Container Gardening

July Container Garden Tour | Shady Garden Inspiration

Join me for a july tour of my shady container garden!


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#balconygarden #containergarden #containergardening

hi everyone welcome to this new video today I would like to give you a tour of my balcony garden the beginning of July I usually record these tours more towards the end of each month but I’ve been really enjoying my garden recently so I really want to share with you some updates cause weatherwise it’s absolutely perfect you guys I mentioned this on several occasions but our summers are really hot and humid the temperatures can reach up to 40° C even in the shadow but this summer is really cool like we have temperatures in high 20s low 30s so the plants are thriving so I’m excited to show you how how the things are looking at the beginning of July but before we begin a couple of really basic informations for those of you who are either new to the channel or who have never seen my uh balcony garden before so I garden in zone 8 as I said we have hot and hum summers and then cold Winters with temperatures below freezing uh and my garden faces northeast so it only gets a couple of hours of sunlight in the morning but then there are many plants that don’t receive any direct sunlight at all because they are either you know on the floor and the sun doesn’t reach them or they are kind of shaded by other larger plants and my garden is mostly perennial so it may not give you that wow effect because it’s not beaming with color and it’s not beaming with annual flowers but my thought process when creating this garden was so that it kind of mimics a real garden that there are plants for different seasons of Interest so if you follow these tours uh monthly you will see that indeed each month I’m trying to highlight different plants and there’s always something beautiful to look at always something blooming something seasonal uh so as I said it may not give you that wow effect but uh the goal was that it provides interest all throughout the year and you know when you incorporate all of those different plans for different seasons of interest in as small of a space as I have it’s not looking wow at like all throughout the year but then all throughout the year there’s always something pretty to look at and something that you can enjoy at any given moment so let me show you what we can enjoy at the beginning of July all right so why don’t we start from the indoors from the inside of my apartment and this is how I usually you know go out on my balcony so right from the start you can see this little grouping of plants here we have fuchsia on both sides here and here then we have some Snap Dragons that I grew from seeds I highly recommend this variety it’s called Snapdragon Kimosy Apple Blossom and it only grows about 20 cm tall so it’s absolutely perfect for smaller spaces for smaller containers even for window seals um and they are great as cut flowers and then as I said my balcony is in the shade for most of the day I mean as you can you can clearly see the the difference between full sun and full shade here it’s getting a little bit dark on the camera uh but I try to grow dalas this is a a small experiment of mine last year I was actually pretty successful I had one Dahlia bloom beautifully for me and I placed it strategically as you can see I lift the pots of the floor by placing them on another overturned pot so that these plants can catch as much morning sunlight as there is available these two are not blooming yet but this one is let me just give you a really quick look at this one this is Dahlia Famoso uh but these more simple Dahlias they do better these are pom pom Dahlias I think and they are not in bloom yet we have some buds but so far nothing all right so as I turn this direction let’s just start with that back corner so then we’re going to come back I’m going to talk about all of these plants we are just passing by but let’s start with this back corner here this is my full shade garden and as you can see a whole bunch of uh lovely perennials in here Japanese maple is bouncing back this is a orange dream and I complained a little bit about it because each year this poor Plant there’s something wrong with it either it’s getting too much sunlight you know even with just a couple of hours of morning sunlight this plant is unhappy it’s getting leaf scorched and then we get a ton of wind on my balcony and you know Maples they do not appreciate wind at all and this one just throws a tantrum if I can say so about a plant and it defoliate pretty much every year so this is exactly what happened this year as well due to wind but it is bouncing back as you you can see it started to produce some new foliage but this new foliage is already starting to get leaf scorched as well but I’m going to keep it for now and I will see because I absolutely love this tree so I wouldn’t want to separate myself from it and I’ve grown it for like four or five years now so I’m giving it yet another chance but below we have uh a grouping of different perennials Podophyllum Spotty Dotty such a beautiful plant with enormous leaves I actually cut back some leaves because it was getting out of control but it started to produce new leaves already lovely perennial for full shade for partial shade and then a couple of Hostas halcyon, Royal, Whirly Pop, Brunnera macrophylla and a beautiful silver fern with a very tricky name to pronounce Athyrium niponicum pictum ‘Metallicum’I’m going to put all the names on the screen obviously but as we turn this direction um couple of blooming perennials I spoke about all three of these in my recent video where I spoke about um what plants you can plant in the shade that attract different types of pollinators so here we have Astilbe ‘Milk & Honey’ blooming beautifully right now I planted it as a bare root earlier this spring and it grew pretty decent size already then we have Heuchera we have ‘Silver Gumdrop’ it’s not silver because it’s grown in the shade so the less sunand it gets the darker usually the the leaves and over there we have Tiarella cordifolia still blooming a little a little bit this is more of um early summer bloomer uh but it still has some lovely flowers attracting whole bunch of smaller insects and above beautiful variegated plant Euonymus fortunei ‘Herlequin’ as I turn around look at my enormous hydrangea this is hydrangea early blue um and I never have hydrangeas especially big leaf hydrangeas blooming at this time of year usually big leaf hydrangeas start blooming mi May and then by the end of June they are done blooming here for whatever reason but with these cooler temperatures these Hydranga are still looking pretty fresh and I even noticed some new fresh flower buds appear like this is crazy this has never happened before and I’ve been cutting this for cut flower bouquets and it just looks enormous and it has so many flowers on it I start to think that I might need to give it away to someone because it’s getting absolutely enormous look at this I have it already kind of squeezed and pushed against the wall but it reaches almost to the other end of the balcony this is one of my oldest plants but it’s absolutely beautiful I’m I’m really enjoying it this year on this side we have more snapdragons grown from seeds Snapdragon lucky lips here as well um I’ve been cutting them for my mini bouquet so there’s not much uh flowers on the plants but definitely enjoying this variety this year all right so this is how this part looks from from this side uh yet another plant here that I would like to highlight this is Hydrangea arborescens from the BellaRagazza series uh I believe this is Limetta even though I ordered Blanchetta but you know as per usual I never get what I order for some reason they always mislabel the