Grafting Plants

Is this acceptable?

Pere gave out on this one. Sulfured the cut but wondering if I should have tried to cut it cleaner after I got the pere out

by regolith1111


  1. Boogedyinjax

    I personally don’t have any experience but based off of the pictures, I would probably remove the pups and cut the first quarter of an off of the base and then impale on dragon fruit if you have some or graft to PC or grandiflorus. Then graft all your pups too

  2. Equivalent_Pepper969

    Looks like you got it all. I’ve had smaller worse looking degraft’s root

  3. TheChubbyPlant

    Omg it’s so cute and chubby and fluffy I’m
    So jealous give it to me

  4. FuzzyPay3650

    Yeah try take those pups off and get a clean cut if you can, will make a bigger surface area for roots and less chance of a any mould or funny stuff happening in that cavity. Maybe should have waited till that flower died off though. Best of luck

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