Plant Propagation

Impossible to grow?

Can these leaves be propagated? Found them on the walkway outside of a garden center. Is it possible at all to get these to grow roots eventually? Thanks 😊

by mamakir


  1. Most likely these won’t grow since they don’t have a growth point attached. 🙁

  2. If you have a Trader Joe’s store in your area, they have outdoor plant racks. I’ve rescued broken tradascantia & pothos bits from the ground before and gotten them to root.

  3. dancon_studio

    Unfortunately not 🙁 Your cutting should have at least one leaf node on it. Ideally you should select a cutting that has two nodes below ground, and two above.

    You do however get some plants that can be propagated via leaf cuttings. The 6 [Streptocarpus]( cuttings in this tray for example were all taken from a single leaf.

    *(pulling that one out now to take that photo, I think I can get them into pots actually)*

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