Garden Plans

Keeping The Garden Watered While On Vacation! Pots, Beds & Baskets

Here is everything you need to know about watering your plants while on vacation. Here are all the ways you can keep your pots, hanging baskets and even garden watered while you are gone

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Ashley has had a passion for plants since she was a small child. In the long summers as a child, she would garden alongside her grandmother and it was then that she realized her love for greenery. With years of great studying, Ashley had begun her post-secondary education at the University of Saskatchewan.
At first, her second love, animals, was the career path she chose but while doing her undergrad she realized that her education would take her elsewhere. And with that, four years later she graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a bachelor’s degree in science and a major in Soil Science.
Some of Ashley’s interests are YouTube, in which she posts informative videos about plants and gardening. The focus of Ashley’s YouTube channel is to bring science to gardening in a way that is informative but also helpful to others learning to garden. She also talks about the importance of having your own garden and the joys of gardening indoors. Ashley continues to study plants in her free time and hopes to expand her YouTube channel as well as her reach to up-and-coming gardeners.
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gardeners need to take vacations too so how do you ensure that your flowers stay watered or your plants in general stay watered despite the fact that you are sitting at the cabin sipping on a c one we’re going to start off with the most expensive and by most expensive I mean either pricewise or time setup wise and then we’re going to work our way down to like the cheapest hands down so let’s start with the most expansive and that is a water timer and they just kind of turn on your sprinklers but for me that’s not going to work because a lot of my gardeners my gardeners my gardeners are not hooked up just like robots walking around just kidding um my garden is vastly handw watered so that’s not going to work in my case and I feel like that’s probably like one of the logical solutions to this but who has that kind of time and money insert this so this is a gravity fed watering system and yes I know it’s intimidating but I’ve done a whole video on this so go check that out because I personally was also equally as intimidated As You Are by this because I’m so happily impressed with exactly what I’ve done in regards to the setup and the cost and stuff so this obviously will be rainwater now the downfall of using this for like a vacay option is that if it doesn’t rain your blants don’t get watered so not the best vacation option let’s get into what is the best vacation option if you’re new to the gate career you probably don’t know this yet but I give zero eonis about what my space looks like because I love my husband and my husband likes cars so my looks like this but what I’m about to show you is completely my fault not my husband’s and again I don’t care that is a kitty pool this Kitty pool is currently full of everything I use to start seeds with however that kitty pool when we go away is filled up and pots are placed inside I can take like little to no credit for that one because that is my mom’s genius idea what she used to use when we used to go on vacation for a week or two we would go to the lake and that is what she used so the key here is obviously that you fill that with water the second key is that you have pots that obviously have holes so hanging pots often times work because they’re like the the quar pots or the pots themselves have holes in them so drill some holes let capillary action in sence do its work and you will be so impressed and for a bonus put your fertilizer in there at the same time mix it around put the plants in and you’re you are made in the shade you may depending on how hot it is get a little neighbor kid um to come by and refill saided ponds or pools because things might get a little bit low my experience is that that’s never really happened and from what I’ve done recent and you know recent years last 10 years it’s never gotten hot enough for like 9 days for that to be like completely drained you will not have root rot you’ll be fine um as long as you take them out when you get home you’re not going to have a root rot in you know a week to 9 days try it I try it I promise you you’re going to love it okay so tip number whatever we’re on is this these here are plans that very obviously enjoy a buttload of sun buttloads of sun obviously dry things out so to ensure your high Heats and your butt loads of sun don’t cause issues move plants that normally are in full sun into the shade for the week that you’re gone if you do this combined with the kitty pool you’ll be shocked by how well it works out for you will your succulents make it in the shade for 9 days yes yes I will they’ll be just fine and that goes for all plants there’s not a single one where I’d be like no you can’t put it in the shade for a week it’ll die if you do now the next one is making like a DIY self-watering system so I did do a video on hanging baskets this one right here and I did a DIY watering system in it you could use a threaded end on one of the PVC pipes and then obviously thread in a 2 L Pot bottle which would water your plants and uh keep things pretty darn moist you can also get the wine bottle ones with the clay you can literally just shove a one bottle or a 2 L Pot bottle into your soil all these will work but keep in mind that they’re semi-limited in how much Spa like how much water that they hold so if you go this route I would heavily encourage you just to spend the money on the kitty pool method because that is going to be your best bet okay so the last one is your inrs um so these ones you can use like the watering Bol you could use the Ola trick you could try pot bottles but I would Hazard a guess unless you’re going through a heat wave these are going to be fine for a week and if anything that little bit of stress is going to help them out maybe help them set flowers set seed Etc and so forth so actually wouldn’t stress your inrs raised beds not getting watered for like a week to 9 days because it’s very likely that they’re going to be just fine again unless you’re going through a heat wve if you’re going through a heat wve you may want to consider getting someone into water or using like an Ola pot bottle type method the only thing you could do technically because this is in full sun this is Canadian full sun the full sun that doesn’t make gingers go extinct Sun however if anyone has any ideas on how us Canadians can get rid of our dinosaur Legacy aka the Cobra chicken please send them our Direction they are equally as angry as a red head but the ferocity of a t-rex with feathers so shade cloth is pretty darn cheap to purchase and you can get like 50% 30% whatever the case is your Tomatoes your peppers all these are going to be fine being shaded for like a week 99 days it’ll reduce your rates of evapo transpiration and you’ll be made in the shade so I hope you guys have a bunch of lovely vacations where your sunscreens um and send me your beach photo so I can live through you vicariously because we’re not really doing any trips other than our classic like one day is cuz my husband works for CP and anyone who works for CP now days off just really aren’t a thing I will talk to you Geeks later


