Plant Propagation

First Time Prop Help Please!

Managed to snag a medium sized Melano and fairly large Verrucosum cutting for very cheap, very exciting! Only issue is that I haven’t purchased anything other than established plants before (or cuttings with a fairly large root system already developed for a simple moss removal and soil transfer). If anyone more experienced can guide me on the following, I’d really appreciate it:

1) is this a standard Verru? Or is this one of its many variations? Leaf size currently is much larger than my hand, coloration shown in video is close enough to in person.

2) Both these cuttings were given to me in a small moss ball, with tiny roots forming (less than an inch for all roots across both plants). The Melano roots were white and healthy, while the Verru had slightly black tips, which I snipped until I saw only white in the core. I placed them both together in a very slightly damp moss cup (veeeery slightly damp to avoid further rot in the Verru’s roots, much less than what they were originally in). I then placed that entire cup in a large zip-lock bag and lightly misted the inside before sealing (for humidity). I placed said bag very close to my best grow light, close enough to add heat to the bag and give it really solid light.

Was this the right move? Will the roots continue to grow, or should I have put them in water instead? Did I need to add pearlite or leca or anything else into the moss first? How often should I open the humidity bag? How often should I mist the moss? Any guidance for this first time propagation would be a huge help.

by dexnotint

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