Garden Plans

The Pond Guy discusses NEW PLANS for the Kamp!

That’s right, Greg Wittstock, the pond guy is at the Kamp and he has big plans for the new ponds at Kamp Kenan!


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[Music] we got some we got some guests here today friends let’s see what’s going on here who’s here today look it’s the Pond Guy what’s up Greg what do you got tortoise not just the pond guy it’s the plant man it’s the plant man and the pond guy we got Michael from uh what’s the name your company your Aqua gapes of Naples there you go man I like it when the uh Escape fames in town and I love it when Tom visits so I think you guys are going to be psyched I’m excited friends because as you know a few months ago well actually about a month ago Tom came up with Ed the pond professor and we put some lules in the pond this was all your idea let’s go uh I want to get their reaction live here you got to you got to be happy that I introduced you to Mr hle because I’ve seen you doing multiple jobs lots of videos with uh with Tom Holt here you guys know him Holt nurseries uh I don’t know did you bring any any you did what do you got let’s let’s see this real quick he’s always bringing me presents I love this man this is so exciting more oh my gosh more alacia are you kidding me nice oh these are different than the ones you brought uh the first time these are these are the same ones no these are colocasia Thailand giant oh my gosh with a flower look look at that how big do these guys get 8T Tall come on Tom 8T OT tall this is Jurassic Park stuff I love it and eight and 8T tall this year come on no you’re the ones I gave you before it’s going to take one year to get 8 ft tall these will get 8 ft tall by October oh my gosh it’s it’s where what is it it’s July hold on I want these to fall yes um and you’ve got not one not two but four from Mr oh I got a lot of fun things to plant I love it this is so awesome man you still have that tree fern uh I want to see yes I want to show you the tree ferns everything we’re going to get a c my main thing is I I this this was my idea as as we talked about I wanted to see this Pond reverted back to a water garden with all the tropical plants that Holtz nurseries provides and so the idea right now kenon is to come onol get over here we’re going to see this for the first time the idea is to put the the Turtles back in there and let them have a salad bar or if you want I don’t know if turt I think we need to make another pomp for the turtles man because this has just become a we got a lot of water as you guys know um it’s looking great but I want to get the uh let’s let’s show Kate’s enjoying it oh Kate’s loving it man we’re all enjoying it so all right let’s see the reaction oh my gosh is that cool it’s just so peaceful it’s beautiful right oh with the Victoria oh it’s incredible what I can’t believe is that in 4 weeks this is how big the plants are already in here and this is going to help with the water quality absolutely it’s going to shade it and look at all the blooms we’ve got I can I’m standing here on the deck we built what five years ago now 2019 Bud yeah five years ago and I can smell the flowers from here it’s incredible man um so what do we is that is that the fox fire that’s the fox fox fire we’re going to go around here goddess over there yep look at these no no no no no that’s um director Moore wow there’s so many different names P personel okay that’s uh peppermint Splash or Bullseye I think bullseye bullseye Victoria that we the Victoria is awesome so originally the Victoria was kind of right here but I moved it over here because it was really this this one just exploded and uh I wanted to I I really like looking at the Victoria as this kind of centerpiece yes um really loving it and in fact right now it’s it’s a little cloudy only because I can hear my pump I got to add water of course you yeah so that’s what’s got to happen the water’s got to turn on I’ll turn that on here uh in a moment and then we’ll this has been perfect Crystal Clear come over here and look at this I want to show you this Greg he’s given me so many awesome plants that are turning my backyard into a prehistoric Paradise look at this tree fern it is the perfect location for it I saw you guys debating where to go uhhuh now how tall will this get down here it’ll get as tall is that coconut come on man are you serious I’m super excited and he didn’t just give me one he gave me another one which is Straight Ahead small one if you look out there so we got another tree fern over here the Wetland is just popping off here uh that coloccia kind of fell down but that’s all right a new one will grow up my question for you Kon yes is when is the last time we haven’t done it I did it maybe a year after you built it so that would have been Bo look at the roots oh my gosh did you have you seen that oh my gosh I haven’t opened those in from banana tree probably so is that a problem or should I should I uh cut those out um well it’s not going to be a problem until the next time you clean it right but I would you’d have to cut this out cuz it’s coming it’s coming right through the it actually punched a hole right through the side holy smok and now is growing into the um the Vault that we actually do a cleanout with but you’ve got done one in a year huh say that again I didn’t what you did not clean the Wetland this year it was last year no