Plant Propagation

ZZ propagation

Here I go again! Am I the only one having a hard time propping ZZs ?! They rot almost every time. Tried water never worked, tried perlite had 25% success. I chopped the stems again, will retry perlite or should I try directly in soil ? So easy to care, so hard to prop. Let me know your tricks, for now I have no fun with this guy.

by Andreenaline

1 Comment

  1. Scrubtimus

    I have put 8 or so tiny props straight into soil with success. They take a long time, I figure since they are young and establishing.

    I have a large piece in a vase with paper towel around the cut and the paper towel wicking water to the base of the stem. It hasn’t shown success in over a month and the base of the stem looks wrinkled and shriveling.

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