Plant Clinic

Help my plants dying, I’m really new to plants and I do not know what to do

Help my plants dying, I’m really new to plants and I do not know what to do

by ComfortableHour5462


  1. Change it to a larger pot and buy new soil, change its location, I hope someone can tell you if it needs shade, semi-shade or a lot of light, you should also find out how much water it needs.

    I hope your plant recovers soon.

  2. YoohooCthulhu

    This looks like something in the calathea family. They can be really picky about water quality. Try flushing with distilled water and using that to water.

  3. ajellyfishbloom

    These get phytotoxicity from fluoride, so be sure to use distilled, rain water, or reverse osmosis water. It’ll cause chlorosis and necrosis at the edges of the plant. Ideal humidity for these is between 40 and 60%. The University of Florida has a science-based (trusty!) guide [here]( Scroll down to the section on interior care. Check the table at the bottom that addresses physiological issues.

  4. 1SaltySirenhere

    Do not put it in a larger pot. They like to be snug in their pots. This pot is probably a little big.

    Check for root rot.

    Check for spider mites.

    Give it a pebble tray. Put rocks in the tray that it looks like it’s sitting on, add water, refill as it evaporates. It may be in the bathroom, but they really do like humidity, but not wet soil.

    Every once in a while, stick it in the shower and rinse it off, try to make sure to get both sides of the leaves. Lukewarm water (I’ve sprayed mine with very warm water with no side effects, but don’t go crazy).

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