Gardening Australia

Thoughts on how to fix this?

Someone got bogged on my lawn while I was away for work. What is the process to fix this?
Up for suggestions!

by RocknRolla45


  1. Live_Canary7387

    What’s the point of having such a huge area of just grass?

  2. 1) stop people driving on your badly-drained ground

    2) roll it flat

    3) leave it a while

    4) Use the land for something better than shitty unhappy grass – at least crop it for hay

    a) new plan – that’s almost wet enough to grow rice.

  3. upsidedownmadhouse

    Use a rake/adds/mattock to attack the edges and high spots then drag it back into the wheel tracks.
    I still find the wheel tracks to be lower after doing this tho so usually need some material to fill back up level you could use sand I personally used roadbase last time because that’s what I had it took a couple months for grass to cover back over.

  4. that area is now compacted, best option is to rip/till it or otherwise aerate it, then smooth flat and seed it. when paddocks are wet, farmers will avoid driving on them for this reason.

    But since its not a productive area, you could just push the edges in throw in some seed mixed with the soil and let it grow.

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