Japanese Garden

Tour my Japanese Maple Collection & DIY Japanese-Inspired Garden. Spring Garden Tour.

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About this video:
Today we tour our Japanese Maple garden and name all of the varieties we have. We also take a look at some of the conifers we have in the garden, and other part shade perennials. Thanks for watching – Steph (Gardening in Massachusetts zone 6b). #gardening #spring2024 #japanesemaple #gardentour

Origin story video of our Japanese Maple garden: https://youtu.be/4lVkZ7TEEX8
Hooked and Rooted is a gardening show on Youtube. My shows & content include topics such as: Offering gardening tips for beginners, low maintenance garden ideas, landscaping for beginners, new build garden transformations, how to make your garden beautiful, sharing perennial plants and evergreen shrubs for the garden, and the best ground cover plants you can plant in your garden.
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hi it’s Steph and if you’ve been around the channel for a while or if you’re new this here is a space that my husband George and I have been working on for the last two years it is a newer Garden called our Japanese Maple Garden and because it was a work in progress we never had a chance to formally tour this space and name all of our Maples well as of last season it is now complete and our Maples are looking beautiful with their spring collar so let’s go ahead and take a walk through our collection when you see trees with beautiful color variations like this you typically think of the color changes of fall but it is spring and our Japanese maples shine with all of these beautiful colors now there are Japanese maples that have beautiful fall color but the collection that we happen to have really shines in the spring and before we get into the collection I’m going to show you the tree that started this love and obsession with the Japanese maple the Bloodgood Japanese Maple this is the traditional red leafed Japanese maple that most people think about when they think about Japanese maples and you traditionally see these in people’s front landscape which is exactly how we started I had purchased two of these Bloodgood Japanese maples to place in our front yard right by our driveway and I noticed that my husband George had a little bit of interest in Japanese maple trees now I am a gardener he is not so for our 17th wedding anniversary I started researching Japanese maples so that I could gift him one or some and I found that there is such a large collection of these available so many to choose from so that is when I ordered a couple and brought them into the garden and from that point forward we started learning about them together and have really been enjoying them we’ll start here in this bed that we just created last Fall using the Sheep mulching method and I do have a video about that on my channel if you wanted to check it out and we created this bed to house a couple more Japanese maples that we had picked up this here is an Amber ghost and it is part of the ghost series and the ghost series is categorized by the leaves that have this reticulation in them and we have a couple more in the garden that we’ll get to but this one has a really beautiful amber color sort of burnt orange as its spring color and it looks really pretty here we have the blood good which we just talked about and this is actually the tree that sort of started this whole bed because we had this one as a standalone tree with a tree ring around it and then when we purchased a couple more Japanese maples we thought that this would be a great spot to kind of add on to our collection so now we have this as the centerpiece of this bed and the blood good if you take a look at the shape of the leaves they have these really large red leaves and they are considered an Acer palmatum in fact nine out of 10 Japanese maples will be classified as Acer palmatum and coming over to the other end we have what they call a full moon Japanese Maple and they are the Acer shasaam and the full moon is the shape of their leaves and this one is called orium it’s got a really beautiful chartreuse color with the bits of red it’s just really stunning in the spring and then it goes a little bit more yellow as the season goes on as we head into the main Japanese Maple Garden we will look at this beauty here now there are Katura trees but this happens to be a Katura Japanese Maple and in true katsura Japanese maple fashion this is the first Japanese maple to Leaf out it is in our garden and for many people as well this one starts off a really beautiful orange it almost looks like a fireball I’m actually going to insert some footage of what it looked like when it began to Leaf out then it goes a bit yellow with red around the edges before finally going a bit of a chartreuse color into the summer this tree is only been here for a couple about 3 years now and it has grown a lot so it’s a really quick grower now most Japanese maples are considered medium-sized trees and they’re really easy to size control with regular pruning and George’s favorite Autumn Moon this one is absolutely stunning look at the size of this Leaf it’s gorgeous now this currently has a bit of a mixed coloring it has a bit of green and some orange and then in the summer it will go orange and it also has really beautiful fall color it’s very Sim similar to the moonrise Japanese maple which we also have in our collection and we’ll get to shortly and as we go down the path here we have another beautiful burnt orange amber colored Japanese Maple in fact it’s very similar to the Amber ghost we just looked at and this one is called aradne now the aradne has really beautiful Amber burnt orange spring color then it will go green in the summer before turning red in the fall we’ll move over to the corner and then we’ll work our way back down the path so we have a couple in pots as well and they look really nice and they can be grown quite well in pots in fact it’s a great way to try Japanese maples because you can kind of move around the pots pretty easily to see what kind of light conditions they like in your garden now most Japanese maples prefer part shade but they can tolerate more sun um if it’s Morning Sun in protected locations now this is what they call the dancing peacock and this tree has stunning fall color it is like the brightest red you would ever seen it’s gorgeous it’s starting to get a really nice shape eventually I’d like to find a more permanent spot in the garden but I quite like it as a potted plant at the moment and this is a moonrise now we have two Moon Rises we have this one in a pot and we have another planted out in the garden but you can see how it’s very similar to the Autumn Moon also has that full moon shaped leaf with very similar color changes to the Autumn Moon as well in this corner here this beauty is called orange dream and this one does experience a little bit of sunscorch once in a while but that’s the thing the lighter