Plant Propagation

FIRST TIME HOYA prop from cutting

This is my first time propagating a Hoya from a cutting. I was gifted 2 Hoya Carnosa Splash cuttings, and began them in water around 5 weeks ago. So far, so good… but as I only have 2- I want to give them the very best chance I can. So…. Is this one ready for some dirt or would you wait a bit longer?

Also, curious and open to feedback on whether I might have a greater success rate going semi-hydro?

All of my other Hoyas (Rope, Lisa, variegated Kerrii) are doing well in my curated chunky potting mix – but I adore this little guy and really want him to make it!

All suggestions welcome!
Thank you!!

by Curious_Bathroom6207

1 Comment

  1. I usually wait a little longer with my water props personally, but I don’t know about Hoyas specifically. Maybe someone with more experience than me can weigh in

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