Plant Propagation

Does this look alright?

I have a seedling heating mat underneath.

How do I know if I have too much water? I tried sphagnum moss and it molded immediately. I kept it open to try to dry it out, but after two days, the mold was still prevalent. Perlite was my second attempt. 😅

Any beginner tips?

by Ok-Meat-6476


  1. 90percentneanderthal

    When I did mine a few months ago, I just completely covered the perlite in water, then drained it all out to the best of my ability. I also packed mine a little too full at first and noticed quite a bit of rotting in the beginning, lost maybe 1/4 of them but after that they took off! I also make sure to take the lid off and shake it off levers few days or so if it looks super full of condensation.

  2. BigOccasion4111

    I made my first prop boxes in the beginning on the month and I’m already getting growth points on almost all my nodes (100+ 😆)

    I’m using moss. I prepare the hell out of it though. I run it under hot hot water, and shock it with cold after then I start breaking any large pieces down, and make it fluffy.

    After I drain most of the water out I drench with a solution of plant starter, prop drops and water. Drain out most and mix with a little bit of leca or pumice stone for aeration. My newest prop boxes have holes, but my others don’t and are still doing great. About an 1.5” high layer of the moss. I compress just a bit still keeping 1.5” and I bury my nodes in the moss and upright with stem out or if sideways I’ll just bury the node and keep the stem out

    My very first box didn’t get much success and I think it was because I didn’t bury the node. I’m sure perlite with work just fine, just make sure you got that 1.5” of growing medium. After I got all my nodes placed, I’lI spray with a 1:1 solution of water and hydrogen peroxide to combat mold. Drilling holes in the top and bottom will allow more airflow and will help and leafs from rotting. If your box is heavy after adding moss/medium or if you see puddles of water on the bottom of your box it means you overwatered.

    Good luck!!

  3. Consciousyoniverse_8

    Looks amazing. Can you create a greenhouse effect? They will flourish I did this with some pothos cuttings. Some sprouting leaves others didn’t. It was definitely worth it though. Just have some patience

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