I I to be honest I haven’t cleaned the Wetland in a while couple years here’s what I want to do okay at the end of this season I want to do a full draining clean on this because it’s been a couple years you’ve never actually drained the pond I never drained the pond so in the when it’s the driest and it’s the coldest year probably December or January January okay in January we should come down here and do a full full clean out and and especially now because it’s a water garden you know it’s going to be it’s going to be Crystal Clear if you’re not putting in giant you know you know fly River Turtles and what yeah I got you and and so while you’re right here here’s what I discussed with Ed and and maybe we can do something like that at the same time we could do a clean out in this build but here I wanted to create another wet land okay and then have for this Pond well no no we were going to do we’re going to do I want to do a wet land little waterfall little stream here and then a pond right out here do the pond here and then I put the turtles here and then I want to do this bridge over the Stream we’re going to finish this this is going to be a dock a nice little platform so I I was just thinking i’ you know has seen this oh yeah Ed saw it I just we just need to nail down a time when he’s available or you’re available or uh any of the crew we can get some friends of ours down we can have fun because we’re going to have a Kabota tractor we’re going to have uh you know all kinds of really cool people uh helping us out with that but I was just thinking this could be where the turtles live yeah because we enjoyed having the turtles in there but they eat all the plants they eat the plants the other thing we were talking about doing Ed and I um and this might be a project that I may be able to do on my own but make a reflection pool um another Water Garden cuz now you between Thomas and you yes have really got me loving the plants and what the the goal here at cam Kennon now is I want to I want to Jungle like Thomas’s I I think his place is just when you roll up to his place and if you go to his YouTube channel and watch some of his videos you’ll see what he’s created in his at his Nursery um so what I’m hoping I can do here what would be a good idea what we are building his European style swim pond at the end of January so before or after that we’ll we’ll add on because it’s 2 and 1 half hour drive to you know apaka Florida We’ll add on a pond cleanout day and at the same time we’re doing the pond cleanout in January we’ll have guys that want to come in early or stay late to that would help out at camp kennons that would be amazing and of course we’ll Vlog it and we’ll show you how we build it and you can see how Aquascape has been helping transform my property look at this the plants are looking great I saw him doing that I mean guys my whole yard is aquascaped it’s just Cayman Creek uh we’ve got we’ve been we got to come up with a term you know I’ve been aquascaped but I’ve also been H Hol nurser you know what I mean I’ve been Tomi you know Tomi here but yeah look at this place so what we were thinking and I don’t know um just a reflection pool in this area with a path around it so this area gets nice Sun maybe a twoot deep Pond just for lies okay so you’d have a Lily Pond you’d have a turtle pond and you’d have a clean out exactly okay that’s a lot of stuff to organize we try to figure it out I we don’t have to listen I I this I love this guy he’s already thinking how he can do it all we we can wait on C certain things I think uh I think I’ll do whatever though man and like I said I’m I’m not afraid to get dirty man you know I love building with you guys I just love it when the Masters are with me because if I get a question uh it’s an instantaneous answer to be perfectly honest but maybe Michael will come by I would love to I love I like Aquascape certified Aquascape contractors man we got Aaron Chico we met Michael we know Tony Bernett it’s like a big family of pond lovers so I uh all are welcome here at the camp you you know what I mean but hey since we’re over here let’s go see you haven’t been here in a while Greg uh we had quite a bit of rain so you can kind of see that things have gotten a little bit the last time I was was here was January when we built the ponds Wildlife P that’s right they’re loving their ponds are you going to head over there today I’m going to try got well look who’s here Dale hears people and she knows that food might be coming so there she is this is the this this this guy is the most Gentile puppy dog you yeah go ahead and give her your hand oh yeah come on she’ll come right out yeah there she comes come on now the other funny thing is is you think she’s good size right well she’s not she’s a baby because snaggle tooth is most likely over here already and uh he’s about a 12T alligator guys this is as tall as the water high as the water I’ve ever seen yeah it’s amazing right now the water is just incredible this is the perfect Florida Alligator uh enclosure in my my opinion because it’s Florida FR they did good old Fred Grunwald there it’s Fred’s Lagoon and uh it’s looking good do you want to go see your handiwork over here though with Slinky slinkies yeah you know and and and what’s cool is that slinkies never really mess with the water buies they’re doing pretty good they’re doing really good in slinkies enclosure um I’m pretty