plants or they turn out to be completely different variety and same goes for these Planters my summer Planters I have Euphoria Diamond Frost in here here and a whole bunch of Begonias and I ordered beona Florence and as per usual they turn out to be a completely different variety but I think that this actually might be Flerance because they are double Bloom beautiful pinks but many of them are actually not pink they are red or orange and some of them are not even double at all all right so as I turn around this is what I see and on the table I have more of those Kimosy Apple blossoms in this planter I created couple of years ago with Ivy kind of creating sort of an arch and these have been producing a ton of flowers as well I need to cut them because we have a lot of spent blooms on them but let’s slowly turn this direction on the floor we have a beautiful um Caladium I think this one is Florida Moonlight if I see well on the plant tag over there yes Florida Moonlight beautiful pink hearts so this is how it looks let’s move forward on this side here a little grouping of plants another Caladium I think this one is called Rosebud I may not have a tag in here yeah I think it is called Rose Bud then another beautiful perennial for partial Shade Scabiosa I think it might be a little bit pot bound that’s why it’s not blooming much but bees and butterflies absolutely love this one such a beautiful perennial plant little Sedum over here and as I look up there’s my new rose this Rose is said to tolerate uh a bit more shady area so I’m giving it a try and it’s not in bloom at the moment but it had a couple of flowers really beautiful flowers a little bit earlier in summer and it’s actually starting to put on some decent growth um I planted it as a be root this spring so obviously doesn’t look like much I will probably into it a year or two before it actually starts to climb up this Arch but let’s come back to that Dalia that I just showed you before looking absolutely beautiful uh as you can see they stay fairly small I mean I think this one um is at it’s mature size because it is a smaller Dahlia but these are full size Dahlas but as you can see they stay fairly small when they are grown in partial shade um and the flowers are smaller as well and some of them don’t actually fully develop so they are definitely not the best idea for partial shade or Shady Gardens but I really wanted to give it a try I couldn’t help myself so as I look up here is my so-called veggie garden right just here on the side still another climber it’s not in Bloom this month anymore it was clematis jacman with beautiful purple flowers but on the floor behind the clematis we have a couple of Nasturtium Cream Troika and Aalmon Gleam, Cream Troika is a little bit more compacted variety and salmon gleam is more of a climber I grew these ones from seed as well and just going to give you a look on the right side here we have Ivy Glacier topiary and Pasiflora Eia Popeia absolutely loving this beautiful climber look at this flowers don’t they look so weird such a beautiful variety and what’s interesting with Passifloras is each individual flower doesn’t last very long I think they are like they last only one day or two but then it keeps producing new flowers all the time so it doesn’t have a ton of flowers yet because it’s still a very new plant actually thought that it may die because when it was delivered it looked absolutely miserable there was not a single healthy leaf on it so I’m really happy with how it bounced back but the need to give it a little bit more time to for for it to you know put on a really beautiful show but really enjoying these uh flowers this year so um behind we have this little arum this was a gift I never bought an arum but I got it as a gift and decided okay why not let’s give it a try and look it actually blooms I absolutely love arum flowers they look so beautiful in bouquet and I think I have two plants in here I recently repotted them so I’m definitely keeping it and I’m curious to see how it does next year so let me show you a couple of veggies that I grow in my Shady Garden we have a whole bunch of radish in here that’s absolutely wited I forgot to water it a couple of herbs basil chives and um Rosemary on the floor I have some more herbs I have different mint flavored mint varieties then I have alpine strawberries yellow Alpine strawberry that tastes kind of like a pineapple and then red Alpine strawberry berries and Below we have a whole bunch of lettuce uh and then I have two blueberry bushes and they are just ripening and they are super sweet so I have Brigitta Blue and then Pink lemonade over there so these are still pretty young um but they produce a handful of berries that unfortunately black birds are are stealing from me hence why I hung these uh CDs hoping to scare them off so far so good it seems to be working but I had to cover my strawberries with a mesh uh net because they were just on that strawberry plant non-stop stealing all of the berries I could not even taste a single strawberry from this plant yet because the bires stole it all more alpine strawberries and surprisingly I decided to give a try to one tomato plant so these raiding Planters they get probably about four and a half hours of sunlight and look at this tomato full of flowers full of green tomatoes that are ripening right so so far so good you guys I mean I’m positively surprised I’ve tried tomatoes in the past that they never really did well for me but I figured if I pick a miniature variety you know a really dwarf cherry tomato that produces yellow fruit because you know the darker the fruit the more sunlight it needs to ripen so I figured if I’m going to choose a yellow variety maybe I have some chances and I am positively surprised I already harvested a handful of tomatoes from it so I might actually grow more tomatoes next year and over there just this absolutely massive hydrangea blueberry cheesecake that is now done blooming and behind it um Ivy Gold Heart All right you guys we’ve made the turn of all the balcony this is how it looks at the beginning of July I have a couple of projects coming up a couple of new plans that I’m really excited to add to my garden actually want to change a couple of plants a couple of plants that um are not doing so well like for example this woven willow tree that I didn’t talk much about it I have a love height relationship with that plant because I absolutely love the plant itself I love the structure it provides I love that woven trunk but this plant is clearly not doing well in my garden cuz there has been a mistake like I bought it on a plant Fair a couple of years ago and I asked for a dog wood for coros species because Cornus can be grown in partial shade they don’t require much maintenance versus willow trees they need plenty of sunlight plenty of water and this one is clearly struggling in this fairly small container so I’m thinking it would be a better idea for me to just give this plant away to someone who has a garden someone who can enjoy it you know the plant will have all that space available to spread its roots in search for water and nutrients so I’m sure it’s going to do much better being planted directly in the ground versus in this fairly small container and this will give me opportunity to plant something else that will perhaps do better in a container garden so I’m really excited to uh share that with you in the upcoming videos but for today this is going to be it hope you guys enjoyed it uh if you have any questions obviously don’t hesitate to ask them in the comment section if there’s any plan that you saw in my garden that I didn’t mention in this video don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section I hope you guys have a beautiful day thanks so much for watching and we will see each other in the next one


