Plant Propagation

Shantung maple propagation

I have this shantung maple that was uprooted by major wind last year. This spring the main tree did not come back, scrape tested the trunk and it showed no life through the tree.

The bottom has these offshoots that seem to be healthy.

Is there advice on how to get several new trees from this?

My plan is to
1. Cut smaller growth soon, root hormone and make a clear plastic tub mini greenhouse for them to root.
2. I bought an air layer kit off and will attempt on a bigger stem starting this week (Aug 01)
3. After tree is dormant, remove entire tree and place in nursery pot. Try to keep alive over winter and air layer next spring/summer.

Is it too late in the year for air layering?
Zone 7b Oklahoma

by fosterscot

1 Comment

  1. ArcusAngelicum

    You can try all that, or just buy a new tree…

    Those bottom shoots are the root stock, which, while not worthless, isn’t what you paid for when you bought the tree.

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