Vegetable Gardening

This Household is Eating Tomatoes Hand Over Fist

This Household is Eating Tomatoes Hand Over Fist

by girlwhoplayswithbugs


  1. TheMissingPremise

    That’s what I’m aspiring to do next year. I hope to basically make a garden salad garden.

  2. Right around this time of year is when my mouth starts feeling raw from all the acid in all the tomatoes I’m eating. So. Many. Tomatoes.

  3. SunshineBeamer

    Just had a talk with my neighbor on whether she likes tomatoes or not, LOL! It is gonna be a good year if the varmints don’t invade.

  4. Same. I really like tomatoes. But I don’t know if I like 5 plants worth of tomatoes 🤣😭. Literally been eating them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  5. My toddler raids the cherry tomato plant every day at the peak season and is eating ripe ones right off the plant. Usually walks back with seeds running down his shirt.

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