Container Gardening

June Tour Of My PERENNIAL Container Garden

Join me for another monthy container garden tour! I garden in zone 8 on a north-east facing terrace. My garden is mostly perennial and I enjoy growing seasonal plants from seeds, bulbs or tubers.


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#shadegarden #containergarden #rooftopgarden

[Music] hi everyone welcome to this new video, today I’m going to give you a quick tour of my container garden, show you how it looks in June, show you a couple of updates on the projects, show you what’s blooming right now, what’s at its prime, but before we begin, a couple of really basic informations for those of you who are new to the channel. So I garden in zone 8, we have cold winters and hot and humid summers, although this summer is exceptionally cold, like the warmest day so far was 25° C and it’s also pretty rainy, not that I complain, I absolutely don’t mind this cooler weather and this a little bit more rainy weather cause, I don’t have to water my plants nearly as often as I normally would around this time of year, but it’s also very windy and you know the fact that I garden on the seven floor definitely doesn’t help so I’m going to show you kind of what happened this past month and uh plants definitely suffered that wind damage quite a bit, also I think what’s worth mentioning is that my garden is about I would say 8 years old at this point and that being said it’s mostly perennial and that something that was really important to me creating this garden I wanted to create a garden that lasts, a garden that will have many seasons of interest and a garden that I would not need to invest in every single year trying to fill it out with annual flowers um so at this point I think the only like spot on the balcony where I have anual flowers are the railing planters that I’m going to show you in a moment but even here I grew most of these plants myself like when I want to try some new seasonal plants I usually grow them myself from bulbs from tubers or from seeds, so um yeah let’s go let me give you an update on the balcony and show you how it looks in June! okay so before we begin let me give you kind an overhead view on the whole balcony, so you get the feel of the space, so as you can see the balcony is pretty long it’s about 13m long but then it’s also pretty narrow it’s only about 1,3m wide and I sort of created a pathway like a curved pathway to make it look a little bit more interesting and to add a little bit more dimension, so why don’t we start here with this part first all right so let’s start here in the veggie garden uh I call this part of balcony veggie garden and uh this place this spot has changed quite a bit since last month I added this new vertical planter and I am so happy with it cuz it just adds so much space for growing edibles cuz I forgot to mention but my garden is in the shade for most of the day so having this vertical planter and having these plants kind of lifted off the floor also allows all of these plants to catch a little bit more sunlight so starting with the first tier I have some radish a mix of radish then a couple of herbs then Alpine strawberry and as you can see they produce and look at the size of those berries like they are huge couple more here so I have two varieties I have red Alpine strawberry and a yellow Alpine strawberry I think the yellow ones are in this bucket and then at the bottom I have just some leafy greens. I also have a couple of different mint varieties like fruit flavored mints and then two blueberry bushes that are starting to ripen then a little experiment here on the railings because the railing planters can get more sunlight than the rest of the balcony I think they get about four 4 and a half hours of sunlight so I’m giving a try to a tomato I have a cherry tomato yellow variety and as you can see so far so good it’s producing and I’m so so happy with it I would not expect that a tomato will produce and that the fruit will actually taste good uh being grown in in partial shade and then I have a strawberry so alpine strawberries are known to be great option for shady gardens but then I wanted to give a try to a traditional strawberry as well and here it’s working as well so as I move back from the veggie garden I’m going to give you an update on my bench and on this arch so on this side we have a Clematis jackmanii and it’s been blooming for the past I think two months and at first I wasn’t convinced cause I felt like these flowers are a little bit too dark for my garden but now that they have opened a little bit more and now that the plant produces more flowers they’re actually not that dark I’m not sure how it looks on camera but they are actually I mean they are dark purple but they are not I feel like they’re not too dark uh and then we have Lilium regale, Royal Lily this one I kept it as a perennial plant and it doubled in size from last year and it had so many blooms some Lilie can have like a really overwhelming scent but this one has the sweetest fragrance and I think like the whole building can smell this one like the moment I open my my window that’s like the only thing I can smell definitely a beautiful beautiful plant now on this side of the arch I have a climbing rose this is Mary Delany and it is said to tolerate lower light situations so far I would say it’s doing okay um and I think it’s a little bit too soon to speak because obviously I planted it as a bare root Rose this spring so I need to give it a couple of years to really tell if it’s if it’s worth it but it’s producing some flowers this is the second flash of blooms it bloomed uh at the beginning of May it had actually quite a bit of flowers on this side uh but given that it’s you know still very small it doesn’t produce a lot but beautiful fragrance and these flowers are I think really really sweet and then on the floor here below I have two Nasturtiums that I grew from seeds we have Cream Troika such a beautiful variety with variegated foliage and on this side I have salmon gleam uh with a little bit more peachy orange flowers um and I grow them both as ornamental plants and as edible plants they taste pretty good like you can use both flowers and leaves add to your sandwiches to your salads they taste really really amazing tastes kind of like a radish or kind of mustardy flavor and I didn’t realize that salmon gleam was actually a climber so I can I let it climb on top of that Arch since the rose is still pretty small and look at it go okay so there’s one plant that I really want to highlight in this month’s tour so here’s the the story, last fall I added three new perennial plants to my garden because I had some free spot and I felt like I wanted to add a couple of new plants so I bought a hydrangea that I’m going to show you in a moment and then I bought two new climbers the Clematis jackmanii I just showed you and then another climber and when that plant was delivered I was just super disappointed cuz there was not a single healthy leaf on that plant and on top of that it had both aphids and spider mites and not only that but because the two plants were packaged together the plant I’m going to show you in a moment and the clematis also had aphids and spider mites so obviously I asked for reimbursement but I was really sad because I