
Diagnosing Help – Moss getting brown (see comments)

Diagnosing Help – Moss getting brown (see comments)

by whatsiteverwas


  1. whatsiteverwas

    Any help appreciated. Kind of at my wits end!! Third attempt that has ended up like this, desperately trying to keep this batch alive.

    **Water:** using a mist bottle with distilled water. I try to keep the moss moist but not over saturated. Was worried that was the issue and let it get dry last week before watering again and have been keeping it lightly moist since.

    **Sunlight:** I have an apartment with north facing windows. Been keeping the jar near the window, but not on the window sill. Trying to replicate the shady patch of woods I collected the moss from, but not sure if it’s getting too much or too little sunlight.

    **Humidity/Temp:** I have a digital gauge in the jar. Been keeping humidity between 70-90%. Temp has been fairly consistently 75°-78°F (apartment HVAC is set to 76°F). I keep the lid a jar most of the time to keep the humiditiy and temp from getting too high.

    **Biome:** I have the typical recommended set-up with stone false bottom, charcoal, substrate, etc. New to this interation is some isopods collected from the same area as the moss. Noticed a stow-away worm/caterpillar of some sort for the first time when taking this picture (can be seen in the middle of the larger patch of moss. “Due East” of the tip of the stone lantern)

  2. DoodleBirdTerrariums

    I could be wrong but the moss looks like it’s directly on top of horticultural charcoal. It’s possible it doesn’t like that as a substrate. I have no experience putting moss directly on charcoal but I have a feeling that might be part of it. Also, that type of moss, at least in my experience, doesn’t do super well in terrariums. But I’d say cover the charcoal with some soil first and see if the moss improves. 💛

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