colored ones are more susceptible to sunscorch but over time they will acclimate to their location and burn less and you can see the beautiful coloring on this one as well so in the spring it starts off orange and then it goes to this beautiful yellow and it pretty much stays this color until it gets a little bit of fall coloring and here we have shiras which they’re are two names for this tree they often go by gisha gone wild and by shiras and it has a smaller Leaf but what I really like about it is that it almost has like this pink coloring it’s really beautiful in the spring you can see it has red in the center with pink on the outer edges and in the fall if you recall um George and I had gone to a local Nursery in Rhode Island called The Farmer’s Daughter and at that point they had started to mark down some trees and we brought home this beauty now this is called pastel and it has a really cute wooden crate type box but what’s the best part about this tree is obviously the tree and the foliage we were so surprised at its spring color and the size of the leaves this one also has some of that Amber burnt orange color with a little bit of pink to it it’s gorgeous we were really happy to add this to our collection when we saw the spring color this season so I think we’re going to keep this one in a pot for a little bit longer because we really like the way that it looks and we’re able to take the pot and kind of move it around to see where we like it so that’s another good thing about pots is that you can fill gaps in the garden with potted Maples and the pastel Japanese maple goes from this amber color to red and here we have a maawa yatsubusa and these are beautiful as well because they have stacked leaves you can see that they look like they stack one on top of the other just very unique looking in the spring emerges a bright lime green and I’ll insert some footage of what it looked like just a week ago and then it goes to this shade of green and that was the most difficult thing for me to decide was to when to have this tour because the colors change so quickly and in just a matter of a week they will go from one color to another another and um some are still unfurling so I think that today was going to be a happy medium where most of them are unfurled and pretty much at Peak spring collar and this here is another of the ghost series and this is Sister ghost now Sister ghost is another one that you can see has the reticulation which is characteristic of the ghost series and it has a really beautiful yellow spring color and then in the summer it goes green and it stays green for summer and fall here we have another red variety and this one is called Fire Glow and we actually have two fire glows we have one in the front yard and one here in this area and it’s just another really pretty red variety and it’s a bit brighter than the blood good Japanese Maple and down the path we have another Beauty that’s also a full moon shaped leaf and this is Jordan and this one is such a beautiful chartreuse green so vibrant this one does get a little bit of leaf Scorch um but this time of year it’s still nice and cool in the spring and it’s looking absolutely gorgeous and then the spring color is this chartreuse and then it goes a bit more yellow in the summer and it pretty much stays yellow summer and fall around the corner here we have another ghost tree this is the purple G Ghost and the purple ghost has a really vibrant red in the center with darker red almost purple on the edges with that uh reticulation that belongs to the ghost series and we just planted this in this spot this tree um last fall and I think it’s going to be really great what we try to do was put different colors that would offset one another so that when you look back here you have such a beautiful colorful Garden just from use of these trees and we have a couple more Japanese maples that we’ve dotted around the perimeter of this main Japanese Maple Garden that I’ll show you now starting here with the burgundy lace Japanese Maple and it’s a lace leaf type Japanese Maple and it is red and very similar to two others that we have called garnet and tamiama now we placed this one here in this space so that would be like a red tree against the Green backdrop of the wooded area and I think this is going to be a really nice space for it my dog wood also looking really beautiful at the moment now down this path here we have um a couple more Japanese maples and this one here is a beo and this is one that has struggled here in our zone 6 we had a couple of years where it had quite a bit of dieback and you’ll know that you have dback when the stem starts going black and then you have to cut it off disinfect your pruners and see if it bounces back and it’s held on but the characteristic thing about the be who is that it’s very similar to say the Sango Kaku or the coral bark maple where the coral bark has a red or coral bark this one the be who has a yellow bark so in the winter it has yellow bark which is very characteristic and very vibrant and beautiful and it also has a really really bright yellow fall color on the foliage we have another Japanese maple that’s not a fancy variety it’s actually a Seedling but it’s doing really well um we have it planted here in this wooded area cuz we don’t really know what type of tree it is it was just a Seedling from one of our trees that we sort of just grew on and look it’s doing really well and one that we just picked up recently that had been on George’s wish list it is the golden Falls and here it is this is one that Cascades also known as the waterfall type um there is a variety called rusin that does this a similar effect what it does is it’ll grow up to a certain point you can train it to get to a certain height and then once it gets to that height you can stop training it upward and just let it Cascade downward and has a really pretty shape this one also has really beautiful coloring this one stays yellow all year and um we liked it here because again the bright pop of yellow really stands out against the Green in the backdrop of the woods and going down this path which I really love the way this grassy area is becoming almost a second path um eventually we’re going to have this whole border gardened including some Japanese maples and other things and I think it’ll look really beautiful to walk through but we have another bed that was sort of starting and here we have a moonrise and this is a larger moonrise than the one that we have in a in the pot we have two Moon Rises we have a couple of doubles of the ones we really like but look how large this Leaf is so beautiful so again it’s very similar to the Autumn Moon and it just has such a gorgeous coloring I would say that this is among one of my favorites besides the Orum it’s a tossup and this is one that we also just added recently and this is the skers broom and the thing about the skers broom is that it grows more columnar shape so rather than a traditional Japanese maple that has