Plant Propagation

Will these propagate?

I have no idea what these trees are, they're along my neighbour's pathway & I just really like them. Do we think they'll propagate? Any tips would be handy.

(Cuttings taken with permission!)

by _Clemmers


  1. Comfortable_Pilot122

    Its an experiment. Maybe, maybe not.

  2. Google Lens thinks these are Avacado! And it should propagate just fine.

  3. If they don’t propagate that way, you could also try getting some rooting hormone powder and dip the cut end of it in the powder then plant in soil. That might work 😊

  4. Anxious_Passenger739

    I don’t think this is an avocado or plum, I think this is a Holly shrub. Kurogane Holly to be more specific. Have you ever seen it get berries in the fall?

    ETA, if this is in fact Holly you can propagate from cuttings, but I’d suggest some rooting hormone as someone else said, stick it in moist potting soil or sand and cut the leaves in half to reduce transpiration. Also keep out of direct sunlight.

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