Edible Gardening

The Community Orchard Update, The Bonsai Zone, July 2024

Here is a summer update to all the trees we planted in the Community Orchard, Community Gardens, First Nation’s Garden and Edible Forest!!

To see previous videos of the Community Orchard, click on the playlist here…



  1. I love that you mix in different types on content. When you prune full size trees do you ever get carried away in your application of bonsai techniques?

  2. It is so adorable to see all these kitten stumble over to you to cuddle. (Aren't kittens basically the bonsai version of cats?)

    I remember when the Community Garden/Orchard was still new, great to see how it has grown!

  3. Some thought provoking musings, Nigel. I love growing food for my family and list what is on our plates that has come from the garden. Unfortunately, I loose to the old man kangaroo who is living out his retirement feasting on my plants!

  4. You sure love your Trees Nigel, what a pity the community spirit has gone from our lives, but in the Kingdom things will sure change when the Meek Will Inherit The Earth ….🙏

  5. A really nice concept…It sad that parts of it has become commercialized and less a "community" vision but those are the times we seem to live in…At least your hearts were in the right place trying to build up your community instead of sitting by idly watching it slowly deteriorate from lack of foresight…I applaud your communities effort…The world could benefit from such vision and efforts…Well done…Love the kitty-cam…

  6. Hey Nigel great video, it would be awesome to see you and your wife collect and make a meal with your harvest..!!! Love love love your videos all the way over here in North Florida USA..!!!

  7. Woo hoo!!!
    I've been waiting for an orchard update!!!
    I'm jealous of your paw paws. I recently put four in the ground and they're little 2' whips.
    Also a contorted mulberry, which I'll be taking cuttings from when it gets bigger…a true clip and grow tree! Is that cheating? Lol

  8. Thanks Nigel for the orchard update….hard to believe that Peter Chan was in the Bonsai Zone last year around his time.

  9. It is sad people not interested in picking their own fresh fruit. I wonder if you could start a kids day to get the kids interested. I bet they would love to pick their own fruit.

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