pour their concrete Unfortunately they dug up the entire Tower interior to do so erasing all evidence of internal structures or floors dig alderney announced plans to return to the alderney nunnery in Spring 2022 to learn more about the SES medieval and tutor past number 12 discovery of the the Nazi Eagle Uruguay recently uncovered a colossal Eagle weighing over 800 lb and clutching a swastika still soon after its Discovery they were told to auction off this massive bronze Nazi emblem and remove it from the country this Eagle was initially a fixed to the back of a German warship the Admiral graph SP which sank near South America at the start of World War II the use of the Imperial Eagle in a reigning Emperor’s coat of arms began after the interruption following his coronation as Holy Roman Emperor in 1433 sigismund of Luxembourg used a black double-headed Imperial Eagle henceforth the single- heated Imperial Al eiga denoted the title of King of the Romans and the double-headed one the titly of Emperor Albert E of gery was the final King elect of Germany who did not go on to be crowned Emperor following the German Reformation which began with Ferdinand I 1558 Holy Roman emperors were no longer crowned by the Pope the tonic order led by Herman Von salza had the honor of playing the Imperial Eagle in its code of arms and Frederick e granted it rediscovered in 2006 by deves hired by Uruguay’s government they couldn’t retrieve the whole warship but did bring up the eagle causing quite a s it was briefly shown in Monte Vio before being hidden away due to Germany’s objections to displaying Nazi items the emblem of the Third Reich has long been contentious and the German government restricts the display or sale of such items unless they’re in a museum for educational purposes to avoid International tensions Uruguay’s courts decided the eagle had to be sold within 90 days with the money going to the Salvage team who found the Shipwreck Admiral graph SP was Notorious for sinking Allied Merchant ships in the South Atlantic until British Cruisers found and destroyed it on December 13th 1939 its Captain scuttled the ship in Mont VI’s Harbor and died in Buenos cirz a few days later The Vessel remained unseen until its recent rediscovery number 11 a lost mortar in a quiet British Village bomb disposal experts were summoned for a controlled explosion surprising the residents of kown in rostrevor their peaceful life was inter uped for several hours due to an unexpected find a local John Ross macmathuna discovered an Old World War II mortar using his metal detector in a field this Rusty but still dangerous device packed with 2 lbs of explosives was likely left by American forces who had used the area for training before D-Day these soldiers had practiced with various explosives in the area and accidentally forgot one thankfully the farmer knew the proper steps to take he alerted the authorities and by early morning the bomb disposal team had safely detonated the bomb the loud explosion was a startling wake-up call for the villagers and a reminder of the Hidden dangers in their fields metal detecting enthusiasts take [Music] note number 10 amphibious tank recently a massive amphibious tank was dug up from 30 ft underground in an English Field amazing excavators in England discovered it 74 years after it went missing the backstory of the tank dates to 1947 when more than a dozen Buffalo lvt Landing vehicle tracked machines were brought to Lincolnshire to assist the British Army in constructing flood defenses unfortunately the floods were too much for some amphibious tanks and five were lost including this one which remained missing until now the discovery was not just by chance a team of local military history Buffs was determined to find it after 5 days of digging their efforts paid off the vehicle measuring about 26 ft in length was initially designed to carry supplies and troops over water for Missions across Europe and the Pacific during World War II these vehicles played crucial roles in many of the war ‘s most significant battles such as the D-Day Landings and the Battle of iima before being lost to the floods this particular Buffalo lvt had been used to Ferry soldiers across the Ry River in Germany in March 1945 number nine a lost attack plane recently in Poland a very rare Soviet ground attack aircraft a petlyakov p to was found local villagers stumbled upon the plane’s Remains by chance tragically the two crew members were still inside the cockpit in their uniforms with their personal belongings intact though only their bones remained these two were later taken from the crash site and returned to Russia for burial the job of pulling the wreck out of the swampy area where it lay fell to the Polish villagers they even took apart some of the more significant still whole parts to send them to a museum nearby for exhibition the plane had