was super excited about that new climber and I felt like do I even bother keeping it is it even worth but because it was fall I felt like okay in all cases those plants are going to go dormant so let’s wait until spring and let’s see what happens and in the spring that plant took forever to break dormancy it was one of the last plants to leaf out on my balcony but when it finally started to leaf out and when it finally started to produce flowers… okay so here it is Passiflora ‘Eia Popeia’ such a beautiful climber look at those flowers but what’s funny is that the flowers don’t last very long like the individual flowers last about two days but then the plant keeps producing new fresh flowers so that’s really really lovely as we move forward on the table here this little composition, the ivy arch and underneath I planted Kimosy Apple Blossom snapdragons this is a very short Snapdragon variety I grew them from seeds and they are just starting to bloom look how sweet they look and they won’t get any taller than this it’s actually pretty awesome variety that would be great for windowsills or for very tiny spots really really loving them okay moving forward on this side more snapdragons that I grew from seeds Snapragons actually do pretty well in partial shade I think these get only like 3 hours of sunlight and um this is Snapdragon Lucky Lips just love flowers on on this one look at them they are a little bit bent because of the wind because the wind has no mercy on them I actually staked them as you can see I have some individual plant stakes here but you know they are quite tall and the wind definitely bothers them a lot on the other side this grouping of plants here first we have a hydrangea that’s the hydrangea I just mentioned one of my new plants this is hydrangea arborescens from the BellaRagazza series and they are the smallest hydrangea arborescens in the world they only grow about 50 to 60 cm tall and wide and this is this was supposed to be um blanchetta or blanqueta depending on how you want to pronounce it but I think this is actually limetta because the blanchetta is supposed to have white flowers that kind of age towards pink I think and this definitely this started off as a lime green and it ages towards White shade which is which makes me think that it’s rather a limetta so there has been a mistake not that I mind because it’s still a beautiful plant look at the size of this flower like honestly you guys this is a huge but what’s great um about this plant as I said it stays small so it produces these massive flower heads but at the same time it doesn’t take up too much flor space so this would be great for smaller balconies and it actually had several branches but uh first this Japanese maple Acer Garnet that’s looking absolutely beautiful fell on top of it a couple of times so it broke a couple of branches and then slugs also had their part in it so at the end I lost like I think like five branches so I’m only left with one behind we have one of my oldest hydrangeas this is hydrangea early blue and I’m turning it purple this year cuz previously it bloomed all pink but I figured like I have so many pink flowers so let’s turn it more purplish or bluish let me show you from this side it’s absolutely massive just one last quick look at the railing Planters they don’t look like much yet but these Begonias are starting to bloom and I actually asked for reimbursement you guys because I bought like 30 tubers Begonia Florance which was supposed to be a double Bloom with kind of creamy pink flowers and none of them like none of them that are blooming so far is what I ordered like they’re all either flushy pink or orange or red some of them actually are not even double so I asked for reimbursement because honestly you guys I have the worst luck when it comes to bulbs and tubers they always turn out to be something else I mean they still look pretty right but you know it’s disappointing when you buy 30 bulbs and none of them turns out to be what you actually ordered all right we have arrived to the other end of the balcony let me give you um a look from from afar on my Shady Garden so this area of my balcony doesn’t receive any sunlight at all I think only the bay laurel here the topiary here gets a couple couple of hours of sunlight but all the rest is in full shade for the entire day and right now we have a Tiarella in bloom is a such a lovely perennial for full shade for partial shade blooms for a really long time another perennial that will soon be in bloom here is this Astilbe it’s my new Astilbe ‘milk and honey’ as you can see it already has some buds and I planted it as bare roots earlier this spring uh whenever I add some perennials to my garden I usually plant them as bare Roots cuz first of all it’s cheaper this way and you can get your hands on many more varieties and another new perennial that I added recently I planted it at the same time as I planted a be is this small host over there I think it’s called Whirly Pop I might be wrong I always get confused with this one but I think it’s called Whirly Pop and one last plant I would like to show you here and tell you a little bit more about is this Japanese maple Acer orange dream and if you follow me long enough you may actually see the difference in this plant it doesn’t look nearly as full as it used to I mean it looks still pretty full from afar but if you get close to it and you look in the center it’s pretty bold so it’s lost like 60% of its foliage in the past couple of weeks due to wind and the reason why I say this is I know that some of you guys actually bought orange dream because you saw it in my garden and um now I’ve seen also a couple of comments where people say you know my orange dream is not doing well and I don’t know what to do about it and so I just wanted to say it out loud it’s not you it’s this variety I swear this variety is impossible to keep happy so Acer orange dream is definitely one of those plants that need perfect conditions anything less than perfect and this plant is not happy a little too much sunlight a little too much wind and this plant is immediately getting leaf scorched I feel like those acers that have lacy foliage are a little less susceptible so I think I might actually get another Acer, to give this one away to someone who can provide it with perfect conditions uh maybe some sheltered spot in someone’s Garden because it’s sad to look at this plant struggle every single year and defoliate every single year and go through all of this so I think that would be a better idea for me to um just give this plant away to someone who can provide it maybe with better conditions and get another Acer from my garden Acer with lacy foliage that’ll be less susceptible to wind and that will not defoliate every single year okay so let’s take a walk to the other end of the balcony now just to show you how it looks from this perspective okay you guys so this is going to be the end of today’s tour if at any given moment to you saw a plant that you’re interested in but I didn’t mention it um don’t hesitate to ask me in the comment section just tell me at what moment during the video you saw that plant and I’m more than happy to tell you the name of this plant so thanks so much for tuning in for today’s video and we will see each other in the next one


