Plant Propagation

Not sure why this happens

This is only my second time i tried propagation.
I placed the two in water the day before yesterday and it seems like they’re dying.

The first started drooping and the leaves are curling up. I cut off each of them from the stem.
As for the second one, I had it pulled out from the ground and I pulled out most of its root with it. It seemed healthy when in the ground and i placed it in a pot, in which its leaves started drying up. Now in water, it seems to keep getting unhealthier and drying up.

Any hope of recovery? If so, what do I do? Thank you in advance

by CurrencyGold610


  1. United-Spinach-4410

    Leaves lose water, which is why they dry up since they cannot uptake water from lack of roots. Some people may only leave 1 or 2 sets of leaves, even cut the leaves in half to cut down on water loss. But, more then anything, you would need a cover over the leaves, to create a greenhouse, high humidity area for the leaves.

  2. handyman7469

    You could try adding a little water soluble fertilizer to the water. I did this once. I used fertilome 9-58-8. The plant came back alive. Although, it hasn’t done well after planting it in dirt.

  3. Calm_Mushroom_7789

    Remove a few leaves. It will focus its energy elsewhere.

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