been part of a Soviet defensive operation during the retreat of the verm in January 1945 the pilots were engaged in a Soviet attack pushing through Poland and driving the Germans out leading up to the final capture of Berlin Adolf Hitler’s German Army invaded Poland initiating World War II though Japan and China China were already at war in 1939 the struggle for Poland lasted about a month before the Nazis won however the invasion sparked a conflict that lasted over 6 years and claimed the lives of tens of millions of people annexing Poland was a step toward that greater goal but why did Adolf Hitler invade Poland the Polish military was unable to stop him and Hitler accurately predicted that Europe’s major nations would not intervene in time this aircraft was one of the casualties of that push crashing and being lost to memory for 75 years it’s worth noting that this isn’t the only WB wreckage hidden in this part of Poland number eight subscriber pick an image that supposedly shows a metal coffin found in a swampy forest with a clear Nazi inscription inside there’s a body that remarkably resembles Adolf Hitler yet surprisingly it hasn’t decayed however this image is likely not genuine as historians provide various accounts of Hitler’s actual demise and the whereabouts of his remains moreover the condition of the body seems too well preserved for someone who passed away decades ago there are many theories about the downfall of Adolf Hitler what have you heard about the end of Hitler share your thoughts and theories in the comments number seven a cach of weapons near St Petersburg in Russia police discovered a warehouse full of World War II weapons at an old man’s house close to the regional administration’s building in 2017 a couple remodeling their home in the burgundy region of France discovered a surprise in the walls a CI of weapons that were most likely hidden by the French Resistance during World War e had been squired away most likely by The macis Who had previously lived on the property the stock peel of Weaponry included three Steen submachine guns three pistols more than a dozen grenades over a thousand rounds of ammunition it’s believed his friends knew about his illegal weapons collection and might have tipped off the police for years this retiree had been unearthing old weapons from World War II battlefields and restoring them to working order his extensive collection featured Mouser rifles ppsh and pps43 submachine guns mp40s swy guns various pistols and revolvers a tank machine gun and an shks machine gun designed for Soviet planes Additionally the police found numerous edged weapons bullets grenades and gunpowder the elderly man now faces potential jail time for the illegal possession of guns and explosives the couple’s identity has not been made public the identities of the original cash owners have not been divulged currently the museum is confirming that makis indeed owned the weapons although Aurora CA the museum curator has been able to trace the guns to a known member of the resistance the museum also offers Regional Maps allowing visitors to see local historical sites these include Maki Fighters residences as well as the sites of fighting and massacres in morvah a cache of weapons was stashed by a local organization that could be retrieved as needed after the conflict many of the cachet’s locations were forgotten number six steer soln in Russia the law doesn’t allow citizens to own automatic weapons however finding one doesn’t mean you have to discard it instead it can be modified to shoot blanks for World War II reenactments or turned into a museum piece this is precisely what some enthusiasts from a group in novarad did they stumbled upon a rare Soul Machine Gun in a lousy shape many of its parts were missing or damaged likely from an explosion the group spent a long time restoring it according to them machine guns from the 1920s and 1930s are relatively simple regarding technology they received significant assistance from friends in voron where the Hungarian Army once equipped with these machine guns Was Defeated spare parts are more readily available there the result of their efforts is a museum piece 1940 1941 the United States Army explored using the Sol S18 1000 the weapon was standardized for limited acquisition as the 20 Mimis automatic gun T3 in early 1941 the Sol was pitted against the ct90 Cal 23m T4 automatic gun which was designed for airplanes although not as strong the Sol was less heavy and complicated making it better suited for army use the objective was to obtain 50 components and develop the weapon in the United States however after lengthy contract talks the transaction was abandoned it was adopted by the Royal Italian Army in 1940 when a first batch was purchased from Switzerland initially known as carabina s s carbine it was redesignated as fuil antaro s s anti-tank rifle in 