Plant Propagation

how can i propagate this guy?

he was a part of my big alocasia but broke off. how can i grow him now?

by conical_muffin61


  1. jakebless43

    I don’t see a growth node on him, he won’t propogate without one unfortunately

  2. That looks just a leaf and won’t propagate unfortunately. Whenever you repot you can hunt for corms.

  3. BossMareBotanical

    Alocasia do not propagate this was. The best way to get more Alocasia from your current plant is to dig around in the soil at the base of the plant for corms.

  4. Tyto_Tells_Tales

    Micro propagation is very difficult and requires special materials and very very clean environment, but it can be done.

  5. Intrepid_Mushroom995

    You can’t prop alocasia from leaves. Division or corms only

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