
Sigh… After eating your kale Frank visited my garden and ate the leaves on the pepper plants. Thanks for nothing, Frank…

Sigh… After eating your kale Frank visited my garden and ate the leaves on the pepper plants. Thanks for nothing, Frank…

by throwawaymyalias


  1. Saint_fartina

    Little bastard then stopped by my place and ate the leaves off my tomatillos.

  2. AutumnalSunshine

    You’re raising meat, not vegetables. 😂

  3. doingdadthings

    Just curious. Why let him eat your plants?

  4. agapoforlife

    Put out a bucket of water, save him from drowning, and he and his family will leave your shit alone. That’s my story about why the ground squirrels have left my garden alone this year anyway lol. Knock on wood.

  5. CncreteSledge

    I’m not sure if you live in a neighborhood or in the country, but I’d consider a .22 or pellet as a solution at this point if I were you. Luckily I have 3 large dogs, so critters generally leave my back yard alone.

  6. Apprehensive-List927

    Where are the red tail hawks when you need them?

  7. kyzersmom

    Time to eat Frank. Heaven knows he’s been eating good

  8. Frank is the best name for this little guy. He needs to stop binging tho…sooooo not healthy for his chunky little body.

  9. ExternalPay6560

    Frank called me just now and asked that you plant more next year. He wants to bring some friends. Oh and more variety too.

  10. Highly recommend spraying your plants with Dr Bronner’s soap mixed with ground peppers. Cayenne works, ghost chili excels. It’s safe on plants and helps the spicy stick to the leaves.

  11. Gayfunguy

    I think alot of you in this sub are masochistic because you just let your crops get ruined and won’t do anything.

  12. yankeeNsweden

    Make a concoction of hot pepper water and spray your plants. He will not be eating at your salad bar after that.

  13. shelbstirr

    I planted 10 peppers before a work trip and by the time I came back they had vanished completely, as if they were never there. Was so strange to me, as in my 4 years of gardening (in many locations) I’ve never had anything eat my pepper plants.

    Now we know it was Frank.

  14. FairiesandPansies

    I trap groundhogs and transplant them. They climb fences to. There super easy to trap and very timid

  15. I have a Frank. He’s eaten all my cilantro, some bell peppers, some tomatoes, and now dahlias.
    I just have stems now.

  16. JuWoolfie

    This is why I have a sling shot.

    My aim is so bad I’ll never hit anything (not that I try) but it’s so entertaining firing off a tiny blob of something to scare them off.

  17. Seetheren03

    That would be called surviving. That is what every species aims for.

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