  1. Yes, the last two weeks here, near Paris, have been beautiful. Cool and partly cloudy. Your garden is beautiful. Congrats on the blue hydrangeas. Beautiful caladiums. Impressed by how much fruit and vegetables you get. I would try wrapping the maple with "fairy lights" or "Christmas Lights" meaning a garland of LED lights for a tiny bit of warmth and good light for photosynthesis. Even if the lights are of no use, in winter they will look pretty from your living room. I am enjoying my zucchini and strawberry plants. Cheers.

  2. Beautiful container garden! Have you tried growing Astrantia, Geum, and Geranium in your garden? I think they will suit your taste.

  3. Orange dream and Jordan are very fussy.. look at summer gold very similar but can take a lot more sun and wind 👍

  4. Beautiful balcony garden! What do you do to save the hostas from being eaten by bugs ? Meanwhile my hostas in containers consist almost only of holes and the hostas in my garden are delicious food for slugs every year. Do you use anything special ?

  5. Beautiful garden! I have a similar shady situation. I notice the you favor terracotta pots. Do your plants do better in Terracotta or is it a design decision?

  6. I recently discovered your channel and I am enjoying your videos a lot. I have a container balcony garden in central Germany and I learn so much from you. In which country are you? Also I am very intrigued by caladiums but will I be able to grow them in Germany with all the cold and rainy weather we have or would it be better to try them at my other home on Crete where it is a lot warmer?

  7. I always enjoy your monthly tours. My container garden is more of a courtyard style. However, your knowledge of plants and what does well in container conditions is always so helpful. I look forward to your next video. ❤

  8. Howdy, Dominika! 👋Lovely garden tour. 😃 Your garden is full of color…all the shades of green, purple, etc…that's also color! Thank you for inviting us into your sweet enchanting space! 💕 See you next time!

  9. I like balcony tours with perennials, because you can see the effort and the talent of the owner to be able to overwinter or keep a plant, you exercise your patience , waiting a plant to recover and to bloom and the satisfaction is infinit bigger. I find your balcony fascinating, even if there is not blooming everything right now, plant lovers know what I mean. For the shade corner I have a fatsia japonica, it grows like crazy. About the hydrangeas, I am so frustrated because at the end of july I had to cut them , they were done. I wish they keep longer the blooms. Although I got in april 4 blue little hydrangeas as a present, 3 of them bloomed surprisly for a second time, not many flowers, not big, not blue , but still a big surprise. I wonder if it will happen again next year or it was only because they bloomed very early in april (forced) and they had enaugh time to recover. I see the leaves of your rose are are healthy, so that is encouraging. I couldn t keep roses and dahlias on my balcony. I have to repeat , I am sorry you didn t kept the geraniums, I know you wanted to try new plants, but…. they were absolutely gorgeaus. The favourites of july: acer palmatum, caladium, hedera helix gold heart. Have a wonderful day!💚🌴

  10. Your small balcony looks 10 times better than my 'real' garden😂 I think I'd rather have your balcony! One thing I guess you don't experience is slugs? I went to pick some lettuce outside after it rained here yesterday and the slugs were partying away merrily all over my beds 😲

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