Rare Houseplants

Good deal?

Just bought this monsters albo for $160. Fair price?and also any tips on promoting growth/healthy plant. Thank you!

by Coollio2894


  1. That1GirlUKnow111

    It really just depends where you live. It looks very happy and the coloring is amazing! If you love it then it was worth every penny. Better coloring often raises price as well.

  2. Mycolaurent

    If you’re in the US I wouldn’t say so. Great variegation, but poor growth. I’d personally want to chop and start over something like that

  3. chills666

    For the consistency in variegation together with the amount, condition, and size of leaves it’s holding onto – I’d say yes you got a good deal. I don’t know what prices are like in your area but this is a good looking plant and it’s obviously healthy. If I had purchased it, I’d be pleased with the price tag. Even more so if it was from a good seller and not a bug-ridden big box store pushing TCs and doomed-to-fail props just for the sake of making money!

  4. cryptoDCLXVI

    I would say this is a great deal. I’ve seen much worse for much more. My albo is not this nice nor does it have this many leaves and it cost me 200.

  5. Vidadeverde

    Yes, thats a pretty good deal. That amount of lwaves and pretty marbling at $20/node roughly. It also looks healthy 😊 Id personally suggest against cutting it. Theyre slower growers and will revert back to juvenile leaves if you cut. Give it bright indirect light and fert in the growing season so it will keep maturing and pushing more fenestrations.

  6. ggfdvhjknbvv

    It’s a very good deal!!!!! I paid $275 for a similar 6 leaf one awhile ago

  7. HealthyPassage6075

    It’s got consistently nice variegation, decent size and maturity. I would say the price is quite reasonable in that regard.

  8. Great variegation, but it appears to be possibly grown in low light causing a lack of fenestration. If you like it buy it. It’s a fenestration virgin!

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