happy about that but again we dressed up slinkies enclosure so it’s looking good I haven’t been able to get into Mo because it’s been raining uh we’ve got that flood so I’m waiting for it to dry out I’ll come and I’ll weed I’ll do what I got to do but I wanted a jungle and I’ve got one oh by the way there’s still like to go behind the wall oh behind the fake well he hasn’t done it in a while okay um let me show you what I have done here hold on guys oh I need two hands for this we’re filming on the iPhone today you want give it to someone else to film uh maybe but I want to show you what I did um I like discussing this stuff with the Masters here so over here I used to have as of yesterday I had a big Papyrus right here but I noticed with the front Pond the Papyrus will grow it’s so invasive the aggressive growth of the roots that it could potentially cause a leak uh by growing into the liner and separating the liner um where’s Slinky now Slinky so little things like this Canon yeah talk to so Thomas could do a perfect thing but if we put some marginal plants in here it will soften up the plastic yep and and now that you have the light because you got the Papyrus you know some pickerel plants or something that’s not as invasive that’s all I needed to do but I know somebody I I got a friend uh because yes that’s the the great thing about the Papyrus is it grew big but it grew too big that I was afraid of the separation and then in order for me to clean out the pads and stuff The Roots had grown into the pad so I had to cut it it was a lot of work so I’m trying to cut down on the work let’s get you some marginals in here okay we’ll do some marginals in here uh maybe some some flat stone around the sides but this was just a temporary fix I knew I knew you were coming I wanted to get it ready and I knew you’d have ideas for that but uh check it out guys this place is looking good again I got to get in here and weed whack I like to come in here and clean things now where the heck Slinky there is a lizard in here I promise Slinky oh it looks like his he’s knocked his um door down a little bit let’s go see this oh yeah and this P needs a clean out too you think yes okay once a year it’s good well I I oh there he is look by the way did you notice the dragon that’s just kind of enjoying the pond Michael check it out look at this how cool is Slinky everybody that’s beautiful he’s like I’m not getting out of that pond hey buddy like go ahead and make a fist crouch crouch down yep make a fist and let him sniff you I remember the last time when he ate the snake and slapped your ass he did slap my ass pretty good there dude that was a fun video too appreciate that always something exciting happening when you pop in but uh yeah he’s just checking you out but he’s it’s the the hottest part of the day so where is the coldblooded reptile he’s in the water staying cool enjoying himself this is exactly what these animals want to live in man this is Thomas’s dream right here right Thomas oh oh yes yes Thomas loves mon had a he had a um an expert over oh who was the expert oh yeah had my buddy Jerry yeah that’s my you had Jerry wolf over there very cool man yeah Jerry’s a good dude he knows about monitors uh and uh he builds really cool enclosures but anyway yeah so slink is doing good so you think this needs a clean out huh cuz I’ve cleaned the pumps and the pads I haven’t done a proper uh drain and refill you know this so when we come out in January to do the European style do you know what a European style it’s more of the European style like swim pond isn’t it where it’s got It’s more right angles it’s more of a a what do you call a formal design it is and then it’s going to have a wetland that actually Fades into one section of the uh so it it’s looks like a pool and they use wood pillar you know wood for the Deep area so we’re going to so I don’t know exactly what kind of wood that we’re going to use but we’re going to actually have and and then here’s the cool thing about this cannon it’s really popular in Europe they don’t have tropical piles so when Mr Hol plants his Tropicals all over there this thing is just going to look incredible the world has never seen and that’s going to be at Tom’s house that’s it that’s the Aquascape Winter retreat in January I’ll be there man and I’ll also be here and so Slinky so yeah if you guys are in town you know I want the Escape people coming to my house because good things happen I love it speak speak up I came here with my B I’m ready to go swim all right dude let’s get you in that water we’ll have a good time uh always fun to have Greg show up there’s so much we’re going to do here man I’m very fortunate to have the friends that I’ve made through my Journeys as a YouTuber I mean it’s been incredible and for those of you that want to get inspired and you know maybe you want to have a similar life all you got to do is get out there start doing things start building start enjoying yourself and eventually you know what if you’re doing the right thing you meet good people and you all help each other out man this has been so much fun I think um I think you guys enjoy when we build new ponds here at the camp because new ponds means new habitat for our animals uh and that’s all I’m about is creating the best possible life for the animals that I have so thanks so much good old Greg the Pond Guy swimming around in one of his creations


