Gardening Australia

Bottle brush pruning

I have 3 bottle brush trees in my backyard that are all taller than my house and in desperate need of a hard cut back. How hard can I cut them back without destroying them? For reference the fence is 6ft 🙈

by Dogs-For-Days


  1. nathangr88

    Check your council first, most do not allow more than 10% pruning anyway

  2. Why do people think like this? Trees did not evolve getting ‘a hard cut back’, they don’t need it to be healthy.
    Your tree looks fine. If you want to improve its health, get rid of the grass and mulch under the canopy.

  3. Accomplished-Clue145

    That’s about its mature size, it doesn’t really need cutting back but you can if you want. Hack it anyway you want, it will grow back fine, super hardy things they are.
    Check your local council TPO (tree protection order) you will need permission to prune it if it falls within the parameters ,especially since its native.

  4. Pauly4655

    We cut ours down to 3mt every 5 years and don’t give a shit what the council says our place our trees we planted

  5. No_pajamas_7

    bottle brush handle it better than other natives, but why?

    I might trim one or two of those branches hanging over the neighbour place, but otherwise I’d leave it. Looks like it’s a good tree for native birds.

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