Gardening UK

Huge Piles of Soil

Hi all, noticed these huge piles of soil day after mawing the lawn. Concerning?

by El-Waky


  1. nacentaeons

    Mole. Kill it before it destroys your lawn. Get couple of claw traps.

  2. As soon as I saw the picture, ‘I am a mole and I live in a hole’ popped into my head, haven’t heard that for years 😂

  3. sierra165

    Moles – brush the soil gently into a dustpan and use it. It’s good stuff! Grass will grow over in a few days and you won’t even notice the tiny hole the mole has made. He’ll move on in a few days to someone else’s garden. But they do come back every now and then.

  4. There’s only one way to get rid of Moles… mothballs and dynamite!!

  5. AcuteAlternative

    They’re jus molehills, no need to make a mountain out of them.

  6. CaptainRAVE2

    Used to see loads of these growing up. Haven’t seen them for years. Another thing in decline. A bit annoying if you have a nice lawn, but actually great for soil aeration and drainage.

  7. wishiwasntyet

    Moles moles moles everywhere but can you see them? They are unicorns of the dirt leaving piles of dirt as a remembrance.

  8. ActionManpants

    Moles are pretty cool. They can be a bit of a nuisance though, one day you go away for a week, come back and there is 40+ hills everywhere.

    The can also be potential danger if they get out of hand in a pasture or livery setting as the horses or livestock can break limbs in the tunnels/holes.

    They are super cute and awesome creatures though here long before us, hopefully people opt to deal with them humainly..but once there is a big network of mole tunnels under your garden or field and you did dispatch of them it won’t be long until a new little chap would claim the labyrinth. Sometimes there are underground mole turf wars, I think this is when the hills go a bit mad.

    Source – Me. A guy who grew up rurally with a large garden with many many moles 😀

  9. OnlySeasurfer

    As others have said- moles. I brush the soil mound into the surrounding grass until it’s all flat and level again. If it leave a small area, I just let the grass grow in naturally, but some of the bigger ones warrant a handful of grass seed to get things filling back in.

    In terms of preventative care, options are limited. There are non-kill sprays/granules (not experience with those), or sonic/vibration deterrents which I have found to be quite effective. There are also dedicated mole traps, but in order to deploy those effectively, you need to dig up the mole run, but often causes more damage than the mole itself.

    Unless it is a trophy lawn, I’d leave it be- it’s an indication your soil is loaded with worms, grubs and other good stuff. They aerate the soil nicely, and will move on in a few days. Once you stop noticing new hills, you can set about fixing up the lawn, and maybe put in a sonic deterrent to prevent his/her friends coming back.

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