  1. My balcony is on year three right now. But I still haven't got the hang of it. It's good to know your garden is 8 years in the making. You are definitely a better gardener than me. ❤

  2. I wonder if acer 'Orange dream' simply doesn't do well in a pot. I had it in my garden (when I had a garden) for decades where it was happy and grew to more than three metres. It was fairly well protected from wind and only some of the leaves received full sun (and were regularly burnt). I had also kept a beautiful Japanese maple in a pot that I took with me when we moved to the city. It is acer palmatum 'Beni Maiko' and I can't recommend it highly enough. It has been in the same 30x30x30 cm pot since 2004! It has never been repotted or given more than some fresh soil on top (and of course fertiliser). My 5th floor balcony is also very windy, but sunny, and the maple flourishes. I have to prune it back brutally at least once a year or it would try to take over the whole balcony.

  3. Your balcony looks lovely! I love the shady area. I'm a bit sad with my strawberries because they got white spider mites. I washed them with water and used diatomeas powder. I hope it helps.

  4. I just love your balcony garden. It's just so lovely. I just picked up a similar arbor trellis. I really like how you have the bamboo? At the end of your balcony. It looks so tranquil.

  5. I feel like I'm being greedy.. give us a house tour someday.. although it's a gardening channel but a single house tour will not do much harm to it i hope.

  6. Best space I’ve seen! It’s like you put in all the things you love without a care in the world about the long narrow area! And it works! I ❤❤❤ it!

  7. All your plants are beautiful, right now my favourites are the hydrangeas and the japanese maple. Don t you think your phoenix bird is suffering because it had more sun before you put the privacy screen? It is true about the clematis , it doesn t look that dark on the video like that one we have in the next to the building. Bye the way, the japanese maple has one stem, didn t it ? Because in my pot there are 2 stems, one simple and one double, so I believe they put 2 little maples together to look like a bigger one. 💚

  8. Hi. Lovely balcony garden 😍 I'm wondering what is the name of the plant growing under Japanese Maple and above silvery blue hosta. Have very interesting shape leafs.

  9. Hi, love your patio even tho mine is full sun.
    What is like to know is what jeans your wearing. I've been looking all over for just straight jeans that fit well. Thanks Carol

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