a rounded tree shape this one here will grow more columnar and there are a couple that will grow that way the skers broom is one and the tw’s red Sentinel is another but it they’re both red the twamp and the skers broom I just think that the skers has a little bit brighter red so that’s the one that we selected and right here is is another orium so this is another that we have a double of and this is a little baby but it’s also all leafed out and looking really pretty now that we’ve gone through all of the maples I’ll just go through and show you some more things that I have planted in this space um in this area I’m trying to stick to mostly foliage plants as well as dwarf Evergreens and conifers so some of the things that I have planted in here um are some ladies mantle that I dotted on the entrance to the Garden underneath the maples I also have some Japanese Forest Grass the hakana cloa and this one happens to be called arola it’s a varigated green and yellow variety and I have things like lung wart or pulmonaria planted in here as well as some hooka I even added some hasta here and there but that has been really difficult to keep going in this Garden because we deal with deer luckily they don’t seem to touch our Maples too much this is a really cool dwarf Hanoi called cherman and we had picked this up at hans’s Tolen Farm in Connecticut and these are some fire chief Arbor VY and these are great because they get a really pretty bronze color almost a shade of red in the winter colder months and then they start getting a pretty chartreuse bright yellow green Green in the towards the end of spring and summer and they stay pretty compact they grow in a rounded mounded shape about 4×4 so I think it’ll fill up this space eventually here we have a weeping Blue Spruce that was a Mother’s Day gift about 3 years ago now and it’s doing really well some more hakana cloa this is the all gold it’s a really pretty chartreuse yellow color and some nice Clover weed that I have to pull out from there but this will eventually grow and sort of cascade in this corner and I think it’ll look really pretty to soften this edge here I have a golden Duchess Hemlock and I really love this Evergreen it grows wider than it does tall so it grows more horizontally and it’s got this really beautiful yellow coloring and like I said we deal with deer and so far this Hemlock has been untouched knock on wood fingers crossed they keep away but it seems to be doing really well in this space and I think that it’s going to fit this spot really well even as it continues to grow here we have a Hanoi that is struggling a little bit but I did give it some coast of main organic um Lobster compost and I’m hoping that it bounces back I also gave it a little bit of fertilizer so we’re going to give it some more time to see if it will um come back to life fill out a little a little bit more and if not we can replace it but I’ll give it another chance and this is my absolute favorite hooka it is the caramel hooka what beautiful colors this hooka has it has orange and red and yellow it’s stunning now I started with one plant I divided it into three those two are a little bit bigger this one is a little bit smaller but they’re beautiful and doing pretty well and a Hanoi now this this one I believe is called ceri it stays relatively small and compact I love hanis cuz they have this like fernny texture that sort of looks like it’s stacked it’s just really pretty textural Evergreen now I also have some ferns in this space but they are just starting to unfurl um Japanese painted Fern this one here is Godzilla and they take a little while to come to so if you think your ferns died just give them some time they do take a little while to emerge in the spring I also have a dwarf um Oakleaf hydrangea right in this space that I’m trying to protect from the deer it is called little honey and it’s got really beautiful uh yellow leaves that get um red in the fall so really pretty it only gets to be about 3×4 in size so very compact and here are some hosta that I sort of dotted underneath the ariadne um so they can get a little bit of shade currently this whole garden is part sun um but as these trees grow and they get a larger canopy everything underneath will become shade and I’m actually really excited to have some shade areas to Garden in because currently most of my garden is Sun this really pretty Evergreen is a golden Oriental spruce very similar to the Skylands Spruce and um it’s currently putting out all of its new spring growth gets these really vibrant almost like green cones at the end I have lots of lambs air planted in this space and I actually really love the way that it makes this mound of soft fuzzy foliage and this blue green coloring with a little bit of gray to it it’s just really beautiful and the Helen vonstein Lambs a which is this variety doesn’t Bloom which is great because it is less likely to become invasive but it does spread pretty wide so it does make a great ground cover right here I have another Evergreen that I really love and it’s so unique and cool it is a whip cord arborite I feel like I could just put a pair of sunglasses here and it would look like a cousin it it’s a really fun one and so far it’s been doing okay in this spot I have a couple of EO peonies that I started from uh be root I have a Julia rose and a coral Louise so this will be their second year so I’m not expecting a whole lot from them I have one here and one back there that one’s actually a lot larger so we might get a couple of blooms off of this one this year maybe still a little early to tell but um really pretty EO punies they’re a little sturdier than say the herbaceous punies they’re cross between an herbaceous and a Tre the EOS and you can see some of my Japanese painted ferns are starting to emerge and they have a really beautiful color now these certainly want shade I had them in a little bit more sun and they really did take a beating they started to get really scorched so I had to move them to this area here where they would get a bit more shade and here are two more dwarf Evergreens that I recently purchased these conifers are going to go in this Garden space as well and this is a Korean fur ice breaker it’s got this really beautiful almost like a frosted color to them and it stays like this all year it almost looks like it was uh kissed by snow or Frost and this one here is called Tom Thumb and it’s also a really small Conor ER or dwarf and dwarf just means that it has a really slow growth rate well that brings us to the end of our Japanese Maple Garden Tour I hope that you enjoyed checking out our Japanese maple collection as well as some of the conifers and plantings that we have in this space thank you so much for spending your time with us and I’ll catch you in the next one [Music] thanks for watching this video if you liked it please hit the thumbs up button and please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my future videos and we’ll see you soon [Music]


