What's this plant

This is popping up all over my yard.

Is it possible it’s corn? I feed the birds and squirrels corn occasionally.

by mymomsaidicould69


  1. PrestigiousZucchini9

    Yep, and the squirrels and birds are planting it all over. If you feed cracked corn rather than while kernels, it won’t grow.

  2. No-Environment2976

    I think sorghum (Milo) which makes up a large fraction of birdseed. Cracked corn won’t germinate and plants too slender for corn

  3. Scott_on_the_rox

    Looks like milo to me. It happens.
    Good news is when it heads out, it feeds the birds for you. We plant a bunch every year on purpose.

  4. Cerulean_Shadows

    This reminds me of a funny story.

    In college I worked in retail. I was making an order for low stock items on one aisle, and on the neighboring aisle I heard 2 young girls around 6 and 8 years old. The youngest said she didn’t feel good a fraction of a second before throwing up and the distinctive lumpy wet splatter we all dread.

    Next thing I hear is the older girl go: “Eeewww, when did you eat corn?!”

    To which the other little girl said: “I don’t know!” With just as much surprise as the older girl.

    As their little toddling feet ran off, so did mine, because that was not a day I was dealing with that mess. I was already doing a ton of extra duties outside of my job description for no extra pay.

  5. No-Culture9352

    could be grass of some kind ,
    but looks like corn or somesuch caine

  6. SuchDogeHodler

    Squirrels buried corn around your yard, my grandmother used to feed Squirrels raw peanuts, and soon, she had peanut plants growing all of her flower beds.

  7. Did you have a hanging birdfeeder? Source of seeds.

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