Garden Plans

never give up: my dream flower garden journey and exciting plans for 2024

#carrieflanagan #dreamflowergarden #garden2024

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Hi Everyone!
Here is a current update on my garden. I am a first dream, cut flower garden grower and so far it has been pretty challenging. Today I will be sharing the recent moments where I wanted to give up, exactly how I am plotting out my garden area and giving you a mini tour of the current garden space.

Don’t get discouraged by how small your area may be. There is so much you can do with little and I will show you how today. Let’s dive in!

** P.s. the dahlia “domes” are NOT 12 feet apart. They’re 12 inches apart. I mispoke that calculation when I was showing you the domes towards the end of this video. 🫠

Music from Epidemic Sound
song 1: “caught up in a dream” by loving caliber
song 2: “whenever you call” by Headlund

hello couple things that I’m going to do in this video is first I’m going to give you an update on things that have happened then I’m going to show you how I’m organizing my garden the diagram and what that looks like I’m going to walk you through that and then I’m going to take you outside into the backyard to show you this is what it looks like applied so that you can see what it is on paper and then what it looks like in real life obviously it’s not real life cuz you’re not here with me but you can get a pretty good picture of it on camera so let’s go do that should we just keep hammering it like I can tell okay let me bring you up to date with what has happened with the garden um it’s been a journey it has been a journey and quite a colorful one so the first things first which is the saddest part something got into the Carolina Ren’s nest and ate everything I mean everything I don’t know what it was I don’t think it was Blue Jay I actually think that it was a snake because even the eggshells were missing typically if a blue jay gets into a bird’s nest they just savagely will crack open the eggs and they’ll leave the shells behind but there was nothing left in their nest I’m really sad about that I had to end up cleaning out their bird’s nest out of the grill which is so sad because I miss hearing them they sing some of the most beautiful songs but that’s mother nature for you I promise I’m not teasing you with these flowers flers these are for my front yard my front yard is thriving and gling but my garden is just it’s taking so long but aside from that I needed to hammer in 12 fence posts my neighbor gave me three types of sledgehammers one was a 10 lb one was a 20 lb and one was a 40 lb the fence posts are 6 ft High they’re all made of metal so I needed to hammer in a foot of that so my neighbor came over showed me how to do that and left me to it I tried for an hour and a half 1 hour and a half just to get one fence post in and in that hour and a half I managed to slam the 10 lb Sledgehammer onto my thumb on my right hand I was fine it wasn’t a big deal and yes I was wearing shoes I was wearing gloves and I was wearing glasses because if you are ever hammering in a fence post you really do need to wear protective something around your eyes because you can have a Shard of metal go right into your eyeballs and we don’t need that but then I really hit the knuckle on my left hand to the point where I actually was sick to my stomach and I almost threw up and typically that is a Telltale sign that you broke something without being exaggerative my knuckle got swollen within 10 seconds of hitting my knuckle and it swelled to the size of a jawbreaker it was so painful and that was when I just said I’m done I’m done I’m not doing this anymore this was a big mistake because I realized that I’m not resourced to do this if I don’t get these fence posts in I’m risking everything in my garden to be eaten and I just threw my hands up without being theatrical I threw the sledgehammers down and was walking to go into my home and wave the white flag of surrender I hear some rustling in the bushes and I look to my left and my neighbor came over and hammered in all of the 12 fence posts in about 20 minutes it was at that point that I realized that I don’t have the strength of a man and I’m completely fine with not having the strength of a man I was just so thankful to be helped because I really hit a wall then I very proudly showed my neighbor the wiring that I put up around the fence he said this is the wrong fencing and I said what do you mean this is the wrong fencing what do you mean with like my eye twitching and me shaking and wanting to scream he said this is the wrong fencing because the fencing that I put up had holes that were about this big the fencing that I needed to put up was teeny tiny little square fencing and that fencing is a bee it is a bee to put [Music] up I had cuts and I was bleeding all over my forearms but the fence is up and we are we’re finally good to go which means I can finally fin put my seeds into the ground and I am so excited to give these children a home and to see them flourish and grow and to bring you along for that Journey so without further Ado I’m going to bring you out back and show you the grounds the garden and then we’ll go from there okay if you are planning to grow a flower garden you really don’t need to do this but because I am wanting to grow bouquet this just helps me keep everything organized so I know where everything is going this is a piece of paper that has all different squares on it and each Square represents one foot the dimensions of the garden are 22 oh 13 by 22 every single black circle represents a fence post and around the garden I imp planting marigolds berma and Cat Min because berma AKA B balm is a repellent hopefully for Chipmunks as is marold as is cat Min here we have the entrance this is where I will walk into the garden and my gate is going to be right here here I plan to plant Crest scabiosa pollinator SL wild flowers and then in here we have zenas and Cosmos and just rows of zenas Cosmos zenas Cosmos but every single X represents a walkway what you will see in the garden is I edited some of this so I do have a walkway here but then I didn’t actually need to put these walkways in here because there’s a walkway here and there’s a walkway here which helps me to be able to prune and help these guys out so I didn’t need to put individual squares which gave me more space down here is where all of the dalos are going and every single X is my walkway so we have Dalia walkway Dalia walkway and so on now what I decided to do down here is I’m going to plant hopefully the crest and the scabiosa instead of the zenas the painted daisies and the chamomile because the chipm love the chamomile the zenas and the painted daisies so those are now going in here and the scabiosa and the crest are coming out here because Chipmunks don’t really like them and that’s basically it now I’m going to go show you how I implemented this into the garden so let’s go [Music] these are all of the rows of dalas there are seven rows and each Dome is about M 6 to 7 in in height and the spacing between each one is 12 ft this is where the domes will end and in there is a walk area the zenas will go all in here and then back there is where the crests will go the cosmos and then the wild flowers and I’ll show you another view so you can see it here is the back end of the layout this is where the Crest is going to go the cosmos and the wild flowers then there is the walking area and then this entire section is going to be zenas then this is the walking area right in here and then that’s the back end of the dalas and that’s basically it zip ties are holding this together and then we have the really bad fencing that was my bad and then the fencing that you do need which is going to hopefully keep the pests out as you can see this is bending out but it’s the best we can do and hopefully it’s enough of a barrier and who knows [Music] [Music]

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