  1. My MIL left her pots in a bathtub with water for several days and came back to a stinky mess. There was a skylight in that bathroom, but maybe the change was just too much for them.

  2. For peace of mind, set up and run your watering system a week or so before you leave so you can work out any bugs in the system.

  3. Last week I went on vacation for 7 days and it worked out well. From the begging of the season I've been using my soaker hose on a timer (5.30am and 5.30pm for 1/2 hour) and I returned to find some oversized zucchini and a few weeds. I had my neighbor water my iceberg lettuce in growing pots (an experiment indeed) which sit in the bottom part of the seeding trays. You can use any tray that you normally put into recycling as long as it fits. My reward to the neighbor was the said oversized zucchini which he was thrilled.

  4. I fertilize and water really well before we leave, I have Olas in my vegetable garden, my husband made my big pots self watering and I have 2 solar powered drip systems from @LeeValleyTools . I still have a friend check on everything at least once. Welcome back to the weeds.

  5. Why didn’t you put this video out a week ago?! Lol I’ve spent the better part of the week trying to fine tune micro sprinkler things. That pool idea is genius

  6. Omg, we were at the park the other evening and there was a goose fight in one of the tall trees. It sounded like raccoons or something. Took me a minute to figure out what was going on. They’re no joke 😅

  7. Vacation is only in the fall when the world is not hot, from October through March. We do that because Hubby hates the heat, and I don't want to hear him grumbling!

  8. Hmmm…. maybe find the mating call sound and possibly… have it blasting very very far away from your desired dinosaur free location. as for the girl dinosaurs.. I got nothing.

  9. Just got back from vacation,didn't to to a beach, went to Oregon. It was 110 there, and in the 90's on Mount Hood. Came home and brought the heat back with us. We had a co-worker volunteer to check our garden. Everything looked great and she'll get her fill of tomatoes when they ripen. It was a win win.

  10. I am out of country for about two weeks, only worried about planters on the front porch. Last year I had them in a shaded area for about 10 days and it did rain as well. This time it’s a sunny and in mid 30’s. Returning coming week but guess I am going to be OK.

  11. How did you know. We were gone for 9 days. Luckily my mom was around for the indoor plants. Outdoors were on their own. Majority is inground anyway. Only a couple sad pots.

  12. In 2012 when we sold our house the only plant I insisted on taking with me was my comfrey (I'd had its ancestor since 1978). We were going to be in a hotel until we found a place so all our stuff were in PODS (including my comfrey). I used a large soda bottle with a hole in the lid, it was just over a month before we bought another place and could unload the PODS; my comfrey survived (it was very pale because, you know, no sun, but it lived).

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