  1. Kenan have Laura Eubanks come do succulent installments @ the camp .. and she can learn how to do ponds
    I think the big turtle needs to be drained and redone!!!!!
    Get rid of the papyrus you have and replace it with a prince tut or a queen tut variety….

  2. Why dont you let aquascape sort out your giant pond and have that clear with several waterfalls entering it and a fountain.

  3. Hi Kenan Your Kamp is going to look like a jungle. The plants that Tom has brought are so beautiful. The pond with the pretty lilly's, and water plants with the flowers is awesome. Can't wait to see what aquascape will make next. Dale came out to see everyone. Slinky is a smart boy staying in the water to stay cool. And checking out who is in his enclosure. Have a eonderful day. Cindy

  4. Praise the YouTube gods. Kenan is uploading on a regular basis again. Only uploading 2 xs a week was bad for business. Giving the kampers what we want again.


  6. Slinky was off course quite a sovereign host, like, "Yes, make yourself at home, but don't mind if I stay in the pool."😀

  7. I’ve kept various species of aquatic turtles in lily ponds without issues. Diamondback terrapins, Painted Turtles (not Westerns) won’t decimate plants. So… what will admission to Kenan-Land be and do members get a discount? Seniors over 50…? 😂

  8. arrow plant pick roll weed And I would even suggest I wouldn't do cattails cattails will take over but there are other read type plants that you can do and see how they do trying to think of the name of the plant sagittarius is a submersible or immersed plant and there's also a whole bunch of different types of Southern American plants called a kennedors a kind of doors and they will peruse down the not superverts but they're just roots and they'll put put out a merch leaves underwater and then they'll also put up emergent leaves out of the water If you ever seen the planting plant with the broad leaves in your lawn usually growing wet lawns that's what the account of doors leaves look like there's all different kinds and they will send a flower stocks little white tiny flowers and those stocks can grow bathing plants sometimes so they're self-replicating self-rejuvenating plants they're really cool.

  9. Cannon Greg and Ed know this guy You know this guy I don't know if Jerry knows him and Tom doesn't know him Tanner Sherpa you need to get Tanner down Visit Jerry's place and visit Tom's place You just have to introduce Tanner to both of them To enter can definitely help Jerry with some of his plantings and stuff like that you know escaping the enclosures you can give him jury some great ideas on what plans you might want to try and he needs to see Tom's place because he will love it he will love Tom he and Tom are kindred spirits And you know this so I don't know why you haven't tried to convince Tanner to come down to Florida just for a week visit you visit Jerry and then visit Tom hey maybe he can come down when Ed and Greg are down doing the pond cleans and I'm sure you'd be willing to help with the reflection pool but he has to meet Tom and he has to meet Jerry I don't know if he's met Jerry yet but he has to meet Tom

  10. Yessssss….thats what can safe our planet most likely…not a damn e-car….so many plants, trees, bushes, waterbodies, its amazing!!!! A private jungle 🤝

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