1942 employed primarily on vehicles and L3 tanket due to its size and weight it was engaged mainly in North Africa after September 8th 1943 it was also used by the national Republican Army of the Italian social [Applause] [Music] Republic number five yamasa treasure the yashida treasure also called yashida’s gold is about the rumored wealth collected by Japanese forces in World War II this Treasure named after General tomoyuki Yamashita supposedly contains gold jewels and precious items taken from South East Asia After Japan gave up the Treasure’s location became a big mystery many treasure Hunters have tried to find it using maps and hints that often LED nowhere or were fake according to several versions the loot was Consolidated in Singapore and then moved to the Philippines the Japanese wanted to convey the riches from the Philippines to the Japanese home Islands after the war as the Pacific War continued us Navy submarines and Allied airlanes sank increasing numbers of Japanese commercial ships some of the vessels transporting the War treasure back to Japan were sunk during the fighting the Seagraves and a few others claimed that American Military Intelligence operatives located much of the loot colluded with Hirohito and other senior Japanese figures to conceal its existence and used it as Black Gold to fund American covert intelligence operations around the world during the Cold War these Legends have motivated many optimistic treasure Hunters but most academics and Philippino historians say no convincing proof exists to support these assertions the Philippines claimed to have discovered some of this gold in 1971 but the entire narrative is still being debated and some are unsure whether the Yamashita treasure exists some believe it is merely a tale While others speculate that elements of it were discovered but kept hidden whether it’s a tale or has some truth the Yamashita treasure keeps people interested and looking for adventure it shows how greed secrets and the complicated nature of War times keep adding Intrigue to the Mysteries left by World War II number four is four the bronze Regional department and a volunteer company joined forces to find the rec of a Soviet longrange bomber along with the remains of its crew members although the il4 was simply a medium bomber it had the range to carry out vital missions the VVS did not prioritize the deployment of bombers in this role but the ill four was deployed in many long-range bombing attacks against Berlin in 1941 most would be employed for far shorter range missions with an additional 1,000 ALU to 294 alila of B bombs under the wings and the internal 2,500 kg 5512 Leb on the night of June 12th 1943 this bomber designated ton9 15 was part of a mission of 12 planes to attack Nazi Railway units at the bransk 2 station unfortunately the bombers crew of four did not return the team included pilot melon Navigator Pavo and radio operators kbv Ghana and anat V the aircraft was brought down by enemy anti-aircraft fire after the war df25 was lost in a snowstorm landed on the ice and crashed into the woods in oja near the city of caka most parts of the plane were rescued and taken to a Depot during their search the team recovered the crew’s remains and pieces of the bomber from the site it was a significant effort involving many search groups including seasoned Searchers and newcomers working together meticulously they managed to identify the crew thanks to the number found on the engine a memorial obisk now stands at the crash site to honor these Airmen the Pilot’s remains will be laid to rest with full military honors paying tribute to their sacrifice number three pe2 in the summer of 2020 search teams discovered the wreckage of a Soviet bomber near the city of basma this bomber a pe2 was a crucial Soviet dive bomber during World War II and the primary Frontline bomber for the Red Army it’s the most mass-produced Soviet bomber with 11,230 units across various modifications the P2 inherited the vi 100’s basic low-wing twin engine monoplane design it had an all metal stressed skin structure with cloth covering just the ailerons and control surf sures the tail had twin fins Rudders and a prominent 8° dihedral on the tail plane which was introduced to the PB 100 to address the vi 100’s poor lateral stability during testing the p2’s wing design was likewise inherited from the v00 however it had been optimized for high altitude performance at the expense of lesser lift at low altitudes resulting in inferior maneuverability Tak off and Landing characteristics the P2 had an internal capacity for 6 100 kilo bombs totaling 600 kilo this was no better than that of the older tupolev SB bomber the internal capacity consisted of a fuselage bomb bay capable of carrying four 100 Kil of bombs or an auxiliary fuel tank and two small internal bomb bay in the rear of the engine Nels each