Garden Plans

This is How Much Money Bill Gates Plans to Leave His Kids

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#billgates #gates #inheritance #millionaire #billionaire #richlifestyle #kids


  1. Very good idea they didn't work for it so it's not theirs especially with this generation being shity people just because they have more money

  2. If you can't build a comfortable happy life with a $10,000,000 inheritance then you can't do it with more than that either.

  3. Only ten million? How are they supposed to get a yacht big enough to fit a pool big enough for a smaller yacht?

  4. "only ten milllion" "too extreme" my brother, the average person in a high-end country, like the USA or France, only needs 1-2 million dollars to survive from day 1 to the end of their life time, and that's accounting for having to buy a car, house, and so on, which they will NOT have to do… They have more than enough to continue living in luxury, though not as luxurious as prior Bill Gates' death. In addition, they can just start up a business with that 10 million, and with their extremely superior education and ultra high end connections, easily get back to 9-digits, maybe even 10-digits networth… the Gates family is doing just fine lmao

  5. Dad only gave us $10 mill you know what is that worth now in the year 2040?? Can't even pay my gas with $ 1 mill😅

  6. Kind of curious if there’s any tax loopholes to give your kids more money because I don’t believe this. There’s got to be more to this then just 10 million even though that’s a lot of money for the average person.

  7. He taught them everything he knows. They all probably have way more than 10 million each already from doing what dad taught them.

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