Plant Clinic

Yellower than Coldplay hits

Help! My monstera!

My sister gave me two cuttings each having two leaves.
Stage one: they were transported for two days in a saturated paper towel in a bag that was kept moist the whole time in about 75 degrees.
Stage two: they were placed in a glass mason jar with room temp filtered water. This stage lasted 4 days. Picture is from the end of this stage right before potting. She told me to try potting them.
Stage three: potting attempt. They were kept fairly moist, was afraid they were getting overwatered so cut back a little bit on how much water they got. One cutting started to turn yellow which lead me to the cutting back on water a lil decision. This stage lasted about a week. Pic is from end of stage.
Stage four: back to mason jar with water – Sister suggested this. Yellow plant broke at the base where the two stems were joined. One of them (yellow) had a fairly decent sized shoots of roots sticking out… so why isn’t it looking healthy? They look very hurt. I don’t know how to help them. Even the very nice green color ones look wilty and wimpy. The yellow ones are now completely yellow.

Note: they sit in a west facing window that gets about 10 hours indirect and 1-2 hours direct sunlight a day. The sun pokes from behind a tree in the sky for that short period before popping behind another local apt building.

by string_p


  1. AutoModerator

    Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic!

    It looks like you may be asking about a monstera. In addition to any advice you receive here, please consider visiting r/monstera for more specialized care advice.

    *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/plantclinic) if you have any questions or concerns.*

  2. nicoleauroux

    Can you just give us a picture of their current condition, their roots?

  3. nicoleauroux

    If you’re on mobile you can close the app and reopen. This usually resets my ability to add photos to comments.

  4. I never depend on the cutting leave’s survival to be an indication of the survival of the new plant. If the leaf stays green, awesome. If it turns – so long as the roots are healthy you’ve had a successful propagation. Let it grow out, be patient. If the roots have taken, a new leaf will shoot up. Pretend they aren’t turning yellow

    For my props, I water twice their first week in soil, then once a week until they really take off, then we’re on to once every two or three weeks. I’ll post pictures of my most recent props

  5. I’ve had a few monstera adansonii cuttings fail for me too, not your fault

  6. _sebbyphantom_

    You can cut off the leaves and put the stem on moss or perlite to root. If the leaves are so weak to begin with it’s often easier to work without them 🙂

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