Native Plant Gardening


most of my goldenrod isn't this far along. but I'm mad. this is what happens when ur winter gets fucked up!!!

by stevepls


  1. Summer-Morning-247

    I’m in south metro mine is not blooming yet! It’s hella tall tho

  2. kayesskayen

    All of my plants are blooming early this year and it’s making me so sad. I don’t know what they’re going to do in the late summer/fall. The extreme heat is also drying everything up to the point that I’m watering established plants. I’ve got three water sources out and today I found a swarm of honey bees gorging themselves in one of them. Birds are so desperate they’ll come by while I’m filling the trays. We can’t keep going on like this.

  3. mercurialthing

    I am in northern Ontario, Canada. Zone 4b (but our zone system is different).

    Early goldenrod has been in bloom for two weeks. Canada goldenrod and grass-leaved goldenrod are fully open today.

  4. Over in Eagan and I’ve got exactly the same situation. The only bits of color I’ve seen are some baby-sized swap milkweed and hoary vervain.

  5. polly8020

    Indiana and I’ve seen asters in bloom. We’re getting decent rain but when it’s over 90 and dry I water.

  6. Woahwoahwoah124

    Same situation here 🙁

    Luckily I Chelsea chopped only a handful of my Canada goldenrod. We’ll see how far back it pushes these blooms. The ones I didn’t cut back are a day or two away from full bloom

  7. soundisloud

    5a? Ouch. I’m in 6a and mine are just starting, they look pretty similar to yours or maybe not even that far along

  8. Central Georgia and I have golden rod starting to bloom. Asters is already done.

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