Plant Propagation

Is there ANY hope for this?

Snipped my mothers monstera in hope of saving it. All the other cuttings seem to be fine except this one and I'm not sure if I should give up on it?

by lonewolf5390


  1. Happy-Peachy-Coffee

    I would cut it where you said, (with a very sharp knife that has been cleaned with soap and water, and also run through a flame to make it sterile) let it callous over, and then put it in moss with either a lid or clingfilm with holes in over the top, then hope for the best! Honestly, it’s very unlikely it will make it at this stage, but it’s always worth giving it a go if there’s still a node there. 😊

  2. hothoochiecoochie

    It’s probably fucked. If you got time to waste you can try

  3. Necessary-Self6479

    I’ve never had luck with a prop that used wax to close up the wound It always rots for me

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