  1. I now think I will do a series of Japanese maples on my north side !!🎉 love your garden, watch all the time

  2. George is a champion at hardscapes. Your plant selections and layout creation is on point. So much to be proud of in this garden. Thanks for sharing. It's a joy to watch the progression.

  3. been gardening very long time YOUR garden is inspiring i love the rare plants an dwarfs an all the mixed colors an shapes an your husband worked his tail off an i envy you found a way to get your PARTNER INVOLVED …….it paid off

  4. Great tour! I have become obsessed with Japanese Maples in the past 9 months or so, and love this kind of video! Please do another one in the fall, and maybe in the summer!

  5. You defo need Ukigumo right there. To contrast your red, yellow and green maples. Really nice selection btw!

  6. Absolutely beautiful! You really have an eye for color play. Thank you for all the info about the different varieties. I wish we were neighbors. Always enjoy your videos!

  7. What a great garden idea! You've inspired me to create a Japanese maple specimen garden in our yard! We live on six acres in Lancaster County, PA, zone 7 (formerly 6b). My goal is to create my own "Longwood Gardens" here in our space. I used to take our son to Longwood when he was little and it such an impression on me that I decided to try my best to create that feeling around our home. Your videos are very well done and this one was especially inspiring. Thank you!

  8. Thank you so much for doing this video. You have such an easy going and calming tour presence, I enjoy watching your videos. I feel in love with conifers 2 years ago and added a lot last year. This year, I added my first Japanese maples, and I'm loving it! Your Japanese maple garden is so very peaceful and gorgeous.

  9. Hi Steph. Wow your JM collection is stunning. Love all the different color placement. I’ve been trying to get my hands on an amber ghost. I started a small collection of my own. Just curious how old is your Blood good Maple? I had mine for 4 yrs & it grew quite wide. Would love to see some pruning video next on how you maintain the size & shape. TY! ❤

  10. Fantastic garden! Looks like you have plenty of room for expansion and Japanese Maples are so addictive! Any place in particular that you order from?

  11. @1:25 were some of those from MrMaple? Those tags look familiar.

    Beautiful garden! As someone growing maples in Austin, TX, I'm slightly annoyed at how well your plants are doing, halotna bunch of us have started to incorporate truncatums due to the heat.

    You should totally get a hot blonde maple!

  12. Love maples! And your garden. I worry that sister ghost and another may be planted too close to the walkway for growth. You did such a wonderful job building it and it was so much work! I would hate for you to have to eliminate a tree in 6 years! Thank you for your in-depth informstion. Very interesting as well as beautiful

  13. It‘s a wonderful collection! Also a really dangerous disease, once you start, they keep coming 😅
    If I could make a suggestion, a very nice cultivar is Shin Deshojo.
    Greetings from Germany

  14. Love yr Japanese maple garden! I wish I could grow them but leaf scorch is very real due to the dry winds we get in summer and fall.

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