capable of carrying a single 100 Kil bomb this was augmented with four external underwing racks these could carry 4 100 kilo or 250 Kil of bombs or two 500 Kil of bombs in overload configuration for a total bomb load of 1,000 kg only the bombs in the exterior racks could be used in a dive bombing attack the internal bombs lacked dive release gear and couldn’t be released in a steep dive throughout 1942 the design was constantly revised and improved in close collaboration with pilots flying them in battle improved armor protection a fifth machine gun and redesigned fuel tanks were fitted despite anecdotal assertions from Soviet Flyers p2s were daylight bombers frequently crewed by inexperienced pilots in the early years of the war and suffered substantial losses residents who had used parts of the crashed plane for their needs after the war while burying the larger heavier pieces deep in the ground due to the impact pointed out the crash site to the Searchers no crew remains were found suggesting they might have parachuted Out Among the recovered parts were several 12.7 and 7.62 mm machine guns with electric drive from the wings from these findings The Searchers created a monument honoring all pilots who died in the second second world war installed in region 6 such search groups across Russia view everyone who fell in World War II as a hero though many are listed as missing or killed in action without information on their burial sites a specific team zda focuses on finding and exhuming the remains of soldiers uncovering their histories and helping families find closure last year they discovered an unknown grave with 106 Red Army soldiers identifying 11 from 35 found medallions the soldiers were honored in a military cemetery another operation by Searchers from faga recovered a pe2 from a swamp in the by District conducted during winter when the site was accessible this effort retrieved the second engine propeller and Pilot’s remains with around 50 participants including Cadets and historians from various cities the searches Association is now preparing an exhibition on this tragedy featuring Pilots items aircraft parts and documents additionally two more pe2 dive bombers were found at the RF battle site both shot down by Fighters bullet marks on the aircraft Parts suggest the bombers were in a fierce battle as shown by their empty machine gun ammunition it’s believed the pilots parachuted out when their ammo ran out and their planes were severely damaged search teams gathered many pieces of these planes which are now headed to the vzd museum in Moscow these parts will be displayed and might even be restored explicitly focusing on such pe2 bombers number two Japanese battleship Masashi over 70 years after US forces sank it the late American billionaire Paul Allen announced in 20 2015 that his private exploration team had found the famous World War II Japanese battleship the moushi it was discovered lying on the sibuan Sea’s bed off the coast of the Philippines at a depth of over 3,280 fet the Masashi and its sister ship the Yamato were among the world’s largest battleships ever built the moushi ended on October 24th 1944 during the Battle of ly Gulf the largest naval battle in World War II where American and Australian forces defeated the Japanese warship Allan shared the discovery on Twitter including images of the sunken Battleship he had been searching for the moushi for 8 years and after A Renewed search of the seabed in the middle of the Philippine Waters using an autonomous underwater vehicle auv the team found the ship the US Navy’s website describes the mhi as a mighty Battleship with massive 18-in guns making it one of the largest battleships constructed stretching 862 ft 263 M the US Navy noted that this battle also damaged its sister ship the Yamato which American destroyers sank several months later as it attempted to return to okanawa number one P40 Kitty Haw and a pilot in 2012 a Polish oil drilling team stumbled up on a British P40 Kitty Hawk war plane in the Sahara Desert lost in 1942 the pilot flight Sergeant Dennis coping from Southend Essex was flying between two British bases in Egypt during World War III’s North African campaign when he disappeared for 70 years no one knew what happened to him or his plane until it was found amazingly well preserved it appeared coping had survived the crash and tried to use his parachute as a makeshift shelter sadly it’s believed he died trying to walk out of the desert the plane still loaded with ammunition was in remarkable condition but was later displayed in the L alamain Museum in Egypt a move criticized by British historians for the poor restoration suggesting it should have remained a memorial to Sergeant coping as we wrap up What discovery from WW2 surprised you the most share your thoughts in the comments below

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