Vegetable Gardening

Why do you keep a garden? How has gardening helped you in other areas of life?

Mystery seedling that survived neglect. Somehow has survived in its cell since early May. I think it may be a pepper.

by fuckintrippin413


  1. Poopular-nT-1209

    Gives me stuff to do to ease my partying. Pride. Satisfaction. A skill that can feed my family. Fresh air. Not sitting on the couch. Helps me beat winter blues. List goes on and on

  2. purplemarkersniffer

    Keeps me connected to the outside. It teaches patience, perseverance, and learning the hard lessons of letting go. True life lessons are learned in the garden. The good and the bad, who can walk away from that?

  3. Badgers_Are_Scary

    Once you are forced to deal with death, you want to surround yourself with life. I put the seed in the ground and watch it grow. I care for it. I eat it’s fruit. I put the plant in the compost bin when it’s time. The compost feeds new plants. It gives me comfort.

  4. QueenOwl1

    Helps me with feeling like I’m accomplishing something day to day. This is my first year gardening and it has been a typical first year! lol many things died, my harvests have small and almost nonexistent 🥲 but! It’s a challenge that I need and love. I’m not currently working and while I have family and a loving partner around I don’t have friends so this helps with depression too.

    Next season is on my horizon and I’m trying again and that gives me pride even in my ‘failed’ first attempt.

  5. puccagirlblue

    It teaches me (a very impatient person) patience & gives me a connection to nature that I don’t get in tech, working with a computer all day.

  6. Select-Scientist-647

    It’s relaxing and rewarding. When I’m feeling down, weeding really takes my mind off things. Seeing my plants grow from seed to fruit is really fulfilling. It is a lot of “honest” work, it also helps me feel closer to nature and the creator. ❤️

  7. I like to putter. If I need to concentrate on a work deliverable, I’ll put flip-flops on and walk around my garden, pruning and harvesting and staking, sometimes turning my compost pile until I’ve organized my thoughts. Then I go back to my home office and bang it out.

  8. No-Requirement6211

    A conscious gardener spends every day deeply entangled in the cycle of life. Most humans cannot say that about themselves. Also the more you learn about gardening, the more you realize we as humans as well as the plants and soil and everything around us are all one and the same. Traveling to experience different cultures first hand, purposeful psychedelic experience, and a simple f$$$$$g garden have more power to cause a philosophical/spiritual shift in oneself more than anything

  9. kaysarahkay

    I’ve was super sick for many years and bedridden for a long time. After a major surgery I was gifted a little snake plant, I almost killed it but decided to learn about it and help her thrive while I myself was also learning to thrive in life again.

    Now I have like 30 indoor plants, and a outdoor garden,it’s my reason to get out of bed. Medical PTSD and anxiety over trusting your own body is mentally so hard and i struggled to want to get out of bed. But now I go sit with my plants and look forward to caring for them and learning about each one. Gave me purpose again.

  10. A few reasons. First, the enjoyment of putting in the hard work and literally reaping what I sowed. You get that bit of high from enjoying the harvest from the plants you worked so hard to cultivate.

    Second, I absolutely LOVE home grown tomatoes. So does my father.

    Third, my mother was a huge gardener as was my grandmother. I’m carrying on a tradition that just feels right.

  11. LLCoolBeans_Esq

    Originally, bc I found out how amazing home grown tomatos could be. Now, 5 or 6 years later, its bc I’ve become obsessed with all of it.

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