Plant Propagation

what should i do with my propagated money tree?

Background: My Great Grandma gave me a money tree 3 years ago. I moved out and my brown thumb mom said she would take care of it and after I left it started dying. In an attempt to save it my mom put the healthy piece in water where it has been for about a year now.

I'm guessing it's probably ready to be put in soil but I have zero gardening or plant care knowledge past the basics of watering.
Is the plant okay since it's been in water all this time? What is the best way for me to care for it and get it healthy?

by TheFleaa04

1 Comment

  1. Southern_Cut_4636

    What your mom did is the best thing for the situation, and after a year it’s definitely time if you are ready to plant it. Just get a small pot with drainage holes (maybe 4-6 inches) and plant it with some standard potting mix. If you want to get fancy you can add some perlite and/or orchid bark to help with drainage. Let the soil dry out between waterings and water very well when you do. Let excess water leak out the bottom. You can get a tray for underneath, but don’t let the plant sit in water, let the plant finish draining before you put it back on the tray. Keep it in a bright and humid spot and it should thrive 🙂

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